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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Come Whichever Hell or High Water
July 20th, 1888
@'Fortuna Lockhart'

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I was taken ill with a nasty fever for several days. It was decidedly not fun. I'm afraid I just have been sleeping well and it's taken its toll on me. I hope all is well with you! Is Mr. Bixby still treating you alright? Do you get to see him a lot? I'll admit I'm a little jealous. Things here are... well let's just say there's a reason I'm not sleeping well and it's not for the one I would like.

How's the museum treating you? I'm think as soon as this fog is lifted I may be heading to the library to apply for a position. I've also been considering doing some volunteer work at the hospital to see if maybe healing might be something I could pursue. I think I have enough qualifying NEWTs to get into a ward like Potion and Plant Poisoning or Magical Bugs. I'm not sold on it, but I think it would be worth investigating. I need to do something with my time, I don't think I'll make it through another season without killing someone.

Hopefully I'll see you soon. This fog needs to go for a multitude of reasons and my sanity is number one.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Edric Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 20th, 1888


As well as can be, I suppose. Rufus isn't at all fond of Quidditch having been cancelled. He's the one with idle days now and I don't think he's really one meant to sit idle by any means. I, however, have been rather busy at the museum. And when I'm not there, I'm at the library doing research. I'm trying to come up with a good presentation to submit for my own exhibit. I'm kind of unsure of what to focus on. Greek mythology seems so overdone so perhaps something falling into the realm of the Vikings. I'm not sure yet though.

I'm sorry to hear you've been ill and not sleeping well though. I truly wish I could help somehow to help occupy your mind but I'm not sure how I could. Perhaps you'd like to help me brainstorm an idea for an exhibit?

I do think you would do well with a job though, even if it's likely to upset your family. You're not an idle sort either. And then we could commute together! It would be perfect! Unless, of course, you have someone else you'd rather see in London..


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 21st, 1888'

You and Mr. Bixby do sound well-suited to one another. Cancelling quidditch was rather upsetting, I could have at least had something interesting to read in the paper. I'm thrilled to hear that the museum is going well for you. I must admit I'm unsure as to what exhibits it already contains, but Vikings would be a wonderful research project. I wouldn't mind helping if you need it! It would at least give me something to do. You could always look into some indigenous populations around the world as well, I find all of those cultures so fascinating.

At this point I don't think I could disappoint them any further. Headlining the Prophet certainly took the cake in that respect, even if it worked out well in my favor... At least with a job they'd know where I was all the time and I wouldn't be moping around the house.

Oh Tuni, I wish he was in London. He's gone on that Merlin-forsaken expedition in Irvingly and I'm losing my mind. I got ill because I can't sleep. I'm having these awful dreams about something bad happening. It's horrid. Every time I close my eyes, I'm greeted with my imagination's worst ideas. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's just miserable.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 22nd, 1888


I hadn't thought of looking into indigenous tribes.. Maybe I'll have to look into those a bit. In the meantime, I'm including a could of books on Norse Mythology and Viking culture. I'll look into the other and see what I can come up with. Submitting two proposals isn't overly ambitious, is it?

Well, not that it probably makes much difference, I don't find you a failure in the slightest. Truth be told, you're a bit of an inspiration. I wish I had your tenacity at times. Maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to truly pursue someone I cared for and I'd have had my happily ever after long ago. I just hope mine continues along that path. I think I may have overly embarrassed myself with him. I just hope he doesn't hold it against me.

That damned expedition. It's caused problems here as well. Rufus's best mate went out on it and I think he'd likely have gone himself. But I was here and he didn't want to leave me behind. I'm not sure if he resents me for it or not. I hope not. But I can see that he's bored and wishing he could have gone with Mr. Tilcott. Speaking of, he's gotten a handful of letters since he's been gone, all from the same owl. I'm wondering if he has an admirer of his own but I could never peek.

Oh Febs! You really mustn't get yourself sick with worry. I'm sure it's easier said than done, but Mr. Umbridge is certainly a man that can hold his own. I'm sure you needn't worry about him. He'll come back to you. Who wouldn't want to come back to you?


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 23rd, 1888

Bless. You. I will dive right into these books tonight! I've never been so excited to do research in my entire life. Was there anything you wanted me to look for specifically or just take down some general notes for you to peruse? I cannot wait to have something meaningful to do with my time.

Tenacity is one way to put it. I've been rather foolish really. Just don't be like me Tuni, I'm a terrible influence, I've made so many wonderfully foolish choices that could actually ruin me. Even if Mr. Bixby does hold it against you a little (which would be silly!) you should be grateful he didn't go. Just wait, when Mr. Tilcott comes back I highly suspect Mr. Bixby will be glad he didn't go. I would rather feel guilty about keeping Edric here instead of making myself ill over worrying about him. I know he's capable, but I just have the worst feeling that the situation in Irvingly is worse than we think. I have no reason to say that and no idea why I feel that way, but I just do.

