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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Martin Ruskin
Full Name:
Martin Tyler Ruskin
December 10th, 1841
Current Age:
Hospital Director - Hogsmeade Hospital
Martin was married to a known vampire who went estranged before her death. He is the father of 4 half-breed vampires.
Residence: Hogsmeade, with a secondary residence in Canterbury, England, remaining from his wife’s prior marriage.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 9" Vine Wood, Thestral Tail Hair
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Middle
Late Wife: Lisa Fairbairn (1684-1888)
Daughter: Acacia Ruskin (1871)
Daughter: Chrysanta Ruskin (1872)
Daughter: Orinda Ruskin (1874)
Son: Dunstan Ruskin (1876-1887)

Wife: Zophiel Ruskin p. Sherington née Drago (1856)
Step-Son: Malachai Sherington (1880)
Step-Daughter: Ariel Sherington (1884)
Step-Daughter: Gazardiel Sherington (1887)

Father: Ellsworth Ruskin (1808)
Mother: Rose Ruskin née ___ (1823)
Sister: Elsa Cardew née Ruskin (1842)
and family

Father-in-law: Jacob Drago (1825)
Mother-in-law: Elizabeth Drago (1836)
Brother-in-law: Gadriel Drago (1862)
Brother-in-law: Judah Drago (1865)
Brother-in-law: Abiel Drago (1866)
Brother-in-law: Jethro Drago (1868)
Brother-in-law: Micah Drago (1870)
Sister-in-law: Sherah Drago  (1872)
Brother-in-law: Noah Drago (1876)
Sister-in-law: Esther Drago (1879)
Sister-in-law: Edna Drago (1879)

Martin stands at 5' 6”, he has a fit build which he keeps up with exercise on a weekly basis. He has dark brown eyes.  His hair is kept neatly short, as is his facial fair, both growing salt and peppery as he gets older. He usually wears neat robes of dark blue or grey, or neat muggle style clothing. Martin uses his left hand for his wand.

Martin was born 1841 to parents who married more for society then love. It was a clear fact that his parents did not love each other, one he was never in denial over. His father was never home, and when he was, they were always fighting over one thing of another.

His little sister was born in 1843. Martin did his best to buffer his mother’s expectations from the girl, but there was only so much he could do.

Martin always believed that his childhood was normal for one of his standing. His father might not have been around much, but that was only countered by the over involvement of his mother. He was a kind child who never excluded anyone from his games, much to his mother’s annoyance. He was of the curious type and took to learning like a fish did to water. His first signs of magic appeared around the age of five, using levitation magic to catch a pot his sister had knocked off the shelf that his mother would have gotten very mad about.

Martin starts Hogwarts in September where he is sorted into Ravenclaw. This apparently is what makes his father start to take an interest in him as for the first time in his life he actually sees his father on a almost daily basis.

Martin does well in most topics, although he seems to struggle with Astronomy.

1854 – 1856:
His little sister Elsa starts the next year in 1854.

His mother does not cope with both her children being gone most of the time. She starts to spiral into a dark depression.

Martin picks up Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies and Care of Magical Creatures – still not sure if he wants to become a healer or a curse breaker.

Martin become perfect in his fifth year. His O.W.L grades are fairly high besides Astronomy, the subject and he just never clicked.

Deciding he wants to become a healer, Martin choses to take six N.E.W.T.s as he is not sure what sort of healer he wants to be.

He keeps hold of the perfect badge.

1859 – 1860:
Martin becomes head boy.

He does well with his subjects and starts looking for an internship.

Before Marriage
Martin starts an internship in Creature Induced Injuries at St Mungo’s. He considers moving out altogether but wondered if his mother would just die from heartbreak if he did so. But he spends a lot of time at the hospital so that she does not start getting ideas of getting him involved in marriage plans. It’s bad enough when she tries to pull Elsa out of school but he is pleased when their father put his foot down.

Martin’s internship turns into a job as a healer. He is grateful to have somewhere to find when Elsa finishes school as their mother turns into a monster once she debuts. He wishes they would just find a suitor that meets their mothers’ level of approval, if for his sisters sanity.

His sister marries a pureblood man from a middle-class family. He is slightly annoyed their mother got so much pull with the choice, but hopes that his sister is happy in her match.

