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ISSUE #292 — Hogwarts Debutantes, Ranked
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Witch Weekly
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Issue #292, 16 June, 1894
Hogwarts Debutantes, Ranked
Written by Louisa J. Chattermore

How likely is each newly debuted Miss to secure a first-season match? We've ranked the full list. From worst to best, this year's Hogwarts debutantes are...

The Unfortunates
Two young women have already distinguished themselves, not by virtue of their family's position but rather by virtue of their own qualities — or lack thereof — in a negative way. Such early ill omens can only portend doom for their first social season. Miss Millicent Erstwhile, already know as something of a tryhard, and Miss Desdemona Ravenswood, who apparently sobbed so much during her dance with Mr. Humphrey-Mavis that he was obliged to change his coat following, have gotten off to a very poor start indeed.

The Unlikelys
Misses Rosabella Stanwell and Viola Kensington both have older sisters still on the marriage market after a considerable length of time, one of whom has quite infamously turned down several suitors already. It seems unlikely either Miss will be predisposed to a whirlwind romance this year if they follow in their older sister's footsteps. Miss Calla Potts, on the other hand, might be quite predisposed to a "whirlwind romance" (of a very particular variety...) but given her older sister's scandal this spring, we can hardly expect Miss Potts will make a respectable match her first year out.

The Slightly More Likely But Still Rather Unlikely
Of course, one cannot speak of family scandal without mentioning Miss Jessamine Parkinson, whose older brother married an acknowledged bastard. For her part Miss Parkinson seems to have done her best to steer clear of the influence of her sister-in-law, and of course there is an argument to be made that Mrs. Liliana Parkinson perhaps should not be held accountable for the odious conditions of her birth; even so we expect Miss Parkinson's chances on the marriage mart to be marred significantly by the association. Miss Parkinson shares this bracket with a few debutantes of the middle class, who in our experience tend to spend more season on the market overall (Misses Francesca Garlick and Irene Fudge) and Miss Meta Lestrange, who, if history is any indication, is more likely to spend a few seasons doing not much of anything and then be swiftly married to her cousin in a match that has probably already been decided upon and simply not announced (perhaps she will replace the late Mrs. Ellory Lestrange as a wife to Claudius Lestrange).

The Middling Crew
Misses Holly Scrimgeour and Amarantha Valenduris both hail from established, respectable, wealthy families, which ought to put their chances very high; however both have a reputation for being somewhat lacking in charm. Will their debut help them put their school days and school airs behind them, or will it take a turbulent season or two to round off their rough edges? Miss Alcyone Slughorn falls into this category for the opposite reasons; presumably a genial girl personally, she lacks a living mother to guide her and help her be auspiciously placed.

The Ones to Watch
Hogwarts selected its prefects very well for this year's class; our top picks for the season happen to also be those girls honored with the position. Miss Iphigenia Adebayo comes from a powerful pureblood family and has shown herself to be intelligent and magically adept as well as graceful; the young woman is already an animagus and is said to be learning wandless magic. We expect Miss Adebayo to take the season by storm, and if she does not marry this year it will only be because her suitors have failed to impress her.

Miss Matilda Farris shares Miss Adebayo's confidence, if not her wealth. Miss Farris' father is a researcher, which may help Miss Farris attract a more academically inclined husband. In her Hogwarts days Miss Farris was quite a hand at leisure sports, so presumably has all the right hobbies and skills to keep a more bookish husband grounded and having fun! We expect her name to pop up often this season, and not just at balls.

Finally, the Hogwarts Head Girl Sisse Thompsett. Miss Thompsett's parents set a good example of expeditious marriage: they were wed within two months of meeting (and without a whiff of scandal)! They also seem to have set an excellent example in other areas, as Miss Thompsett has grown into the picture perfect young lady. She paints and sketches, dances beautifully, and is just the right degree of witty during conversations. We expect any man looking for a society wife, who will both host well on his behalf and raise children of strong character, will find what he seeks in Miss Thompsett — the only question is which bachelor will catch her eye this year!
Also in this issue...
Skip the line at the modiste — we make home calls for fittings! — See full ad pg. 14
Page 1 — Tennis, Sailing, Et Cetera: How To Leisure Like a Lady

Page 7 — Matrons & Misses Exhibition: Which Spells To Use To Catch His Eye

Page 10 — You'll Never Believe The Latest Muggle Fashion From Paris

Page 15 — Timoleon Maxime: Diamond in the rough or just rough?

Page 18 — 15 Women Who Ought to Lower Their Standards

Page 22 — Best Questions to ask a man recently returned from Tour to seem Well Traveled and Worldly (but not too worldly)

Page 27 — Literary Debuts: Novels of Summer

Page 29 — Why Don't The Rowles Ever Host?

This issue is made possible by our sponsors: Quality Quaffle & Snitch
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