Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

~The Reputation System

In an era where who you know, whom you speak to, and whom you're related to can affect your reputation, knowing how a character is viewed by the majority of society can be very beneficial when considering thread partners and plots. Certain interactions can have negative reputation implications, whilst others can see an increase in reputation. Reputations on Charming start at a set number depending on your character, and then 'deductions' can lower it. Reputation can, however, increase over time or based on things like "heroic actions". If at any time you feel your character should be upgraded (or downgraded!), please post in Maintenance and the staff team will look into it!

Disclaimer: Not all characters will agree (or bother with) the overall reputation. This may affect their own reputations as a result, but they are not required to take the same view point.
Please note that different classes will always be regarded differently, regardless of their reputation!

Below, you'll find maximum and minimum reputations for certain character types. From there, there are a list of deductions that can see your character's standing lowered.

~Good Reputations
  • Standard 'starting point' for most characters, however various events in their lives and those of their family and friends can have an effect
  • Maximum for men known to have fathered a bastard
  • Maximum for a working MC/UC woman
  • Maximum for those who have ever changed class
  • Maximum for metamorphmagi and seers
  • Maximum for a "Confirmed Bachelor"
  • Maximum for individuals who actively avoid society
  • Maximum for anyone who has ever been disowned
  • Maximum for known bastards (WC)
  • Minimum for Pendergast Roses
  • Minimum to join an adult club
  • Maximum for known half- or quarter-veela
  • Maximum for a woman who has been divorced
  • Maximum for men who publicly acknowledge their bastard
~Middling Reputations
  • Temporary maximum for characters who have been kinapped, come back from the dead, or otherwise disappeared for a time. After conference with staff, reputation will be adjusted as appropriate.
  • Maximum for known bastards (UC/MC)
  • Maximum for known veela
  • Maximum for known half- or quarter-breed (non-veela)
  • Maximum for those who have dropped a class in disgrace
  • Maximum for anyone who has ever had their rep drop by more than three points at once
  • Maximum for those who have moved from UC to WC or vice versa
  • Maximum for former, convicted criminal
  • Minimum for Hogwarts Staff
  • Minimum for continued membership in Ladies' Clubs
  • Maximum for vampire or known werewolf
  • Minimum for Ministry, Hospital, Museum, and Library employment
  • Minimum for continued membership in Gentlemen's Clubs
  • Minimum for Hogwarts students
  • Maximum for reformed prostitutes
  • Maximum for women known to have mothered a bastard
  • Maximum for hags
~Bad Reputations
  • The worst of the worst!
This list is extensive, but not all-inclusive. When in doubt, ask!

-2Elope. Lasts two years, or six months if no child is born.
-5Male caught with a member of the same sex. Lasts two years.
-2Female caught with a member of the same sex. Lasts one year.
-5Female caught with a man other than her husband. Lasts five years. Cannot be stacked with a child out of wedlock.
-1Gentleman known to frequent shady establishments. Permanent.
-1Male caught with a woman other than his wife. Permanent.
-5Female having a child out of wedlock. Permanent. Cannot be stacked with an affair.
-1Male marrying one step down or up. Lasts one year.
-3Man marrying two steps down or up. Permanent.
-2Woman marrying one step down or up. Permanent.
-4Woman marrying two steps down or up. Permanent.
-1Character moving from MC to UC outside of marriage. Lasts two years.
-2Character moving from WC to MC outside of marriage. Lasts two years.
-3Character moving from WC to UC outside of marriage. Permanent.
-4Character moving from UC to WC outside of marriage. Permanent.
-2Gentleman fraternizing regularly in the slums. Permanent. Does not include volunteerism or work.
-3Genteel woman fraternizing regularly in the slums. Permanent. Does not include volunteerism or work.
-2Debutante/female student frequently evades chaperones. Lasts until marriage.
-3Petty criminal conviction. Lasts two years from release.
-5Serious criminal conviction Lasts three years from release.
-1Unmarried female whose mother or sister has a middling reputation. Lasts as long as their reputation does.
-3Unmarried female whose sister or mother has a bad reputation. Lasts as long as their reputation does.
-3Considered to be a drunk. Lasts as long as their behaviour does.
-2Admitted to an asylum Lasts at least one year from release.
-2Employing someone of bad reputation. Lasts as long as the employment does.
-3Marrying someone of bad reputation. Lasts as long as their bad reputation does. Does not come into effect if both partners have a bad reputation.
-3Expelled from Hogwarts. Lasts for three years after expected graduation, then -1 permanently.
-3Divorced woman. Permanent.
-2Divorced male. Lasts 3 years.
-2Marrying a known veela. Lasts as long as the marriage does.
-4Marrying a known vampire, werewolf, goblin, or hag. Lasts as long as the marriage does.
-1General oddness.
-1Female student playing house quidditch. Lasts until graduation.
-3UC or MC female with a "masculine" profession. Lasts 1 year post-resignation.
-2WC female with a "masculine" profession. Lasts 1 year post-resignation.
-3MC character in a WC job. Lasts 1 year post-resignation.
-2UC character in a MC job. Lasts 1 year post-resignation.
-5UC character in a WC job. Lasts 1 year post-resignation.
Staff DiscretionScandal in immediate family.
Staff DiscretionScandal in extended family.