Events in the Victorian world were one-time social hubs. From a roleplay perspective, they can help spark creativity and encourage interaction between characters who might not have met otherwise. Member-run events are an important aspect of Charming's community. If you're looking to make one, then you've come to the right place!
Your character might find themselves throwing...
- Balls
- Exclusive events for limited audiences
- Weddings
- Funerals
More specific and creative events are likely to garner larger OOC interest, and might include...
- Events targeted at Working Class characters.
- Political events. (ex. a garden party to discuss communism)
- Sporting events. (ex. a tennis tournament)
- Charity events. (ex. a fundraising luncheon)
- Seasonal events. (ex. a Guy Fawkes themed event in November)
To get your event listed reply to the monthly calendar thread with the form found below. Your event will then be added to the calendar.
It is perfectly acceptable and realistic to have multiple events on one day, though two events for the same group of people may end up in competition with each other.
As of May 2020, we have a new event form for you to fill out! All fields are rather the same, but we have added two new features to help streamline some things.
[post]<div class="thead">ACAB | REP +# | CATEGORY</div>
[b]What:[/b] What is your event? Just the name here, please! Any additional information should go below "When".
[b]Who:[/b] Who is it for/who is hosting it? Who is invited? Elaborate on the heading!
[b]Cost:[/b] Does this have a cost? If so, explain. If not, leave as N/A. Keep in mind [url=]pay level[/url]!
[b]Where:[/b] Where will it be taking place?
[b]Why:[/b] Self explanatory.
[b]When:[/b] IC Date
<dd>Put any extra details here!</dd>
[b]Contact Player(s):[/b] Who can members contact for more info? Tag the main account(s) in question!
<center><b>PORTED: NAME</b></center>[/post]
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.