The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Printable Version

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The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Katherine Midford - March 4, 2018



Hi Hello, I'm Meeka. I'm 19 years old, currently in college major in Medical laboratory Science.  I like chocolates, peaches, dogs, rabbits and pandas... basically anything cute and fluffy. I've been roleplaying since I was 14 and Charming was my second rpg.

If you ever need me, I can be reached through skype or a PM to my main account Katherine Midford. A PM is more preferable because the skype app doesn't like to notify me  when I get messages. You can try and send me smoke signals too or force Bree and Kit to post more Trisnie because that magically summons me


※ -Katherine Midford - ※ - Ligeia Baudelaire - ※ - Anais Beaumont -※ - October Lynch -※ -

※ - Honey Whitledge-※ - Veronica Gallivan-※ - Araminta Scrimgeour-※ - Iris Cattermole

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Date| <a href="Link">Thread Title</a> with <i>Thread Participants </i>

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Katherine Midford - March 4, 2018

Katherine Ashley Midford

[Image: G3zBW4N.gif] [Image: z5sFpLn.gif] [Image: lRtGvdQ.gif]

20 | Ravenclaw Class of 1888 | Debutante | App


Active ※ - Letter ✉

06.24.1890| *Laughs Nervously* with Ernest Mulciber
06.27.1890| Born To Party with Cecily Gallivan
07.04.1890| Dance with Me, Make Me Sway with Various*
07.14.1890| In Our Own Little Corner with Madeleine Backus
07.24.1890| In Our Own Little Corner with Richard Gladstone


05.17.1889| The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Fern with Handsome Whitledge
06.26.1889| Somebody Got Murdered, At Least It Wasn't Me with Read Only


03.02.1888| In Fear with Handsome Whitledge
03.05.1888| Shinning, Shimmering Splendor with Nikolai Sleptove & NEWT Classmates
05.15.1888| I Can See The Light with Handsome Whitledge
05.31.1888| Playing the Gentleman with Kenton Yaxley
06.05.1888| ✉ How to Flirt: Another Book By Handsome with Handsome Whitledge
06.06.1888| Go The Distance with Handsome Whitledge
06.27.1888| ✉ Out of Friendship and Concern with Handsome Whitledge
06.27.1888| Inside Out with Handsome Whitledge
09.28.1888| So This Is Love? with Handsome Whitledge

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Ligeia Baudelaire - March 4, 2018

Ligeia Asteria Baudelaire

[Image: SoxywlA.gif] [Image: HNydEGp.gif] [Image: UMdP2wh.gif]

23 | Slytherin Class of 1883 | Debutante | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.16.1888| Flight of the French with Mathias Beaumont
04.08.1888| ✉ LOL from Antigone Lestrange
04.23.1888| ✉:P to Antigone Lestrange
04.11.1888| *Tries to be Political* with Finnian Byrne
05.07.1888| Live and Play Your Part with Andromeda Blaire
07.04.1888| ✉ When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes with Julius Scrimgeour
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants

Pre- 1888

05.10.1887| isn't the place to find a lover with Gregory Yaxley
06.03.1887| I Was Enchanted To Meet You with Julius Scrimgeour

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Anais Beaumont - March 12, 2018

Anais Priscilla Beaumont

[Image: VSbNP8i.gif] [Image: PllK2C0.gif] [Image: kh9OCG7.gif]

18| Slytherin Class of 1887 (Drop Out) | Pendergast Rose | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.05.1888| ✉ The Blooming Rose with Mathias Beaumont
05.15.1888| ✉ And they became friends in my head to Araminta Scrimgeour
08.30.1888| Rich Friends with Maximiliaan De Vries
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


09.01.1887| Roses Forever with Odette Lécuyer

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - October Lynch - March 25, 2018

October Elizabeth Lynch

16| Slytherin Class of 1890 | Student| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

03.14.1889| I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} with Nikolai Sleptov & NEWT Students
06.10.1889| Sister, O, Sister with February Umbridge
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


04.10.1888| Practice Makes Perfect with Sweetie Whitledge
04.13.1888| Pheromones with Kristoffer Lestrange
05.03.1888| Clown with Aster Langloire
05.09.1888| The Way of The World with Meserimus Valenduris
09.10.1888| Merlin No, They've Returned with Woopy
10.05.1888| ✉ Haven't You Heard? with February Umbridge

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Honey Whitledge - April 1, 2018

Honey Bridgette Kerensa Whitledge

13| Hufflepuff Class of 1893 | Student| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.09.1889| Young and Unafraid with Sweetie Whitledges
05.29.1889| Pride Before the Fall with Hamish Darrow & Students


03.31.1888| Sisterly Quality Time with Sweetie Whitledge
04.30.1888| Merlin's Beard! {Intro HoM} with Hamish Darrow & Students
07.02.1888| To My Sisters ✉ with Sweetie Whitledge
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Veronica Gallivan [Meeka] - April 10, 2018

Veronica Noelle Gallivan

[Image: 8TVnkLm.gif] [Image: MJXcBXG.gif] [Image: YhoxSQk.gif]

27| Ravenclaw Class of 1877 | Wife| App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.21.1888| Tea Leaves & Superstitions with Lucille Flint
08.30.1888| The Fates with Theodore Gallivan
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


09.14.1887| Revelations with Nathaniel Gallivan

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Araminta Scrimgeour [Meeka[ - April 30, 2018

Araminta Lucrezia Scrimgeour

[Image: T4atDeF.png] [Image: NEy24f0.png] [Image: F384jSc.png]

21| Slytherin Class of 1887 | Debutante | App


Active - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

05.20.1889| A Finer Night You Know You'll Never See with Fitzroy Prewett
05.20.1889| Stars Shinging Bright Above Me with Samuel St.John-Black


05.20.1889| Before People Talk ✉ with Lucille Lukeson & Julius Scrimgeour
05.20.1889| A Year in a Garden with Evander Darrow
05.25.1889| Wrong Turn with Aldous Crouch
06.10.1889| Outrage ✉ with Lucille Flint
06.13.1889| That Cousin You Barely Speak To ✉ with Camille Scrimgeour  
07.16.1889| Accidentally Appearing at Your House with Ace Lukeson


04.25.1888| ✉ Send Me A Sign to Bella Scrimgeour
04.25.1888| A Father's Penitence with Argus Scrimgeour
04.29.1888| My Friend… Sort Of with Regina Lacey
05.03.1888| All That I Ever Am Is Me with Rueben Crouch
05.03.1888| Mystery Unsolved with Julius Scrimgeour
05.15.1888| ✉ And they became friends in my head to Anais Beaumont
06.01.1888| ✉ The Twin Knows Best to Bella Scrimgeour
05.31.1888| I Wanna Dance With Somebody with Aldous Crouch
09.10.1888| ✉ It's Time To Grow with Argus Scrimgeour


10.30.1880| Princess and the Pauper with Bella Scrimgeour

RE: The Jungle Book | Meeka's Postlog - Iris Cattermole - June 10, 2018

Iris Cattermole née Belby

28| Ravenclaw Class of 1878 | Spell Damage Healer at St. Mungo’s  | App


Active -※- Dead - ※ - Archived - ※ - Letter ✉

04.05.1889| Another Day, Another Galleon with Jamesina Mcintyre
05.30.1889| O Niffler, Niffler, Where Art Thou Niffler? with Loren Bilton
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants
Date| Thread Title with Thread Participants


01.05.1888| ✉ Fortune Favours the Bold with Cyrus Westerman