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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

May 1890
May 1890

This month, the full moon will be on Monday, May 4th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.

In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of May.
You can also check this out in calendar view!

Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!


[Image: gvM7opq.png]
ACAB | REP +7 | Coming Out Ball

What: The British Coming Out of Adrestia Dantés
Who: Guardian Peter Salvage shall be hosting in honor of his ward.

UCAB 7+ are invited.
MCAB 8+ are invited.
WCAB are not invited, but shall be invited to a quiet, less grand after party that he prefers to host for his household staff as a thank you for putting up with his lavish tastes.

Cost: N/A
Where: His London home, which is enchanted to be larger on the inside.
Why: His ward has finally had all the education she is going to get from India, and it is time for her to enter into English society. Perfect opportunity to start working on the master plan.
When: May 3rd, 1890
Décor has been brought in from the finer parts of India, and their house chef has prepared Indian dishes that Miss Dantés's staff has sworn up and down to be authentic. A professional animal specialist has even been brought in, to accompany an occamy. It is highly discouraged to approach too closely, any guests who try will be directed elsewhere. Flying carpets have even been supplied in order to get a nice look at the temporarily charmed ceiling that looks like the night sky. The floor has been charmed to look like a clear pond with water lilies 'floating around'.

Contact Player(s): Kelly (@"Acacia Ruskin") and Dante (Madeleine Backus)


The following 1 user Likes Peter Salvage's post:
   Madeleine Backus

What: Trading Faces Masquerade
Who: Emrys is hosting for, basically, UC people he thinks are interesting. This is a small, exclusive event; please ask me if you want your character to attend so I can make sure they fit the profile. ^^
Cost: N/A
Where: Emrys' House, Bristol
Why: Mischief & Fun.
When: May 8th

On arrival, guests are asked to give one hair. Once all the guests have arrived, these are added to individual cups of polyjuice and dispersed more or less randomly. They will be sorted by gender, but it's possible for one to get misgendered or for a random pet hair to sneak in if you like. The first hour of the proper ball they'll be disguised as other guests, and the second hour will return to their normal faces. If they're around for hour three, there will be a second round of randomized polyjuice. By hour four he's kicking everyone out.

Contact Player(s): Emrys Selwyn


The following 2 users Like Emrys Selwyn's post:
   Cecily Gallivan, Freya Selwyn

Lou made this! <3

What: Wedding of Reginald Hoggle and Daphne Thomas
Who: Friends/family/etc of the above, general society types.
Cost: N/A
Where: Wales [the Thomas home]
Why: Lynn wanted an interesting open thread. >>
When: 2 May

Reginald Hoggle is set to take his third wife on Saturday afternoon, however the soon-to-be Mrs. Hoggle is incredibly superstitious and absolutely refuses to walk down the aisle due to several ill omens. After about thirty minutes of awkward waiting the father of the bride will usher the guests into the reception in the hopes of staving off rumors with copious amounts of free booze. Guests can loiter on the lawn garden-party style for as long as they want to keep drinking, basically.

At one point, the bride may be seen trying to escape through a second-story window, which won't go well in her wedding dress. At another point the mother of the bride will go into hysterics. The adult daughter of Mr. Hoggle and his first wife is going to be catty as hell about this and will only get more vocal the longer she drinks.

Reginald Hoggle will decide to postpone the wedding after a few hours and announce this to whatever guests are remaining. The wedding may or may not ever actually take place.

Contact Player(s): Ophelia Devine


The following 2 users Like Ophelia Devine's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange

What: Wizarding Horticultural Society Annual Flower Show -also known as The Great Spring Show
Who: WHS is running it, anyone can attend to view the gardens and buy from vendors, experts and people with a professional/amateur interest in herbology and horticulture would take part.
Cost: Entry to view the show is few knuts,
If you want to enter a show garden into the competition:
Avanté Garden - a 12 galleons (By invitation)
Competition Gardens: 5g -Open to the public
not including the cost of actually arranging the gardens
Where: Padmore Park
Why: It's an annual show - https://youtu.be/VAVuckzokz4
When: 28th of May

Miss Agatha Aghern, a wealthy, and slightly mad, spinster who has dedicated her whole life to the WHS has seen her status within the organisation drop in recent years! She is determined to claw it back this year by taking home the top prize! She attempted to create enchanted topiary of animals to be placed in her competition garden for this years event.  She couldn't manage it, and instead of trying something else, she bought 2 old elephants, a chimp, and a giraffe from a rather shadey zoo and applied a topical concotion to make them to look like bushes.  She then stunned them.  However, her spell work isn't what is used to be, so the stunning spell will be wearing off sometime around mid day! AND!  Whatever potion she rubbed onto them is highly transferable and its getting everywhere!
[Image: animals-topiary.jpg]
The event is laid out as follows:
[Image: MgdKkvw.png]

