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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Impeccable IC Quotes
alliterative title ayyy

Quote:As for this Mr. Bixby - I hold out hope that by the time you receive this letter in return you will have been freed of that Utter Hell, but if not - I am more than willing to come by and chop off his hand if it helps. I needn't use magic, if magic has failed you thus far.

Porphyria Dempsey in My Life Is Over

You can complain about boy troubles to any friend, but only your best friend would offer to maim them for you.

The following 2 users Like Ophelia Devine's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour, Declan Wood
ft. more MJ masterpiece quotes

Quote:Kristoffer was going to be great at this, because he was great at everything. Also his memory was greater than everyone else's, because he bet no one else had ever lost their virginity somewhere exotic like Morocco. Hell, he bet no one else had even lost their virginity. Inexperienced losers.

Kristoffer Lestrange in Patronus DADA Thread

The following 3 users Like Bella Scrimgeour's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Basil Foxwood, Declan Wood

Quote:He (or his family in this case) would provide for himself, or he would walk through the halls in the nude until he was expelled.
Ernie Nuffer in Slytherin Pride

The following 1 user Likes Tristan Michaud's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour

[Image: fbG6udO.png][Image: AnQ1s0Z.png][Image: IVbwHN.png]
Quote:To his Michal Phelps, she was someone who was just learning the basics of swimming.

Ellory on kissing in We're Going Home

The following 2 users Like Reuben Crouch's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Elsie Kirke

MJ made this <3
Kris cracks me up alright :P

Quote:Having sisters was like having a pet, Kristoffer supposed: needy, weren't they? Just liked to be sure you remembered they existed. Reluctant as he was to acknowledge Frida's interest any more than necessary, perhaps Kris also had something of a domestic animal in him, since he was supremely susceptible to having his ego stroked.

Kristoffer Lestrange in REMEMBER ME

Quote:Kieran's eyes immediately picked out Jude's face on the cover, and once he read the title, his expression became the best approximation of the :D emoji.

"I. Love. This. Magazine," Kieran enthused.
Kieran Abernathy in Apollo Shining
(Have I said lately how much I effing love this group?)

The following 2 users Like Roberto Devine's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour, Cassius Lestrange
Quote:Miss Scrimgeour's your type. If your type is rich, pureblood, and bad for you.

Arthur Pettigrew in their letters.

The following 2 users Like Reuben Crouch's post:
   Avril Lukeson, Bella Scrimgeour

MJ made this <3
Quote:Why didn't Ministerial employees get anything cool? She could do fancy wandwork, but she didn't have sailboats, or sabres, or Prophet articles featuring her, or a fancy expedition to go on. (She supposed that if she bugged Ross about it he might give her a sword, or at least a fancy letter-opener.) She also had not almost died in the jungle, so - you win some, you lose some.

I love this. From @"Zelda Fisk" in Heels Over Head.

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
Quote:Besides, what was the point of visiting Ireland? Potatoes, alcohol and poverty porn?

Arthur Pettigrew in Walking Disasters

MJ made this <3
Quote:It wasn't like he could seek out Mister Fisk and ask him to be his gay Obi-Wan Kenobi or whatever the VE equivalent was.

Please, I choked from laughing so hard. Philip Aymslowe in Flying Furballs

The following 1 user Likes Hyperion Dearborn's post:
   Roberto Devine

[Image: pydzd5.gif]
Quote:While not much shorter than him, she was much smaller in weight; she found herself practically bouncing off his larger body when she attempted to shove him.
Bella Scrimgeour in A Bad Time to be a Bella
Poor Bella, RIP her defensive skills.

The following 1 user Likes Acacia Darlington's post:
   Argus Scrimgeour

Magic by Elaine!

Quote:She was going to dance around the room like a lithe little pixie and be dressed and gone before he'd even found his under garments.
J. Alfred Darrow in Mr. Brightside

The following 2 users Like Zelda Darrow's post:
   Dionisia Fisk, J. Alfred Darrow

[Image: xXXD462.png]
Quote:Now that he had walked up to them, he couldn't exactly whirl around and get going. That would be rude. And was not, presumably, how straight men seduced their future wives.

Cassius Lestrange in Eyes on the Screen.

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Declan Wood
Quote: "So the coral flower crowns... stimulate the wearer, in that way. Just a touch." Kieran had tested that one to make sure it wasn't too strong; the crown had caused that familiar buzzing need for warmth in his gut, but not enough that moral people would actually act on it. (Actually, it was a feeling that he sometimes got looking at Jude, but that was best not discussed.)
Kieran Abernathy in PEACE & LOVE


The following 1 user Likes Bella Scrimgeour's post:
   Declan Wood

Quote:Besides - shiny, pretty - Ishmael could be pretty, he decided, when he'd just fed, when he wanted. His teeth were shiny. He could absolutely pretend that Monty was sweet talking him instead of soaking in his own narcissism. He wasn't pretending that, because he wasn't sad and pathetic and needy about this... just, he could, if he wanted to.
Ishmael in Be Your Shadow
I forgot how much I love them and this thread.

magic by mj
Quote:She hesitated on asking what 'manifesto' meant - he was already annoyed with her. If she were to admit that he had used words she was unfamiliar with, she'd spend up the August patience coins. She was given a stack each day. Depending on the day, she'd spend the coins relentlessly and he'd get peeved at her and would avoid her until her stack was regenerated. Today, she was going to spend those coins wisely.
Elsbeth Lupin in Robbers & Cowards

The following 3 users Like August Echelon-Arnost's post:
   Declan Wood, Rebecca Grey, Roberto Devine

[Image: PxGk0D8.jpg]
set by Bree

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