Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

Get a Job!

Below you'll find an extensive—but not all-inclusive—list of jobs and occupations your character might take on. Be sure to take their sex and class into account when finding work for them. Please post to reserve "one-off" jobs only—you do not need to come back and claim jobs, and there is no need to hold those with unlimited slots ;)

Occupations may be reserved for five days only with no renewals allowed. Only currently open occupations can be reserved.  You may reserve and claim previously held positions here. It is strongly recommended you double check those history lists for vacation dates.


The Ministry of Magic
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Professional Quidditch

Your character is not limited to the list of occupations found below! You are free to create your own occupation if it is not found on this list—both the Victorian era and the HP universe provide a wide variety of options to explore :)

Want to know what schooling your dream job requires? See this documentation for details.

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

The Ministry of Magic


Minister of Magic: Ozymandias Dempsey— Appointed via election
Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic: Roman Crouch — Subject to Ministerial approval
— 28 or older
Junior Assistant: Charles Macmillan — Subject to Ministerial approval
— 20 or older
Ministerial Secretary:Juliana Ainsworth— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older

Click me for membership info!

Chief Warlock: Lucius Lestrange— Requires staff approval
— Existing member of the WG
— 40 or older
Interrogators (3): --, -- — WG member for three years or more
Court Scribe: --— Working or Middle Class
— 15 or older
Secretary to the Chief Warlock: --— Unmarried female
— Working class
— 17 or older


Head of Committee: --— Middle or Upper Class
— Male
— 30 or older
Committee Members (7): Anthea Selwyn, —— 25 or older
— Middle or Upper class
— One (unmarried) female


Head of Committee: Philip Rowle— Middle or Upper Class
— Male
— 30 or older
Committee Members (7):— 25 or older
— Middle or Upper class
— One (unmarried) female


Head of Department: Murdock Greyback  — 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: Timoleon Maxime — Middle or Upper class
— 7 or more years in the department
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Lawyers (Unlimited): --, --— 2 or more years as a Junior Lawyer
Junior Lawyers (7): --, --— 1 or more years as a clerk
— Can hold for a max of five years
Clerks (5): George Waterford, —— One or more years as an intern
— Can hold for a max of three years
Interns (3):— 17 or older
— Can hold for a max of two years
Departmental Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older
Employees (7):— 1+ year as an intern

Auror Office

Head Auror: Benedict Sterling— 8+ years as full auror
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Aurors (12): Ivy Sandow, &mdash, Christopher Moony, Sara Hyde, --— Complete Auror Training Program
— Can exceed maximum if graduating program
Third Year Trainees (3): --, --, --— Complete second year training
Second Year Trainees (3): --— Complete first year training
First Year Trainees (3):—, — — E+ on DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology NEWTs
— Suitable disposition
— Physically and mentally sound
Stealth & Tracking Instructor:— 10+ years as an auror
Concealment & Disguise Instructor: Trystan Selwyn— 10+ years as an auror
— NO metamorphmagi
Poisons & Antidotes Instructor: --— Potioneer with 7+ years professional experience
Field Medicine Instructor: --— 7+ years as a mediwizard
Combative Magic Instructor: --— 8+ years as an auror or hit wizard
Paperwork & Drudgery Instructor: Konstantin FiskVacated January '95
— 10+ years as a DMLE employee

Department of Investigation

Head of Department: Konstantin FiskVacated December '94
— 3+ years as assistant head OR 7+ years in department with MoM permission
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: Julius Scrimgeour— 5+ years in department
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Investigators (10): --, --— One year as trainee
Coroners (2): Calvin Paxton, --— Medical experience
— -1 to reputation if male, -3 if female
Trainee Investigators (3): --— Three or more years as an auror

Law Enforcement Office

Squad Chief:— 5+ years in department
— 28 or older
Vacated Oct. 1894
Hit Wizards (10): Leonid Fisk— Survive two years as a trainee
Trainee Hit Wizards (2): --— E+ OWLs in Transfiguration, DADA, Charms, Potions, and Herbology
— 17+
— Mentally and physically sound
Obliviators (7): Vincent Iago, — — E+ on Charms NEWT

Improper Use of Magic Office

Head of Office: Evander Darrow — 3+ years in office
— 25 or older
Investigators (7): --, — — 1+ year as intern

Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office

Head of Office: Zelda Darrow— 3+ years in office
— 25 or older
Investigators (7): Noah Farley, --— 1+ year as intern


Head of Department: Vacated December 1893.
— 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: --Vacated November 1890
— Previously ran a squad or department OR 10+ years in department with DH approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Employees (Unlimited): Angie Swan, Rowan Yaxley — E+ on Charms & Transfiguration OWLs
— NEWTs preferred
Departmental Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

Squad Head: Dorian Fisk— 3+ years in squad
— 25 or older
Squad Members (7): --— E+ on Charms & Transfiguration OWLs
— NEWTs preferred

Muggle Liaison Office

Head of Office: --— 5+ years in office
— 30 or older
— Not openly prejudiced against muggles
Employees (5): --— E+ on Muggle Studies OWL
— Not openly prejudiced against muggles


Head of Department: Percival Adlard (02/05/25)— 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: Eugene Scamander — Division head for 3+ years OR 10+ years in department with DH approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Departmental Secretary:— Unmarried female
— 17 or older

Beast Division

Head of Division: Adam McKinnon— 7+ years in division
— 28 or older
Division Employees (5):— E+ on COMC OWL

Beasts: Werewolf Capture Unit

Unit Head:— Former auror or hit wizard
— 30 or older
— 3+ years in unit
Unit Members:— Former auror or hit wizard

Beasts: Dragon Restraint Bureau

Bureau Head: Kentigern MacFusty — 30 or older
— 3+ years in bureau
Dragon Restraint Officers (3): --— Unmarried male
— 3+ years in Beast Division
— Physically fit
Researchers (3): Nigel Yarwood, --— Outstanding COMC NEWT
— 1+ year in Beast Division
— At least one individual over 30
Bureau Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working class
— 17 or older

Being Division

Head of Division: ---— 7+ years in division
— 28 or older
Division Employees (5): --, --— E+ on HoM OWL

Beings: Goblin Liaison Office

Head of Office: --— 5+ years in division
— 24 or older
Office Employees (2): --— E+ on HoM OWL

Beings: Office for House Elf Relocation

Head of Office: --— 5+ years in division
— 24 or older
Division Employees (5): --— E+ on HoM OWL

Spirit Division

Head of Division: Desiderius Morgan — 7+ years in division
— 28 or older
Division Employees (7): Fortitude Greengrass, —— E+ on Ghoul Studies OWL

Pest Advisory Bureau

Bureau Head:Vacated January 1890
— 5+ years in department
Bureau Employees (3): --, --— OWLs


Head of Department: Aldous Crouch — 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: Kenneth Cosgrove Vacated December 1889
— 7+ years as an employee
— Middle or Upper class
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Departmental Secretary: -- — Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older
Employees (5): -- — 1+ year as an intern OR 3+ as a translator
— Fluent in English, French, and 1+ other language
Translators (5): Nick Blott, Dean Hudson— Fluent in English, French, and 2+ other languages
Interns (2): -- — Fluent in English, French, and 1+ other language
— Can hold for a max of three years
International Liaisons: --— One per country
— Middle or Upper class
— 25 or older
— Almost always male


Head of Department: Robert Rowle— 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head: --— 3+ years as an office head OR 7+ in department with DH approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Departmental Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older

Apparition Test Centre

Test Director: --— 5+ years as an examiner
Examiners (5):— 21 or older
— Valid apparition licence

Broom Regulatory Control Office

Head of Office: --— 5+ years in office
Employees (3): --— OWLs

Floo Network Authority

Head of Office: --— 5+ years in office
Employees (3): Effie Clarke, Kelly Wildsmith, —— OWLs

Portkey Office

Head Co-Ordinator: --— 5+ years in office
Employees (5): Kristoffer Lestrange, --— OWLs


Head of Department: Fitzroy Prewett — 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head:--— 7+ years in department
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
— Vacated 1888
Departmental Secretary: Saffron Whitby— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older
Employees: Cassius Lestrange— OWLs

Quidditch League

Quidditch League Director: --— 5+ years in department
Quidditch League Referees (8):— 17 or older
— Knowledge of the sport
— Owns broom & can fly it

