January 29, 2018 – 2:50 AM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
Character Directory
A directory of who is responsible for which character(s)—and where best to get in touch.
Click below for directions and coding!
The areas of the coding that you need to change are labeled in the code for you, for example where it says "Character name" you replace with the name of your character. If you keep this in mind and use the pre-existing CML entries as a guide, you shouldn't go too far wrong! Just in case you're still unsure...
- Make sure your post editor is set to source mode, to do this go to the UCP and select Edit Options. On the bottom right should be a tick box labeled "Put the editor in source mode by default", select it and then update.
- The first edit to the coding you need to make is where it says PLAYER NAME which you replace with the OOC name you wish other members to address you by. You should fill it in three times, once for display and twice for coding in the background.
- The second place to edit in the coding is: Age (#) | Pronouns | GMT+/- #.
- Age (#) should be deleted and replaced with your age in numbers, not words.
- Pronouns should be replaced by whichever pronouns you wish to go by i.e. She/Her/Hers.
- GMT +/- # is for your timezone. Do not delete GMT, but choose either the + or - depending on whether you're behind or ahead of GMT, and then you replace the hashtag with how many hours you're ahead/behind. If you happen to live in the GMT timezone just delete the +/- #.
- It should look something like this: 20 | He/Him/His | GMT+ 2
- Where you see "char-container usergroup", replace only 'usergroup' with what's written beneath your avatar (hogsmeade, ministry, etc.)—all one word and all lowercase!
- Replace Character Name With your character's username. Leave the quotation marks.
- Next, is class. Replace with upper/middle/working, whichever applies to your character. If your character has no class ribbon, delete it!
- Finally, find Occupation or Year and House in the code and replace it with either your character's occupation, or if they're a student, their year and house in this format: Fifth Year Slytherin. Please then include an additional titles, such as Student Staff Positions; Quidditch Positions; Club Presidencies in that order!
Coding for a New Member:
PHP Code:
<div class="player-name">OOC Name</div>
<div class="player-info">Age | Pronouns | GMT Timezone | <details class="mainacc"><summary><i class="fa fa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i></summary>@"MAIN ACCOUNT"</details></div>
<ul class="char-container USERGROUP">
<li class="tagname">@'CHARACTER NAME'</li>
<li class="umwclass">CLASS</li>
<!-- PLAYER NAME End -->[/CODE]
Coding for a New Character:
Please be sure to include your OOC name in the post, as well as which account you should be contacted on if this is your second account.
PHP Code:
[CODE]<ul class="char-container USERGROUP">
<li class="tagname">@'CHARACTER NAME'</li>
<li class="umwclass">CLASS</li>
This coding only differs in that it excludes the OOC information. If you're unsure how to fill this in, the instructions above still apply.
To Edit an Existing Character:
You have two options if you need to update an existing character. Either you can post saying what changed for your character, or you can resubmit the character using the form.
To Update OOC Information:
PHP Code:
[CODE]<div class="player-name">OOC Name</div>
<div class="player-info">Age | Pronouns | GMT Timezone | <details class="mainacc"><summary><i class="fa fa-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></i></summary>@"MAIN ACCOUNT"</details></div>[/code]
If you need more help, PM Olive (Ursula Black) for assistance.
January 29, 2018 – 5:43 PM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
~Character Directory: Staff
Click on the envelope to reveal a player's main account.
Urgent PMs should be directed to that account.
- Enid Glynn
- working
- junior creature-induced injuries healer
- Zelda Darrow
- Middle
- Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Employee
.Kayte; Administrator & Head Hag
- Aldous Crouch
- middle
- Head of the Department of International Magical Co-Operation
- Robert Rowle
- Upper
- Head of the Department of Magical Transportation
Lady; Administrator
- Hestia
- working
- Manager at the Iron Fang Inn
- Irene Crawley
- Middle
- Restorer & Conservator at the Magical Portrait Gallery of England
- Rowan Yaxley
- Middle
- Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Employee
- Saffron Whitby
- working
- Secretary for the Dept. of Magical Games & Sports
- Sophie Miller
- Working
- Lady's Maid & Personal Assistant to Lowri Dempsey
.MJ; Administrator & Head Wench
- Ari Fisk
- Middle
- Patient at a Private Asylum
- Howell Howell
- working
- Head Dragonkeeper at the Avalon Glen Dragon Reserve
- Ishmael
- working
- Vampire; Black Marketeer
- Philip Rowle
- upper
- Head of the Research Committee & Sponsor of the Falmouth Falcons
- Tess Whitby
- working
- Owner & Manager of Whitby & Co. Printers
Olive; Administrator
February 1, 2018 – 4:40 PM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
~Character Directory: A — D
- Themis Lyra
- Angie Swan
- Working
- Dept. of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes Employee
- Dean Hudson
- middle
- Dept. of International Magical Cooperation Translator
- Eugene Scamander
- middle
- Assistant Head; Department for the Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures
- Jack Collins
- middle
- Healer-In-Charge, Creature-Induced Injuries, Hogsmeade Hospital
- Mason Skeeter
- middle
- Herbology Professor; Hufflepuff Head of House
- Noah Farley
- Middle
- Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Investigator
- Sydney Podmore
- Upper
- Administrative Director of Podmore Zoological Gardens
February 1, 2018 – 4:40 PM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
~Character Directory: E — I
- Dorian Fisk
- Middle
- Accidental Magic Reversal Squad Member
- Delilah Warbeck
- Middle
- Head of Potion &Plant Poisoning Healer-In-Charge; St. Mungos
February 1, 2018 – 4:41 PM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
~Character Directory: J — M
- Eros Mohr
- Upper
- Fourth Year Gryffindor; Beater
- Esteban Zavala
- working
- Captain and First String Keeper for Puddlemere United; Activist
- Raj Sandow
- Working
- Avalon Glen Dragon Reserve Dragonkeeper
- Roman Crouch
- Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic
February 1, 2018 – 4:41 PM
Charming — Played by Admin Team
~Character Directory: N — Z
- Calla Potts
- Middle
- Reserve Chaser for the Chudley Cannons
February 4, 2025 – 2:53 AM
Raphael Malfoy — Played by Bree
<ul class="char-container london">
<li class="tagname">@'Raphael Malfoy'</li>
<li class="umwclass">UPPER</li>

set by lady <3
February 4, 2025 – 8:42 PM
Enoch Prescott — Played by Kayte
<ul class="char-container hogsmeade">
<li class="tagname">@'Enoch Prescott'</li>
<li class="umwclass">Working</li>
<li>Print Shop Bae</li>
February 5, 2025 – 9:35 PM
Isla Bowen — Played by Chris
<ul class="char-container hogwarts">
<li class="tagname">@'Isla bowen'</li>
<li class="umwclass">MIDDLE</li>
February 7, 2025 – 5:40 AM
Zipporah Farley — Played by Kit
<ul class="char-container elsewhere">
<li class="tagname">@'zipporah farley'</li>
<li class="umwclass">Middle</li>
<li>Debutante; Inventor</li>
February 14, 2025 – 2:31 AM
Edgar Curtis — Played by Steph
<ul class="char-container irvingly">
<li class="tagname">@'Edgar Curtis'</li>
<li class="umwclass">middle</li>