Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog



Hi Hello, I'm Meeka. I'm 19 years old, currently in college major in Medical laboratory Science.  I like chocolates, peaches, dogs, rabbits and pandas... basically anything cute and fluffy. I've been roleplaying since I was 14 and Charming was my second rpg.

If you ever need me, I can be reached through skype or a PM to my main account Katherine Midford. A PM is more preferable because the skype app doesn't like to notify me  when I get messages. You can try and send me smoke signals too or force Bree and Kit to post more Trisnie because that magically summons me


※ -Katherine Midford - ※ - Ligeia Baudelaire - ※ - Anais Beaumont -※ - October Lynch -※ -

※ - Honey Whitledge-※ - Veronica Gallivan-※ - Araminta Scrimgeour-※ - Iris Cattermole

Other Stuff:

To-do List

Date| <a href="Link">Thread Title</a> with <i>Thread Participants </i>

Katherine Ashley Midford

[Image: G3zBW4N.gif] [Image: z5sFpLn.gif] [Image: lRtGvdQ.gif]

20 | Ravenclaw Class of 1888 | Debutante | App


Active ※ - Letter ✉

06.24.1890| *Laughs Nervously* with Ernest Mulciber
06.27.1890| Born To Party with Cecily Gallivan
07.04.1890| Dance with Me, Make Me Sway with Various*
07.14.1890| In Our Own Little Corner with Madeleine Backus
07.24.1890| In Our Own Little Corner with Richard Gladstone


05.17.1889| The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Fern with Handsome Whitledge
06.26.1889| Somebody Got Murdered, At Least It Wasn't Me with Read Only


03.02.1888| In Fear with Handsome Whitledge
03.05.1888| Shinning, Shimmering Splendor with Nikolai Sleptove & NEWT Classmates
05.15.1888| I Can See The Light with Handsome Whitledge
05.31.1888| Playing the Gentleman with Kenton Yaxley
06.05.1888| ✉ How to Flirt: Another Book By Handsome with Handsome Whitledge
06.06.1888| Go The Distance with Handsome Whitledge
06.27.1888| ✉ Out of Friendship and Concern with Handsome Whitledge
06.27.1888| Inside Out with Handsome Whitledge
09.28.1888| So This Is Love? with Handsome Whitledge

Ligeia Asteria Baudelaire

[Image: SoxywlA.gif] [Image: HNydEGp.gif] [Image: UMdP2wh.gif]

23 | Slytherin Class of 1883 | Debutante | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.16.1888| Flight of the French with Mathias Beaumont
04.08.1888| ✉ LOL from Antigone Lestrange
04.23.1888| ✉:P to Antigone Lestrange
04.11.1888| *Tries to be Political* with Finnian Byrne
05.07.1888| Live and Play Your Part with Andromeda Blaire
07.04.1888| ✉ When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes with Julius Scrimgeour
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants

Pre- 1888

05.10.1887| isn't the place to find a lover with Gregory Yaxley
06.03.1887| I Was Enchanted To Meet You with Julius Scrimgeour

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
Anais Priscilla Beaumont

[Image: VSbNP8i.gif] [Image: PllK2C0.gif] [Image: kh9OCG7.gif]

18| Slytherin Class of 1887 (Drop Out) | Pendergast Rose | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.05.1888| ✉ The Blooming Rose with Mathias Beaumont
05.15.1888| ✉ And they became friends in my head to Araminta Scrimgeour
08.30.1888| Rich Friends with Maximiliaan De Vries
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


09.01.1887| Roses Forever with Odette Lécuyer

October Elizabeth Lynch

16| Slytherin Class of 1890 | Student| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.14.1889| I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} with Nikolai Sleptov & NEWT Students
06.10.1889| Sister, O, Sister with February Umbridge
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


04.10.1888| Practice Makes Perfect with Sweetie Whitledge
04.13.1888| Pheromones with Kristoffer Lestrange
05.03.1888| Clown with Aster Langloire
05.09.1888| The Way of The World with Meserimus Valenduris
09.10.1888| Merlin No, They've Returned with Woopy
10.05.1888| ✉ Haven't You Heard? with February Umbridge

[Image: abT3RWX.jpg]
Honey Bridgette Kerensa Whitledge

13| Hufflepuff Class of 1893 | Student| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.09.1889| Young and Unafraid with Sweetie Whitledges
05.29.1889| Pride Before the Fall with Hamish Darrow & Students


03.31.1888| Sisterly Quality Time with Sweetie Whitledge
04.30.1888| Merlin's Beard! {Intro HoM} with Hamish Darrow & Students
07.02.1888| To My Sisters ✉ with Sweetie Whitledge
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants

Veronica Noelle Gallivan

[Image: 8TVnkLm.gif] [Image: MJXcBXG.gif] [Image: YhoxSQk.gif]

27| Ravenclaw Class of 1877 | Wife| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.21.1888| Tea Leaves & Superstitions with Lucille Flint
08.30.1888| The Fates with Theodore Gallivan
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


09.14.1887| Revelations with Nathaniel Gallivan

[Image: nYlWvSU.jpg]
Araminta Lucrezia Scrimgeour

[Image: T4atDeF.png] [Image: NEy24f0.png] [Image: F384jSc.png]

21| Slytherin Class of 1887 | Debutante | App


Active - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

05.20.1889| A Finer Night You Know You'll Never See with Fitzroy Prewett
05.20.1889| Stars Shinging Bright Above Me with Samuel St.John-Black


05.20.1889| Before People Talk ✉ with Lucille Lukeson & Julius Scrimgeour
05.20.1889| A Year in a Garden with Evander Darrow
05.25.1889| Wrong Turn with Aldous Crouch
06.10.1889| Outrage ✉ with Lucille Flint
06.13.1889| That Cousin You Barely Speak To ✉ with Camille Scrimgeour  
07.16.1889| Accidentally Appearing at Your House with Ace Lukeson


04.25.1888| ✉ Send Me A Sign to Bella Scrimgeour
04.25.1888| A Father's Penitence with Argus Scrimgeour
04.29.1888| My Friend… Sort Of with Regina Lacey
05.03.1888| All That I Ever Am Is Me with Rueben Crouch
05.03.1888| Mystery Unsolved with Julius Scrimgeour
05.15.1888| ✉ And they became friends in my head to Anais Beaumont
06.01.1888| ✉ The Twin Knows Best to Bella Scrimgeour
05.31.1888| I Wanna Dance With Somebody with Aldous Crouch
09.10.1888| ✉ It's Time To Grow with Argus Scrimgeour


10.30.1880| Princess and the Pauper with Bella Scrimgeour

[Image: fkiSG7k.jpg]
- She is the identical twin of Bella Scrimgeour. Your character might mistake her for her twin -
Iris Cattermole née Belby

28| Ravenclaw Class of 1878 | Spell Damage Healer at St. Mungo’s  | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.05.1889| Another Day, Another Galleon with Jamesina Mcintyre
05.30.1889| O Niffler, Niffler, Where Art Thou Niffler? with Loren Bilton
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


01.05.1888| ✉ Fortune Favours the Bold with Cyrus Westerman

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