Dueling Commission

Head of Office: Tybalt Kirke,
— 3+ years in department
Employees (3):— OWLs

Ludicrous Patents Office

Head of Office: --— 3+ years in office
Employees (3): --, --— OWLs

Gobstones Association

Head of Office: --— 3+ years in office
Employee: --— OWLs


Head of Department:Vacated September 1893
— 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Assistant Head:— 7+ years in department
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
Unspeakables (10): Emilia Moony, Ezra Applegate, Marlena Scamander Brooks Watson— NEWTS
— Discreet
— 21+
Departmental Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 17 or older
— Discreet


Head of Department: --— 3+ years as assistant head OR 10+ years in department & MoM approval
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
— Former professor
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years in department
— Promotion comes with class bump if WC
— Male OR former professor
Employees (6): --— NEWTS
Departmental Secretary: --— Unmarried female
— Working Class
— 15 or older

Wizarding Examinations Authority

Authority Head: --— 30 or older
— Former professor
— Middle or Upper class
— Authority member for 3+ years
Members (5): -- — 25 or older
— Former professor OR 5+ years in department
— Minimum one female


Head of Office: --— Unfarried female
— 25 or older
— Office employee for 3+ years
Employees (6): Viola Sinistra, —— Unmarried female
— 15 or older


Security Wizards (Unlimited): --— Working class
— Male
— 17 or older
Magical Maintenance (Unlimited): --— Working class
— Male
— 17 or older
Welcome Witches (6): --— Female
— 17 or older
— Working or Middle class

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

All Senior and Support Staff are required to live at Hogwarts during term. Other teaching staff may live at the castle, or in Hogsmeade village.


Headmaster: Phineas Black— Requires staff approval
Deputy Headmaster: Meserimus Valenduris— Vacated June 1893
— 40 or older
— 10+ years as professor
— Middle or Upper Class
Gryffindor Head of House: Themis Lyra— Former Gryffindor
— 30+ male/45+ female
— 5+ years as professor
— Middle or Upper Class
Hufflepuff Head of House: Mason Skeeter — Vacated June 1893
— Former Hufflepuff
— 30+ male/45+ female
— 5+ years as professor
— Middle or Upper Class
Ravenclaw Head of House: Basil FoxwoodVacated June 1890
— Former Ravenclaw
— 30+ male/45+ female
— 5+ years as professor
— Middle or Upper Class
Slytherin Head of House: Meserimus Valenduris— Former Slytherin
— 30+ male/45+ female
— 5+ years as professor
— Middle or Upper Class


Alchemy Professsor: Samuel Griffith— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Ancient Runes Professor: --Vacated May 1893
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Ancient Studies Professor: Morrigan Crowley— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Arithmancy Professor: --— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Vacated December 1891
Art Instructor: --— 21 or older
— Relevant life experience
Astronomy Professor: Themis Lyra— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Care of Magical Creatures Professsor: Elenora Brierley — 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Charms Professor: Isla BowenVacated June 1894
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor: Gus LissingtonVacated July 1890
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Divination: Dido BloomVacated December 1889
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Earth Magic Professor: Belladonna Woods— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Etiquette Instructor: --— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
— Minimum reputation of 8
Ghoul Studies Professor: Winston Umbra — 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Gobbledegook Professor: --— Goblin
Herbology Professor:Mason Skeeter — 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
History of Magic Professor:-- — Vacated June 1893
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Magical Theory Professsor: Hauke Bauer— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Muggle Studies Professor:Vacated October 1893
— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Music Instructor: --— 21 or older
— Relevant life experience
Potions Professor: Meserimus Valenduris — 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Transfiguration Professor: Basil Foxwood— 25 or older
— Relevant life experience
Referee & Flight Instructor: Reuben Crouch Vacated end May, 1894
— 21 or older
— Relevant life experience


Librarian: --— 21 or older
— Working or Middle Class
Nurse:— Female
— 10+ years as a healer
— Working or Middle Class
— Widow or spinster
Gryffindor House Matron: Louisa Clearwater— Former Gryffindor
— 25 or older
— Reputation of 7 or higher
— Widow or spinster
— Middle Class
Hufflepuff House Matron: --— Former Hufflepuff
— 25 or older
— Reputation of 7 or higher
— Widow or spinster
— Middle Class
Ravenclaw House Matron: Imogene Paxton— Former Ravenclaw
— 25 or older
— Reputation of 7 or higher
— Widow or spinster
— Middle Class
Slytherin House Matron: -- Vacated Jan '95
— Former Slytherin
— 25 or older
— Reputation of 7 or higher
— Widow or spinster
— Middle Class
Groundskeeper: Jonathan Copper — Male
— 21 or older
— Working class
Caretaker: --— Male
— 21 or older
— Working Class
House Elves (Unlimited): -- — Physically be a house elf

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.


