Issue #218 - Five Society Women to Stay Away From
Who Wore It Best? The Hogsmeade Harvest Festival saw many interesting fashion choices, particularly during the Harvest Ball, where many a young lady was encouraged to take inspiration from the crops when designing their attire. Because this ball was not a proper fancy dress party, most of the dresses were quite similar; typical styles in fall colors. What set people apart was how they accessorized, which is the topic of our comparison today. The unfortunate Miss Bellona Zabini (unfortunate both because of her family history and her fashion choices on this particular evening) wore a fairly uninteresting dress in every respect except the color: bright orange. Always a risky color, it was even more so given her dark skin tone, and as a result Miss Zabini looked something like a pumpkin that had been left too long in the field. The full skirt of the dress added to the feeling that as far as crops went, she might be a bit on the "squishier" side. She wore an orange scarf as a headdress, and while it would have been hard for anything to entirely save her look for the evening, this was decidedly not the accessory to do so. It made her look even more orange, and represented a lost opportunity to do anything at all interesting with her hair, which was mostly hidden. Tatiana Lestrange, on the other hand, can be used as an exemplar for future Harvest Balls, should this become a recurring theme. Her maroon dress complimented her skin and hair tone quite well, and she took the opportunity to accessorize using familiar fall shapes, with gold earrings which outlined falling leaves and an ornate headdress with tiny jeweled leaves, which matched both her dress and the rest of her gold jewelry. The complete picture was quite handsome and elegant, and brought to mind that the invitation recommended young ladies be inspired by the crops, not become the crops — as Miss Zabini did. |
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What creature reflects you? | |
It is October which means the time when everyone tries to outdo one another with costume balls is upon us! Emulating a creature has always been a staple in costume balls so we've put together this quiz to help you see whether a niffler, thunderbird or unicorn fits you best!![]() A mugger attacks you and takes your jewelry - how do you react? A) I wouldn't be in that situation in the first place because I always travel with protection of some sort. b) I would fight him - this necklace is priceless! c) I would cooperate fully - I don't want anyone getting hurt! You are told to plan a ball, which of the following describes it best? Which of the following treats would you rather have?
A friend does something that you do not agree with, how do you handle the situation? A) I give her a lecture about the dangers of whatever it is that she is doing. b) I tell her that she should stop but am open to a little bribery if she wants me to stay quiet. c) I let it be.
Mostly B's:
Mostly C': |
Five Society Women to Stay Away From | |
Forming friendships with those of one's status can be richly rewarding, as long as a lady is careful as to whom they make their acquaintance with. While some of these ladies may have the surname of a respectable family, please do not be fooled. Every lady has a valid reason to be on our list. Socialites and debutants, beware!![]() On a brief glance, Miss Dempsey seems to only be an unfortunate spinster. Unlucky in love and doomed for loneliness. But if one takes more of a look into the life of Porphyria Dempsy, one will see that she is a poet of the morbid variety. An unsettling trait, it does not take a vast imagination to realize why she has ended up alone. Some might say that many in her family also share her eccentric traits to some degree. While not one to be of too much concern, mothers may wish to side with caution before allowing one's daughters around Miss Dempsey's influence. ![]() Yet another spinster, we here at Witch Weekly must warn of more caution to be taken around Miss Rosier than her fellow spinisters. One may not suspect something off at first - or even second! - glance, but do not let this fool you. While she may come from a respectable family, she is far from decent. A self proclaimed activist, Miss Rosier has been known to be bluntly liberal in her views. One might even see her as a feminist. In this age of hasty elopements and scandalous marriages, beware those who speak in favor of diverting from the social norm! |
![]() While having shown no obvious signs of being a scandalous individual, it cannot be overlooked that Miss Scrimgeour comes from a family of various scandals. From the entire mess with her twin, Miss Annabelle Scrimgeour, to the most recent development of her cousins elopement. Such influences are sure to have rubbed off on the unfortunate young woman. To avoid such mindset from spreading, be mindful to avoid Miss Scrimgeour, as well as those she associates with. ![]() Many may remember Mrs. Umbridge's own elopement of last year. However, we must also remember the fact that Mrs. Umbridge later chaperoned Fortuna Bixby to her own elopement later that year. It leads us here at Witch Weekly to believe that Mrs. Umbridge fails to see the point of a proper marriage, and might just help any wayward daughter who may wish to elope! Mothers especially beware for your daughters, as Mrs. Umbridge may just ruin their reputations and lives for the sake of amusement! ![]() We mustn't forget the most recent known elopement to have disgraced our society. Mrs. Lukeson not only ruined her own reputation, but has further tainted that of the Scrimgeour name. Though it is questionable as to whether the Scrimgeour name could even be more tainted by now. Never the less, Mrs. Lukeson is a prime example of the horrible fact that some ladies do not learn from other's mistakes. And what may be worse is that there might be more than one reason for Mrs. Lukeson's rash decision. |
Discover Your Halloween Horoscope! | ||
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