Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

Est. June 9, 2010

Muggles discover that there are wizards living among them and ostracize them from society. Outcast wizarding families flock to the newly established, all-magical village of Hogsmeade. IC


Not long after a dangerous patient escapes the hospital, a local stableman is found murdered with “Mudbloods Beware” carved onto his body. Eleven days later, three muggleborn students go missing from Hogwarts. The Minister of Magic, Faris Spavin, decrees that all muggleborns must leave Hogsmeade as a matter of safety. IC

This marks the start of Charming’s first sitewide plot. OC

01 MAR

It is discovered that Faris Spavin was behind the murder and disappearances in a plot to relieve Hogsmeade of muggleborns. He is taken into custody. IC

24 MAR

Darcy Potter, only 18 years of age, is elected Minister in a landslide victory. IC

Ministerial elections take place with IC and OOC member voting. OC

14 MAY

After a bout of Prophet articles deploring the ill-behaved “hussies” at Hogwarts, etiquette lessons are instituted, and girls are banned from playing quidditch at school. IC

25 OCT

Those drafted onto the Hogsmeade Trail expedition set off to find suitable land for expansion. IC

Sitewide plot #2 begins. OC

16 MAY

After several long months, a muggle town is discovered. A deal is struck up and muggles and wizards alike are forced to learn how to coexist in the new town, Irvingly. IC


Sitewide plot #3 is announced: The Quidditch World Cup.OC

01 JAN

Due to a spill, Hogsmeade's tea becomes laced with Amortentia and havoc ensues. IC


Hogsmeade plays host to the Quidditch World Cup. The final four teams are Egypt, Japan, Britain, and France. Egypt defeats France to become the winner of the Cup. In the aftermath, the World Cup pitch becomes home to a newly founded local team, the Hogsmeade Howlers, and the female ban at Hogwarts is abolished. IC

18 AUG

Despite surviving an assassination attempt scarcely a month prior, Minister Darcy Potter is murdered. IC

01 MAR

After another Hogwarts Hussy scandal, Hogwarts introduces Chastity Cuffs to police the students' virtue. (They remain in use until August 1886.) IC

10 MAY

Balthazar Urquart is elected new Minister of Magic.IC

Ministerial elections take place with IC and OOC member voting. OC


This summer, Hogsmeade is struck by a series of disasters: a drought, a plague and a fire. The Laughing Plague was originally spread by the visiting carnival and most affects those with greatest purity of magical blood, leading to illness, hysteric laughter and many deaths, though is eventually vaccinated and a cure found (in September). The fire (11-16 July) breaks out in the High Street and Wellingtonshire, and causes extensive damage.IC

The Plague is Charming's sitewide plot #4. OC


Representatives from schools in Brazil, India, Italy and South Africa arrive at Hogwarts to participate in the Pan-Magical Games.IC

04 JAN

An explosion in the Department of Mysteries causes the Ministry of Magic to go into lockdown for the week following the disaster. IC

30 MAR

With six Azkaban convicts on the loose, Hogwarts is put into lockdown and students sent home early. (The Coming Out Ball is cancelled.) IC

29 MAY

Sitewide plot #5, the Pennyworth Project is announced.OC

25 JAN

After two months of construction, Pennyworth opens on 22 May. IC

Sitewide plot #6, The World's Wizarding Fair, is announced. OC


The World's Wizarding Fair opens for the summer, and includes an international scientific fair, markets, competitions, and an exhibition quidditch match. IC


The Hogwarts Board of Governors announces their controversial policy, requiring students to provide proof of human lineage and banning non-humans and halfbreeds from returning to school in September.IC

This marks the start of sitewide plot #7. OC

31 MAY

A decade after the fallout with muggles, the Ministry renews ties with Queen Victoria, and Hogsmeade celebrates Reconciliation Day by inviting her to visit Hogsmeade.IC


Disaster strikes at the 1887 World Market, when the pavilion collapses. Many visitors are trapped or injured in the chaos, and must also fend off a loosed horde of flying tigers. IC


Amidst these months of bitter debate and protest for and against the ban and turmoil in the Ministry, the Minister's daughter is revealed to be a werewolf. On 1 September Balthazar Urquart resigns his post. IC


Justin Ross is elected Minister of Magic.IC

Ministerial elections take place with IC and OOC member voting. OC

13 DEC

Though the halfbreed ban was previously weakened (3 Oct) by allowing fully human students to return in the New Year, under Minister Ross' administration the school board fully reverses the ban.IC

30 DEC

Charming re-opens on our brand new board. Much delight is had by all! OC


Fog appears in Salem Square and continues to spread through Irvingly, eventually it is discovered that the fog is affecting magic. Within a few weeks the atmospheric mystery has spread throughout all of Hosmeade too and cloaked the affected area in darkness. IC