Experience at one hospital is transferrable to the other towards promotions and the like. St Mungo’s is the larger and more established of the two and often considered more metropolitan, while healers at Hogsmeade Hospital have more opportunity to practice outside of their skillset.

— Hogsmeade Hospital —

Hospital Director: --Vacated November 1890
— Middle or Upper class with 20+ years as a healer OR Upper class with 10+ years of research or administrative experience
— 40 or older
Senior Assistant: --— 25 or older
Junior Assistant: -- — 20 or older
Trainee Healers:— E+ NEWTs in Potions and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: Perseus Flint— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
— Vacated in December of 1887
Assistant Head: Gideon Browne — 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (4): Sybella Capobianco, —  — Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (2): --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in DADA, Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: Jack Collins — 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (4):Titania Allaway, Merida Greyback— Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (2): Charlotte Paxton, —— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in COMC, Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: --Vacated June 1891
— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (4): --— Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (2): --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: -- — vacated January 1895
— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (4): --, -- — Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (2): Victoria Hunter, -- — Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWT in Potions and Herbology


Healer-in-Charge: --— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: Salvatore Howlett
— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (4): --— Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (2): Lester Hatchitt, --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in DADA, Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms


Unit Head: --— 7+ years as a full mediwizard
Mediwizards & Mediwitches (8): Sage Whitby, Rhoda Morris, -- — Six months as a trainee mediwizard
Trainee Mediwizards (2) -- — E+ OWLs in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and DADA


Welcome Witches (2): --— Female
— 17 or older
Tearoom Staff (2): --— Female
— Working Class
Magical Maintenance: --, --— Male
— Working Class
— 17 or older

— St Mungo's —

Hospital Director: Richard Gladstone— Middle or Upper class with 20+ years as a healer OR Upper class with 10+ years of research or administrative experience
— 40 or older
Vacated October, 1888
Senior Assistant: --— 25 or older
Junior Assistant: --— 20 or older
Trainee Healers: -- — E+ NEWTs in Potions and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: --— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (8): Thomasina Dempsey, —— Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (3): --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in DADA, Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: -- — 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head:— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
— Vacated January 1889
Healers (8): Enid Glynn, — — Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (3):— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in COMC, Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: Atalanta Hart— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: Philomen Huxley— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (8): Nathalie Jennings, — — Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (3): --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in Potions, and Charms


Healer-in-Charge: Delilah WarbeckVacated December 1893
— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (8): Rosalie Hunniford, --— Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (3): —  — Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWT in Potions and Herbology


Healer-in-Charge: --— 12+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Assistant Head: --— 7+ years as a full healer
— 5+ years’ experience in specialty
Healers (8): --, -- —  — Complete 2 years as junior in department
Junior Healers (3): --, --, --— Complete 1 year as trainee
— E+ NEWTs in DADA, Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms


Unit Head: --— 7+ years as a full mediwizard
Mediwizards & Mediwitches (12): Mabel Brighton, --, —— Six months as a trainee
Trainees (4) --, -- — E+ OWLs in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and DADA


Welcome Witches (3): --— Female
— 17 or older
Tearoom Staff (5):— Female
— Working Class
Magical Maintenance (3): -- — Male
— Working Class
— 17 or older

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Professional Quidditch

Skillful former Hogwarts players can expect to spend one to two years on the reserve team—while anyone else can expect to spend three to five, if they ever make it off!

At their discretion, a team’s sponsor may choose to cut a player with a reputation lower than five.  Coaches are responsible for training the team, as well as all hiring decisions—though the sponsor, as the financial backer, might overrule them if so inclined. Coaches are hired by the sponsor as well.

While the Holyhead Harpies are exclusively female, the other teams only have one or two—if any—women a piece on their rosters.

For more information on the individual teams, click here. For more information on the league and season, click here.


