Complete 26 threads—with titles starting with every letter of the alphabet! Threads must have at least ten posts, and three of them must be your own.
A - Ambivalence Avenue
B - Bad Kitty
C - Claire Benet vs. Sisse Thompsett
D - Damsels
E - Eldin Bones vs. Sweetie Whitledge
F - Friends Need to Talk
G - Gryffindor is for winners
H - Hello My Friend
I - In Broad Daylight
J - Jinxed Balls
K - Know That We're Winning
L - Little Talks
M - My Love, My Life, My Everything
N - No Way, Stowaway
O - Of Course I'm Right
P - Present for Sister
Q -
R -
S - Snow, Snow, go Away
T - Troubles on the Mind
U - Ugh, Legal Stuff
V - Victor North vs. Constance Sykes
W - Wide Awake
X -
Y - You Almost Died, I Was Worried, Shut Up
Z -
Join and complete ten open threads, and have ten of your open threads completed. Threads must have at least ten posts, and at least three of those must be yours. Head on over to lonely threads to get started!
My Open Threads
1 - Me w/ Sweetie
2 - Me w/ Alina
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
Others Open Threads
1 - Kayte w/ Holliday
2 - Hawke w/ Emmeline
3 - Te w/ February
4 - Fallin w/ Lucille
5 - Bree w/ Aria
6 - Bree w/ Aria
7 - Bree w/ Aria
8 - Kayte w/ Roslyn
9 -
10 -
Participate in 25 duels. All should be completed and archived. Character accounts can be combined.
Duels I have participated in:
1 - Sweetie vs. Eldin
2 - Warwick vs. Tybalt
3 - Claire vs. Sisse
4 - Claire vs. Sapphire
5 - Camille vs. Madeline
6 - Ace vs. Jack
7 - Victor vs. Constance
8 - Acacia vs. Eldin
9 - Camille vs. Frida
10 - Acacia Ruskin vs. Royal Pyrites
11 - Sweetie Whitledge vs. Germander Macnair
12 - Warwick Nott vs. Rupert Bingham
13 - LINK & TEXT
14 - LINK & TEXT
15 - LINK & TEXT
16 - LINK & TEXT
17 - LINK & TEXT
18 - LINK & TEXT
19 - LINK & TEXT
20 - LINK & TEXT
21 - LINK & TEXT
22 - LINK & TEXT
23 - LINK & TEXT
24 - LINK & TEXT
25 - LINK & TEXT