Marks the beginning of sitewide plot #8. OC


The Minister recruits volunteers to discover the source of the fog in Irvingly and, in small teams, a collaboration of Hogwarts professors, aurors, Ministry men, healers and even debutantes sets off into danger. Despite near misses in some groups, no one is permanently maimed and a group of four restore an Egyptian artifact to its rightful place...unfortunately when they emerge it is the 1st August, 1888 and not one of them can account for the lapse in time. IC


Having been delayed by the fog the Summer Solstice Festival belatedly returns to Hogsmeade for the first time since the Laughing Plague in 1884. IC


Based upon the spurious predictions of a matchmaker amortentia infused letters are sent anonymously to a selection of people who find themselves suddenly, passionately in love with whomever they have been matched. The resulting marriages range from those that were going to happen anyway, to those that are surprisingly well matched as it turns out, to those that might well kill each other before the year is out. Fortunately, those in possession of a pink letter are able to annul their unlawful marriages through the Ministry. IC


A Ministry investigation reveals a number of stone garden cherubs are actually transfigured children. These ‘stone children’ have not aged since their abduction and transfiguration, so are older than they appear. Attempts are made to find these children’s families or else wizarding foster homes.IC

09 MAY

Muggles begin an archaeological dig near Hogsmeade, but are killed in an explosion upon uncovering some ancient Pictish relics with magical powers. The Ministry takes over the dig site, with Aurors on duty. IC


Said Pictish artifacts are mysteriously stolen in a locomotive robbery.IC


Some of the stolen artifacts cause death and destruction. Anyone who comes into contact with these artifacts may find themselves afflicted by curses that range from strange and inconvenient to fatal.IC

Sitewide plot #9: A Pictish Curse is announced.OC

02 JAN

A rogue ‘Florida Man’ tampers with time, causing magical incidents and adding an extra 24 hours to the calendar.IC

28 FEB

Charming celebrates its tenth birthday!OC


For the second time in a decade, Britain plays host to the finals of the Quidditch World Cup. After an exhibition match with Hawaii, Team Britain face Morocco in the finals. However, a bludger hit out into the stands kills a spectator, delays the end of the game, and causes uproar about quidditch safety. Morocco beats Britain, the Hogwarts governors ban bludgers from student quidditch, and professional quidditch pitches are not allowed spectators until their stadiums are safe.IC

SWP #10: The Quidditch World Cup takes place this summer.OC


A blizzard blasts London in March, and April sees the Santa Antonina ship wreck mid-cruise, suffering mass casualties, and requiring a magical rescue operation.IC


Beaters (and bludgers) are set to return to Hogwarts quidditch in the upcoming school year.IC


Weather charms go awry at the Sanditon Resort, provoking a freak hurricane at the last ball of the summer season which claims countless lives.IC


To some protest, The Daily Prophet begins using Forsyte’s Discretionary Ink which magically blacks out the grisly details of the news deemed unfit for feminine eyes. Like a little local cannibalism.IC

15 MAR

Summer sees a string of unusual and especially gory murders, starting with the discovery of a dismembered body. IC


The disturbing murder count continues to climb, accompanied by cryptic notices in the newspaper. Certain suspects come to light, but although all are investigated and the deaths do stop, the killer is never discovered.IC

It’s Site Wide Plot #11: a fatal countdown. OC


After the presumed death of Sloane Bixby, a sixteen-year-old-girl, whilst flying over the Black Lake in a storm, the Hogsmeade Village Council bans all flying within the borders of Hogsmeade. IC


After six years in office, Minister Justin Ross sets his final Wizengamot agenda and announces an oncoming Ministerial election.IC


In the midst of the Ministerial campaigning, a candidate debate at Crowdy Memorial Library is marred by numerous escaped Peruvian Vipertooth dragons terrorising magical and muggle London. The Ministry and magical hospitals scramble to organise the relief efforts amidst a mounting death toll.IC

Site Wide Plot #12: the 1893 election meets mini-plot “Blood in the Water”OC


From a combination of IC & OOC voting and out of a crowded field of candidates, Ozymandias Dempsey is elected the new Minister of Magic. Dempsey led a largely progressive campaign, with promises of looking at voting reform on the question of female suffrage.IC

19 OCT

A disastrous magical blizzard hits Britain from top to bottom, disrupting the Floo Network and causing other time loops and Leap Day effects.IC

27 FEB

Hogsmeade sees its first played Misses & Matrons spellcraft competition, in which ladies of all ages compete to show off their magical skill and creative flair.IC


It’s an unexpected rock bottom for the day’s promenaders, as a magic-resistant sinkhole abruptly opens up in Padmore Park.IC

18 AUG