Sponsor: Raphael Malfoy — Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
Vacated Oct. 1894
Coach: --Captain: -- (v. Oct. '94)
1st String Chasers:-- (v. Oct. '92) -- --Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters: -- --Reserve Beaters: -- --
1st String Keeper: -- Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: --Reserve Seeker: --


Sponsor: Theodore Gallivan — Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
Coach: --Captain: Jack Humphrey-Mavis
1st String Chasers: (v. Oct '94) -- --Reserve Chasers: -- (v. Mar '95) -- --
1st String Beaters: Alastair Danaher,-- (v. Oct. '90)Reserve Beaters: -- --
1st String Keeper: Jack Humphrey-Mavis Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: -- (v. Oct. '92) Reserve Seeker: --


Sponsor: --— Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
Coach: --Captain: Arthur Pettigrew
1st String Chasers: Arthur Pettigrew , -- (v. April '89), -- Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters:Reserve Beaters: --  --
1st String Keeper: --Reserve Keeper:-- (v. Feb. '89)
1st String Seeker: Leo GoshawkReserve Seeker:


Sponsor:— Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
— v. May '94
Coach: -- (v. Nov. '90) Captain: -- v. March '94
1st String Chasers: --, --, --Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters: --, --Reserve Beaters: -- --
1st String Keeper: -- Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: --Reserve Seeker: --


Sponsor: -- Vacated March 1891
— Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
Coach: -- (v. Oct. '94) Captain: --
1st String Chasers: --, -- , -- Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters: -- --Reserve Beaters: Leander Hobday --
1st String Keeper: --Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: -- Reserve Seeker: --


Sponsor: --Vacated September 1894
— Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
Coach: --Captain: --
1st String Chasers: -- -- --Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters: -- (v. Sep '84), --Reserve Beaters: --  --
1st String Keeper: -- Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: --Reserve Seeker: --


Sponsor: -- — Upper or wealthy middle class
— Financially independent and comfortable
— Vacated 1892
Coach: --Captain: Esteban Zavala
1st String Chasers: --, -- (v. Nov. '89), -- Reserve Chasers: -- -- --
1st String Beaters: -- --Reserve Beaters: -- --
1st String Keeper: Esteban Zavala Reserve Keeper: --
1st String Seeker: -- Reserve Seeker: --

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.


Some of the jobs available in Hogsmeade village. The shops listed are not the only ones present in town—click here for more information. Once a manager/owner character reaches 75 posts, they may confer with staff to set employee titles and/or requirements.


Owner:--— Working Class
Employees (3):— 17 or older
— Knowledge of Herbology and Potions


Owner: Madeleine Backus— Working or Middle Class
Employees (3):-- — 15 or older
Cleaner: --— Working Class
— 13 or older


Owners: Mr. ---- Dervish & Mr. ----- BangesCanon Characters
Employees (2): Wren Banges, --— 15 or older
Silent Partner: --— Middle Class
— 30 or older


Branch Manager: --— Working Class
— 25 or older
— Respectable, with fashion experience
Seamstresses (4): Greer Owens, —— Skillful at sewing and embroidery
— 15 or older
Clerks (2): --— Working Class
— 17 or older


Owner: --— Working Class
— 28 or older
— -4 to reputation
Maids (2): —, —— Working class
— 13 or older
— -2 to reputation
Cook: --— Working Class
— 17 or older
— -3 to reputation
Vacated May 1891
Barkeep:— Working class
— 17 or older
— -3 to reputation


Master of Ceremonies: --— Working Class
— 30 or older
— Respectable Male
String Quartet (4): --— Two violins, a cello, and a viola
— Talent at instrument
Pianist: -- — Talent at instrument
Cook: --— Working class
— 25 or older
Kitchen Maids (2): --— Working class
— 11 or older
Footmen (4): --— Working class
— 17 or older
House Elves (2): --— Physically be a house elf


Owner: Quincey Honeyduke —  Canon Character
Employees (4): --— 15 or older


Owner: Gideon Ollivander Canon Character
Employees (3): --, --— 17 or older


Owner: -- — Working Class
— 30 or older
Employees (3): -- — 14 or older
Cleaner: --— Working Class
— 13 or older


Manager: --— Working Class
— 30 or older
Employees (3): --— 17 or older


Owner: Veronica Gallivan— Middle Class
— 30 or older
Manager: --— Working Class
— 25 or older
Employees (4): --— Working Class
— 15 or older


Owner: Mr. ---- ScrivenshaftCanon Character
Employees (3): --— 15 or older


Owner: --— Working Class
— 30 or older
Employees (3): --— 14 or older


Owner: Elénore Lévesque— Actually @'Tessa Van Patten'
Manager: --— Working class
— Discreet
— Female
Waitresses (3): --— Working class
— 15 or older
Maid: --— Working class
— Discreet
— 13 or older
Patissier: --— Working class
— 25 or older
— Experienced
House Elf: --— Physically a house elf