Elsa gives birth to Jack.

Elsa gives birth to Lily. Their mother seems to be completely out of her depression.

A Passionate Love
Martin meets Lisa when he is out tending to a medical case. He is not bothered by the fact she is a vampire and very quickly becomes enraptured by her. He writes to his father sharing the news but leaves out that detail until he knows if it is serious.


The news goes down as well as he expects. His father is happy for them, seeming glad that he found love. Ellsworth helps the two find a house in London after they are married. His mother on the other hand is furious but he pays her no mind, his heart already set of Lisa.

Martin becomes Assistant Head of his department.

Lisa gives birth to their first child, a girl they call Acacia. His mother still refuses to accept them, and Martin is not as bothered as he should be. He wanted his child surrounded by love, because he knew the world would be hard on her.

Elsa gives birth to Marigold.

Their second daughter Chrysanta is born. The first few months are up and down, but she stubbornly holds on to her life which Martin is extremely pleased about.

Their third daughter Orinda is born.

Elsa has two sons, but only one survives the birth. His sister names him Henry after their grandfather.

Breaking Point
They have their son Dunstan.

Later in the year in one of their fights Lisa almost accidentally kills him. She leaves and does not return. Martin is heartbroken but his need to protect his children overpowers his grief. He tries his best to not let them see his pain.

The drama with the muggles has Martin worried about the safety of his children. After talking with his father, he packs them up and moves them to a new house in the quickly growing town of Hogsmeade. Most of his children take it well, only Orinda gives him the silent treatment, not that it lasts long.

With the change in location, he decides to change the department he works in. Martin transferers to Hogsmeade Hospital into Spell Damage as a Healer.

His mother, sister and her family also move to Hogsmeade. But his mother continues her distaste for her grandchildren that he has fathered. His father visits more and starts to have a good relationship with his children. Martin feels saddened that his father never tried this relationship with himself or his sister. On the flip side, he is glad his children get to know at least one of their grandparents adores them.

Martin is concerned as a rift seems to form between his oldest two daughters and Orinda. He cannot help but see more of her mother’s stubbornness and recklessness growing in her. He mostly stays out of it, knowing that the girls love each other and that it would not last long.

Once more Martin becomes Assistant Head of his department.

Acacia starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw keeping the family tradition alive.

Crystal starts at Hogwarts and surprises almost everyone when she is sorted Slytherin. Martin however is not taken by too much surprised.

Martin becomes Healer-in-Charge of his department.

Orinda starts at Hogwarts and she is sorted into Hufflepuff.

Lisa returns. Martin is not surprised but still heartbroken that she had taken up her maiden name once more. He refuses to let her see the children, fearing for their safety and the mental state it might leave them in. He writes to his father admitting the reason that she left and that he was refusing her access to their children in case she tried to approach him. His mother is not told.

Acacia surprises him with her letter, and he feel guilty for such young children having had to witness such a thing. He is not sure what to do, so simply replies with reassurance of their safety and his love for them.

A year that Martin would happily forget. First the ban on Half breeds, that leads to his children not able to attend school. For the first time, he feels like he has failed them. He tries his best to continue their education within their home.

To make it up to the children, he had planned a wonderful birthday for Dunstan. At least he thought it was. If he had known what would happen with the flying tiger, he would have never left them alone. Instead he spent the next few days in a worried grief as his children go missing. He is glad when the girls are found, but the news of the son left him devastated. He put on a good  show for the girls, but whenever he was alone, Martin fall into a deep grief for the rest of the year.

There has been a time change here where the siblings took a different path and all survived. Martin does not remember this timeline, only the one where Dunstan dies.
A New Chance
The girls go back to Hogwarts and Martin does his best to pull himself out of his grief and depression for their sake.

In February, they receive the news that Lisa is dead. Martin decided to inform his children before they hear it from someone else. He does worry how they will take it. For the first time since she left, Martin feels a sense of ease and perhaps a sense of freedom to live his life once more. His mother of course urges him to find a new wife, a ‘proper’ one this time. Martin, like most of his life, ignores her. If he were to marry, it would be to a women he had an affection for and one that would accept his children the way they are.

In July he meets a Mrs Sherington in a chance meeting. She was rather pretty, and a widow with three children of her own. He finds himself thinking of her in the days to come.

