Hi Hello, I'm Meeka.
I'm 19 years old, currently in college major in Medical laboratory Science. I like chocolates, peaches, dogs, rabbits and pandas... basically anything cute and fluffy. I've been roleplaying since I was 14 and Charming was my second rpg.
If you ever need me, I can be reached through skype or a PM to my main account Katherine Midford. A PM is more preferable because the skype app doesn't like to notify me when I get messages. You can try and send me smoke signals tooor force Bree and Kit to post more Trisnie because that magically summons me
※ -Katherine Midford - ※ - Ligeia Baudelaire - ※ - Anais Beaumont -※ - October Lynch -※ -
※ - Honey Whitledge-※ - Veronica Gallivan-※ - Araminta Scrimgeour-※ - Iris Cattermole
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