Owner & Manager: Apollonia Honeycutt— Middle Class
— Won in a game of cards in ’77 or ‘78
Manager: --— Working class
— 27 or older
— Good with numbers
Waitresses (3): --— Working class
— 15 or older
Maids (2): Kenna Buchanan, --— Working class
— 13 or older
Cook: --— Working class
— 25 or older
— Experienced
Barkeep: --— Working class
— 17 or older


Owners: Miss ---- Twilfit & Mrs. ----- TattingCanon Characters
Employee Morgana Gaunt— 15 or older


Owner: --—Middle Class
— 30 or older
Manager: --— Working Class
— 21 or older
Employees (4): --— Working Class
— 16 or older


Chief Constable: -- Vacated March 1895
— Working Class
— 30 or older
— Male
— 10+ years’ experience
— Good reputation
Police Constables (10): Jack Dorset, -- — Working Class
— 21 or older
— Male
— Good reputation
— O.W.L.s
Secretary: Blythe Fairchild— Working Class
— 16 or older
— Female

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.


Some of the jobs available in Irvingly village. The shops listed are not the only ones present in town—click here for more information. Once a manager/owner character reaches 75 posts, they may confer with staff to set employee titles and/or requirements.


Magical Liaison: --— Muggleborn or squib
— 21 or older
— Good reputation
Police Constables (3): --— Working class
— Muggle or squib
— 17 or older
— Male
Postman: Josiah Rohlwing— Muggle or squib
— 21 or older
Receptionist: --— Working class
— Muggle, muggleborn, or squib
— 17 or older
— Female


Manager: --— Muggle
— Working class
— 30 or older
Waitresses (3): --— 15 or older
Security (4): --— Working Class
— Male
— Two muggle, two magical
Cook: --— Working class
— 25 or older
— Muggle
Kitchen Maids (2): --— Working Class
— 13 or older
— Muggle or squib
Dealers (4): --— 15 or older
— Working Class
— Male
Maintenance (2): --, --— Working Class
— Male
— One muggle, one magical
General Employees (4): --— 15 or older
— Working Class


Owner & Inkeeper: -- — Working class
— Muggle
— 30 or older
Maids (2): --— 15 or older
— Working class
Cook: --— Working Class
— 25 or older
Waitress: --— 17 or older
— Working class


Founder: Felicity Riley
Healers (2): --— 5+ years as full healer
Nurses (3): --— Working Class
— 15 or older
Physician: --— Muggle
— Middle Class
— Appropriately trained
Druggist: --— Muggle
— 25 or older
— Appropriately trained
Cook: --— Working class
— 25 or older
Maids (2): --— Working Class
— 15 or older
Welcome Witch: --— Working class
— 17 or older


Founder: --
Manager: --— Working class
— 20 or older
Cook: --— Working Class
— 20 or older
Kitchen Maid: --— Working class
— 11 or older
Waitresses (2): --— Working Class
— 15 or older


Rector: Mr. ----- DursleyCanon Character
Caretaker: --— Working Class
— Male
— 17 or older


Owner: --— Working class
— Muggle or squib
— 27 or older
Employees (4): --— 15 or older


Owner: --— Working class
— 27 or older
Butchers (2): --— Working class
— Male
Cleaner: --— Working class
— 11 or older


Schoolmaster: --— Middle Class
— 35 or older
— Experienced male
Teachers (2): Chastity Bentley, — — Middle Class
— 21 or older
— Unmarried females
— Good reputation
Caretaker: --— Working Class
— 17 or older


Station Manager: --— Working Class
— 30 or older
— Male
Ticket Sellers (3): --— Working Class
Cloakroom Attendant: --— Working Class


Owner: Sydney Podmore— Podmore Family
Manager: --— Working or Middle Class
— 25 or older
— OWLs required
— financially-minded
Magizoologists: --— Working or Middle Class
— 21 or older
— appropriate education/apprenticeship/experience
Creature Healers (2): --; --— Working or Middle Class
— 21 or older
— appropriate education/apprenticeship/experience
Muggle Zookeepers (3): --; --; --— Working or Middle Class
— Male
— 25 or older
— appropriate education/apprenticeship/experience
Tearoom & Gift Shop Staff (3): --; --; --— Working Class
— Magical/Muggle
— female
— 15 or older
Groundskeeping (2): --; --— Working Class
— Magical/Muggle
— Male
— 17 or older
Apprentice Magizoologists (3): Sloane Bixby; --; --— Working or Middle Class
— 15 or older
— OWLs and 3-year internship or
— NEWTs and 2-year internship
Summer Interns (2): -- — Working or Middle Class
— 15 or older
— appropriate OWLs
— CoMC Professor Recommendation

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.