After much consideration, Martin and Sophie officially begin courting. He uses the time to get to know her and to work out where his feelings may lead to for the women. At her request, they wait until September second to inform his daughters, in a letter – as much as he would rather have told them from the start.

He introduces his children to Sophie and her children when they return for Christmas break. He believes it goes well. He allows himself to admit he was forming an attachment to her. It was not the same love he had held for Lisa, not the burning passion that consumed him. But it was a form of love none the less. A soft affection. A want for her companionship.

Sophie’s sister is disowned after their parents learn of her friendship with his own daughter Acacia. The young girl moves in with her sister.

After the meeting with his children, family and Sophie goes well, Martin can think of no reason to keep their courtship going any longer. On January 17, during a dinner with his mother and sister, Martin proposed. He is extremely glad when Sophie accepts, agreeing whole heartly to her minor condition that they maintain the Canterbury house as a vacation home. He had no desire to replace her children’s father, as much as he promised to be a father to them. He would not allow them to lose their family home.

Seeing the dead at your breakfast table acting like they had never left was enough to make one think they were insane. Martin had believed for a time that was what had happened. Dunstan’s return had been hard to grasp, and even harder to explain to his fiancé who only remembered his son as alive. He is still not fully sure he believes it, but he is making sure to keep a close eye on his son, scared to lost him once more.

June 24th, the day he never expected would happen again. He remembers clearly how beautiful Sophie looked wearing her dress of blue, holding the simple but nice bouquet of flowers as they tie themselves together in marriage.

His father retires from Hogwarts at the end of the school year.

In early August his eldest daughter Acacia obtains an internship at the hospital after receiving her NEWTs scores. She was interviewed for her internship with the prior Director of Hogsmeade Hospital, Mr. Baxter Keene - originally for the singular reason that she is half-vampire, but with this, it would also be to prevent a conflict of interest (i.e. nepotism) as she is placed in her father’s department. A conflict of interest he made sure to never play into. At work she was Miss Ruskin, and he treated her the same as all the other interns. But he is also incredibly proud of his daughter.

September comes with some interesting news; Sophie is pregnant with their first child. Martin is concerned for her and the baby’s health and no doubt starts to annoy his wife as he is always checking on her before and after work. Despite wishing to share the news, he keeps his promise to her in waiting to tell their children when they return home at Christmas. Although he worries how his children will take the news.

With support from his wife and years of work behind him, Martin applies for the job as Hospital Director in November when Baxter Keene retires deciding it’s time to once more change up his work.


Creative, Insightful, Principled, Passionate, Altruistic, Sensitive to Criticism, Reluctant to Open Up, Perfectionistic, Avoiding the Ordinary, Prone to Burnout

Academic Record
Ancient RunesE-
Ancient StudiesA-
History of MagicA-
Defence Against the Dark ArtsEO
Care of Magical CreaturesOE

Internship: Creature Induced Injuries – St Mungo’s 1860-1861
Healer: Creature Induced Injuries – St Mungo’s 1861-1870
Assistant Head: Creature Induced Injuries – St Mungo’s 1871-1877
Healer: Spell Damage – Hogsmeade 1877-1881
Assistant Head: Spell Damage – Hogsmeade 1882-1883
Healer-in-Charge: Spell Damage – Hogsmeade 1884-1890
Hospital Director – Hogsmeade 1890

  • Pets: Pure white cat, Bennet
  • Odd Skill: Singing
  • Patronus: Grey Wolf
  • Amortentia: Floral mostly jasmine, the ocean and fresh laundry
  • Boggart: Any of his children hurt, after 1887 it has always been Dunstan
  • Fact 1: Martin always starts the day with a black coffee and his newspaper, he does not leave for work until he can say goodbye to Sophie.
  • Fact 2: Martin does not drink alcohol.
  • Fact 3: Martin likes to check on his children once they are asleep before he heads to bed.

  • Out-of-Character
    BellaRose#2335 or PM Clifford Griffiths
    Other Characters:
    Clifford, Victoria, Rupert

    The following 2 users Like Martin Ruskin's post:
       Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean}, Sophie Ruskin

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    Martin Ruskin - by Elias Grimstone - November 26, 2020 – 9:04 PM
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