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If It Makes You Happy | Catcher's Networking
Player Name Catcher
Contact: PM Leif or reply here

Character: Leif Heaney
Quick Facts: Oldest of seven boys. Wants to become Minister of Magic. Lives in the Slums.
Age: 10
House: Unknown
Grad Year: 1896
Class: W
Reputation: 9
Blood/Race: HB
Occupation: Child. Occasionally does some odd jobs, if he can find any.

Friends: Kids his age or his brothers' age(between 10-2ish) that live in Hogsmeade. Probably working class, maybe middle class, since Leif does live in the Slums. Maybe he met them while odd-jobbing.
Future Classmates(or their parents): I'd love to do a shopping thread with somebody, whether it's someone Leif's just met or it's someone that he's known for a while.
Extended Family: Leif's maternal family would be one of my wants. His mother, Lydia, is about 32-35, and could be of any blood type. She'd have to be working class, though. Also looking for cousins etc. May be putting up a wanted add for paternal family/immediate family as well.

Character: Wendell Banges
Quick Facts: Second of four children, the youngest boy. Follower of the Church of Magical Jesus. Lives on High Street.
Age: 21
House: Ravenclaw
Grad Year: 1886
Class: W
Reputation: 8
Blood/Race: PB
Occupation: Bookkeeper at Dervish & Banges. Also seen shadowing Mr. Dursley of Irvingly, in order to learn the ways of a preacher.

Past Classmates/Friends: Men his age that he would've known from school. Most would remember him a little different than he is at the moment, since he used to be a lot more focused on convincing his father that the store would be better off in his hands, but now he's more focused on church stuff.
Church People!: Followers, devoted folks, all the lot. People that Wendell won't bore with his talk, with his practice of preaching. People he can trust to uphold the same values he does.
Hurls?: Hurls for Wendell would probably be WC, maybe MC if someone falls for him, but they would have to be willing to believe/already believe in the CoMJ.

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?
Hi, Catcher! My name's Bree and welcome to Charming! <3

I unfortunately don't have any of the specific connections you're looking for, but I do have characters that could be used for nonspecific connections/on-off threads and future connections?

Although all are at Hogwarts at the moment, I have a handful of students that Leif will have the chance to meet next year (listed from youngest to oldest): Flora Mulciber, Holly Scrimgeour, Cameron Gillenwater, Agnes Mercier, Frida Lestrange, Justice Rookwood, Eldin Bones.

Dionisia Fisk is a local mediwitch who resigned from work after getting pregnant. I imagine she's had a fair number of run-ins with the slum children, as she was formerly of the working class herself!

Edric Umbridge is the head of the auror office and might have handled some ~issues down in the Slums. Nowadays he avoids Hogsmeade whenever possible, but you can only avoid your job description for so long :P

Bella Scrimgeour is my only working class character and she comes with her own set of... issues. Approach at your own risk. :P

set by MJ!
Hi Bree, thanks for the welcome.

Leif looks forward to potentially meeting your Hogwarts students in the future. I agree that there's not much to do with them now though.

Leif would know of Dionisia, though, especially with all the trouble his brothers get up to. A mediwitch would be someone he would want to contact, especially if his mum's at work.

An Auror in the Slums would have drawn Leif's attention, especially since the kid is so interested in becoming a Ministry worker later in life.

If Bella's around in Hogsmeade, Leif probably hasn't heard much of her reputation. His parents aren't the type for that stuff, plus he doesn't get the Daily Prophet very often.

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?
Hi Catcher! I meant to reply here aaaages ago, sorry for the delay!

Sadly, too, I don't have any kids for Leif, but he could possibly know:

Sarah Townsend, resident in the Slums. She doesn't have any children yet but is desperate for one, so I imagine she would be quite friendly to the neighbourhood kids!

Leila Scott also lives in the slums. She was turned into a werewolf in 1883 and just moved back at the end of last year, but most people are publicly aware of what she is and are wary of her. She's pretty grumpy but otherwise harmless if it's not a full moon. xD

Elias Grimstone is a local broommaker in Hogsmeade and used to be working class himself, so he would probably offer local kids odd jobs from time to time, errands or sweeping the workshop etc.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Hi MJ! No worries Smile

I could see Leif getting along with Sarah. He acts like he's so much more mature around adults, and he would probably be impressed that she works with the Ministry(one of his goals) so he'd ask her even when she is a woman.

If Leila passes by the kids often enough, they might have invited her to play. Or maybe sprayed her with one of the few working gobstones they have. Leif doesn't really care about werewolfishness etc. It's the kind of thing his father mentions in passing, so he wouldn't be opposed to talking to her either.

Leif always needs more odd jobs! He'd gladly take any work that Elias had to offer him.

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?
Hey, Catcher! I posted on one of your other threads, but I figured I would pop a reply in here, too.

Billie Farrow I already talked to you about how she used to live in the slums and basically just runs about Hogsmeade when she's not annoying Gideon and Quin "helping" at Ollivander's or Honeyduke's. I'd love to thread her and Leif! I feel like they'd have some fun adventures together and cause some mischief. Or they could work on some sort of odd job together. She's about to turn 10 this month and would be a year behind him at Hogwarts.