Central Pavillion
The Epicentre of the show, There is a large raised stage , announcements of winners, lectures and opening and closing ceremonies take place here

The Avante Gardé show Gardens
Professionals attempt to be as inventive and creative as possible.  these gardens are works or art, spectacular sculptural creations from the best and brightest in horticulture. 
Theme Comeptition Gardens
This years theme was The Animal World - and professionals and amateurs compete to create the best designs that are relevant to the theme
Judging Tent
Where the best blooms and voting occurs for the competition rounds. 
Vendors Halls
Florists and herbologists have stalls set up selling their wares wholesale to the industry, or retail to the public
Herbological Gardens
Where the practical plants, and plant growers show off new breeds or strains, or new discoveries - usually the least crowded part of the exhibit because it appeals mostly to experts.
Magical Ornamental Flowers
Rows and rows of the newest and best magical domestic flowers, suitable as cutting flowers, or magical garden plantings. 

Contact Player(s): Dante Madeleine Backus  - all because Dante misses the Chelsea flower show!


[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]

What: Irvingly Spring Celebration
Who: Mainly muggles but magic folk are welcome but mind the no-magic rules of Irvingly.
Cost: N/A
Where: Irvingly - Salem Square
Why: To celebrate the coming end of spring and give both working class and muggles even more events they can attend
When:May 16th, 1890

There will be the usual vendors selling their wares as well as Victorian Era festival type food.
There are booths set up with a variety of Victorian Era festival games.
Children will get some free wood-carved toys to take home and enjoy - these are non-magical.
There will be a street dance starting from about 3 in the afternoon into the late evening.
The night will end with a display of fireworks.

Contact Player(s): Roberto Devine


The following 4 users Like Roberto Devine's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Eileen Buchanan, Ophelia Devine

What: The Golden Hour Ball
Who: Any respectable member of Society has been invited. Martha Abbott is a strict blood purist, so unless the UCMB has direct ties to the Abbott family they're not invited. MCMB are not invited.

UCPB/UCHB - Rep 7+
MCPB/HB - Rep 8+

Cost: No cost! The Abbott's are happy for a chance to flaunt their wealth.
Where: The Abbott's manor in Glenridding.
Why: Because Will wants a romantic scene to propose to Diana and Mama Abbott is happy to have an excuse to throw a party Because it's spring and the flowers are blooming!
When: May 22nd, 1890

Guests will arrive by floo, where they will come out and be presented with the manor's main foyer. There they will be led by a path of glowing lanterns to the manor's grounds; a sprawling cobblestone courtyard where tables are set up for evening tea. The courtyard overlooks a large lake. Atmospheric charms around the courtyard prevent guests from getting too cold, though a nice breeze will occasionally pass through the hillside.

A quartet will be playing light music throughout the evening.

There is a maze just beyond the courtyard (but within the courtyard's atmospheric charm) overflowing with greenery and flowers. Though most of the flowers are charmed to not affect those with seasonal allergies, one or two might have been unaffected as the staff were casting their spells ;) In the maze, the flowers glow, though that is not a guarantee they're telling the guest the way out! It isn't a hard maze to navigate, though if a guest wishes to leave and not complete the maze, all they need to do is pluck one of the flowers, crush it between their palm and scatter the remains on the maze floor. The maze hedge will fold back and allow the guest to walk back without a hitch.

Unbeknownst to most of the guests (though rumor may have gotten around), William Abbott plans on proposing to Diana Fawley this evening just as the sun goes down.

After the proposal, the evening tea setting will disappear and the evening will transition into a nighttime ball complete with a larger band and dancing. Glasses of champagne and beverages will be brought around by servants and house elves for guests to refresh themselves. There will still be seating and light refreshments throughout the night.

Contact Player(s): Emma & Lady


The following 1 user Likes William Abbott's post:
   Benevolence Crouch

Amazing Set by Lady <3
[Image: q0qVwr.png]

What: Fashion Magic Seminar by the House of Lytton
Who: Hosted by Hogwarts & Marcus Lytton. It's targeted to a group of about 15 NEWT students who have excellent grades in Charms and/or Transfiguration.
Cost: --
Where: Hamish Darrow's classroom at Hogwarts
Why: Marcus will be showing some advanced fashion magic.
When: May 16th, Morning

Marcus has decided to do a seminar with fashion magic for public image reasons. He'll be showing some of his classic spells regarding fashion. If a lady wishes to, she can get a certificate of attendance in case she needs it as a reference for a job.

Contact Player(s): Marcus Lytton


[Image: S4Z7kbh.jpg]
set by lady

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