Some of the jobs available in magical London. The shops listed are not the only ones present in town—click here or here for more information. Once a manager/owner character reaches 75 posts, they may confer with staff to set employee titles and/or requirements.


Director: --— Middle or Upper clas
— 30 or older
Curators (5): Georgia Quirke, — — E+ NEWT in History of Magic or Ancient Studies
— 20 or older
— Two slots reserved for an individual over 30
Tour Guides (5): --, —— E+ OWL in History of Magic or Ancient Studies
— 17 or older
— Working class
Welcome Witches (2): --— Working class
— 17 or older
— Female


Head Librarian: Timothy Ainsworth — Middle or Upper class
— 7+ years as a librarian
Librarians (5): Elsie Kirke, Morrigan Selden— 21 or older
— OWLs
— 2+ years as junior librarian
Junior Librarian (3): --, -- , --

(Restricted to floors 1-3)
— 17 or older
— OWLs
Welcome Witches (2) --— Working class
— 15 or older


Landlady: --— Working class
— Widowed or spinster
— 30 or older
Maids (2): Arabella Russell, —— 15 or older
— Working class
Cook: --— Working Class
— 25 or older
Waitresses (2): --— 17 or older
— Working class
Barkeeps (2): --— Working Class
— 21 or older
— Male


Owners: Mrs. ----- Flourish & Mr. ----- BlottCanon Characters
Employees (4): Joni Woodswell, --— 15 or older


Owner: Mr. Gervaise Ollivander CANON CHARACTER
Employees (3): Temerita Reid, --, --— 20 or older


Owners: Mr. ----- Fudge & Mr. ----- FudgeCanon Characters
Employees (2): --— Female
— 15 or older


Owners: Mr. ----- Borgin & Mr. ----- BurkeCanon Characters
Employees (3):--, --— 17 or older
— Dark leanings
— Working class
— -2 to reputation


Branch Manager: --— Goblin
— 20+ years’ experience
Bankers (Unlimited):--— Goblin
Security (5): --— Working class
— Human or goblin
Curse Breakers (4): Endymion Dempsey, Daesyn Mackenzie, --— Human
— 19 or older
— Completed 2+ years as apprentice
Apprentice Curse Breakers (2): --, --— Human
Welcome Witches (2): --— Female
— 16 or older
— Working class


Photographers (3): Byron Applegate, --— Provide own camera
Weather Witches (2): Annora McKelvey, --— Middle or Working Class
— 21 or older; at least one over thirty

Crime & Politics

Head Reporter: Ian Pengloss— NPC
Secretary: --— Working Class
— 17 or older
Reporters (4): Kieran Abernathy, Reginald Alderton, --— 20 or older
— Maximum of one female
Intern: --Vacated August 1890
— 15 or older

Social & Gossip

Head Reporter: Fidelia Spiller— NPC
Secretary: --— Working Class
— 17 or older
Reporters (4): --— 20 or older
Intern: --— 15 or older
— Female


Head Reporter: Mitch Quiddel— NPC
Secretary: --— Working Class
— 17 or older
Reporters (2):— 20 or older
— Maximum of one female
Intern: --— 15 or older
Quidditch Correspondent: --— 20 or older
— Former quidditch player or commentator


Head Reporter: Mabel Knott— NPC
Secretary: --— Working Class
— 17 or older

Staff Writers

Head Reporter: Gulliver Doran— NPC
Secretary: --— Working Class
— 17 or older
Reporters (4): --— 20 or older
Employee: --— 20 or older
Intern: --— 15 or older
— Female

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.


Non-humans may integrate with the greater magical society, or may keep their own counsel. Rather than provide a framework of professional options, below is a list of taken non-human specific jobs such as group leadership.

Click to reveal!

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

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