Zachariah Binns owns Whizzhard Books in Hogsmeade. He enjoys kids. He often loans books out to poor children, and he has been known to help them learn how to read. He would also gladly give Leif some sort of odd job to do.

I have some Hogwarts people that he might meet in the future: Archer Belby, Fleur Rey, Thomas Montgomery, and @'Clementine Rookwood.' Archer and Fleur are current first years, so maybe some potential, close-in-age friends. I could see them possibly coming to Hogsmeade over the summer to shop for school. (Particularly Archer who would want to avoid busier Diagon Alley)

These two characters are taking a slight break, but they'll be back in a month or so, but might have connection to Leif:

Gilbert Whitechapel lives in the slums with a few of his siblings. His youngest sister (who isn't played, yet) will be starting Hogwarts in September, so that's a potential connection. He is a bit of an eccentric and always trying to invent things. I imagine he has made some random toys for the neighborhood children. He also works at Hogsmeade Hospital in magical maintenance.

Leo Lupin is a terror. He is 5 years old, and he might have terrorized some of Leif's siblings. Basically, he's available and ready to be a little asshole in whatever capacity you want. hahaha

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
I'm all for Billie and Leif adventures! They could go off into the park or wander around High Street and bug some passersby and adults, or get up to other mischief. Maybe they could celebrate Billie's birthday together? Or we could do a group thread with Gideon/Quin and them doing some jobs. They'd probably already know each other from when she lived in the slums. She's probably also welcome to stay with the Heaneys when she wants to.

Leif would love the opportunity to borrow some books from Zachariah, and to do some work.

I was going to do some shopping (open) threads soon, since I think the Hogwarts school year is over, which means Leif gets to look at hand me downs! Wheee! So if you want to do a shopping thread with any of them, I'm up for it.

I think Leif would think Gilbert is really cool, especially if he gives the kids toys.

haha, Leo seems like a good enemy. If you want to chuck him in with Leif I could NPC some brothers being bullied, causing potential(?) fight.

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?
(June 2, 2019 – 3:39 PM)Leif Heaney Wrote:  Hi MJ! No worries Smile

I could see Leif getting along with Sarah. He acts like he's so much more mature around adults, and he would probably be impressed that she works with the Ministry(one of his goals) so he'd ask her even when she is a woman.

If Leila passes by the kids often enough, they might have invited her to play. Or maybe sprayed her with one of the few working gobstones they have. Leif doesn't really care about werewolfishness etc. It's the kind of thing his father mentions in passing, so he wouldn't be opposed to talking to her either.

Leif always needs more odd jobs! He'd gladly take any work that Elias had to offer him.

Haha all sounds great! Give me a shout if you'd like a thread anytime~

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Updated with Wendell Banges! Come do some plotting Smile

(June 14, 2019 – 2:17 AM)Wendell Banges Wrote:  Updated with Wendell Banges! Come do some plotting Smile

Yo! Yearmates and Churchbros. Adam's been going since he was thirteen, so if you're interested he could have been the catalyst to get Wendall to check it out. Either way I'd love a thread! Smile


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— graphics by rune ❤ —
ooh so many exciting things!

Adam Ragge I'll get a thread started between them, if you want?


The following 1 user Likes Wendell Banges's post:
   Adam Ragge
Hi Catcher!! Welcome to Charming Smile My name is Lady, I hope you find a home here, it's a great place to be ^_^

I don't have many for you, but I'll list a few of them that could work and you can pick and choose:

    Amelia Evans works at the Podmore Zoological Gardens, if your Leif frequents there, he'd probably encounter Amelia and her two animals! She's got a large Maine coon named Pascal, and an Australian Shepherd named Penny.

    Benedict Sterling used to be the Head Auror, but got himself into a bit of trouble (and amnesia) a few years back. He's fully recovered, but it was publicized in the DP, so if Leif paid attention to the news, he might have caught wind of that. He's a cheerful, happy-go-lucky guy who loves kids, and would probably love to talk to Leif!

    Tilda MacFusty is a Creature-Induced Injuries Healer at Hogsmeade Hospital. Her family works with dragons on a daily basis.

    Kingsley Wells is also a healer, though he's at St. Mungo's and a little awkward. I'd love to actually see him try and communicate with a child xD He might not know what to do with himself.

    Tilda and Wendell went to Hogwarts together, I believe! She might think him a bit odd for his faith, but wouldn't be any less kind.

My other character, Azazel is a bloodthirsty vampire xDD

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
Hey there Catcher, I have a new character Greg Evans who is a devout Christian, a church goer and whose father and grandfather were vicars (abiet muggle ones), care to thread with Wendell Banges ?

Felicity Gallagher that sounds like a great idea!

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?
Heyoooo!! How's it going? I'm Eve, a newbie!

I saw your absence post today but still, wanted to throw my character at you. I liked Leif a tons reading and I've got Idris Ross here. Can't help but think a friendship between them could be hilarious since my dude is Justin's son. They could turn into genuine friends, Leif could use him, whatever hahahaha i'm down

[Image: WCKsUh0.jpg]

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