I'll get back to you with notes as soon as possible!

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 24th, 1888


I think fascinating facts that many may not realize is a good thing to take note of. That way it can be something fun and exciting to see. Who really wants to see an exhibit of something they already know all about? I know I wouldn't. So it needs to be something interesting and exciting! Those are the kind of things people want to see. Don't you think?

I feel like there's more you're not telling me. Wonderfully foolish, Febs? I don't mean to pry but.. You've got me intrigued. I have to admit, I feel as if I've made foolish choices myself though. Reading that book you sent may have.. bolstered said choices. I apparently drank a bit too much to be any sort of convincing though. I swear, I'll never touch firewhiskey again. But I guess, at the very least, Rufus showed just how much of a gentleman he really is. Even if I remember being rather frustrated by it all.

I do hope the events in Irvingly aren't too terrible though. What would happen should things to be able to be taken care of. As boring as Hogsmeade may be, I'd be loathe to never see my family and friends again..


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 24th, 1888

I'm halfway through one and I've left lots of bookmarks for interesting things to return to, then I'll compile a list and where I found them so we can refer back easily. Will you be able to procure artifacts to go with all of these fun tidbits?

I really shouldn't tell you Tuni, he'd be so mad at me... But since you already know about the situation a little and I think we've learned our lessons about sharing things from our letters, not to mention I need to tell somebody before I burst, I think we'll be alright. Just promise me you'll never tell anyone, ever, please.

That night after your run-in, he was furious and I thought I'd screwed up so badly he was going to end it. I convinced him to meet me in a decidedly private spot so I could explain. Well let's just say it was not so much the argument as I thought it was going to be and one thing led to another and... well that book I sent you does not do it justice, not in the slightest.

So, even with a bit of whiskey in you, you cannot have been nearly as foolish as I've been. I'm sure Mr. Bixby does not think any less of you and I'm pleased to hear he's a gentleman. Perhaps when liquor is not involved and you're able to communicate more plainly it would be different. Or maybe you'll get married and do it all the right way, that's up to you. I am not telling you do do anything foolish like I have, but I clearly cannot judge you for it if you do. I was definitely more the instigator in my situation and oh, was it worth it.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Flora Mulciber

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 25th, 1888


I'm only quickly acknowledging the research bit with a thank you because it'd be rude not to otherwise. I do appreciate your help but Merlin, how do you expect me to think of that after that bit of information!?

My goodness Febs, I think this fog has addled your brain! I can hardly believe what I've read. And though I imagine I should be ashamed or something I find myself quite the opposite! I'm intrigued and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't a bit jealous! I just.. wow. I'm not sure what to say. And though I still feel bad over causing the argument initially I suppose it helped in some ways?

I'm still a bit shocked.. The book really didn't do it justice? I'll admit I went to see Rufus that night because of that book. I didn't have a clue what I'd do if we'd gotten to that point but clearly it didn't matter.. But now you've got me curious.. I'm still unsure if he'd even consider such a thing until we have wed. I do think that's a part of the plan, marriage that is...I can now see why you're so frustrated with him being gone on the expedition though..


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 25th, 1888

You're welcome! I'm neck deep in this, just you wait!

I understand what you mean. I've been dying to tell somebody but I just couldn't! I think the fog has addled my brain too, I don't know what's happened to me. I know I'm not supposed to be doing what I'm doing, what I've done, but I can't help myself. Merlin, he just gets under my skin in all the right (and sometimes the wrong) ways. It's frustrating and exhilarating all at the same time. It's hard to describe, but I think you get it.

It's risky, I won't tell you it's not and I can't tell you if it'll be worth it to you to wait. A responsible friend would tell you to, but that would be rather hypocritical of me. It could easily be the ruin of either of us and your Rufus probably has the right idea in that respect. He's got more common sense than Edric apparently. I'm not complaining though. That night was not romantic in the slightest (if you want that, wait for sure!), but you me, I'm not a romantic. It was a little desperate and very heated. It was passionate. Okay the book does describe it as little better, but you'll see what I mean, eventually. It's most certainly not like everyone had led us to believe as good little debutantes.

Marriage!? Really? Tuni that's serious! I'm so happy for you! It's kind of on the table for me, but not for a long while yet, most unfortunately.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Bella Scrimgeour

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 26th, 1888


I hope it doesn't make me a bad friend in saying that I'm happy for you. No matter what society may think were they to ever know, you are actually quite the inspiration. I'd even hazard to say that I'm proud of you. Though.. that could come off wrong as well. Truly, I'm just glad that you're happy no matter what it may have taken for you to feel that way. And, truth be told, isn't happiness the only thing that really matters in the end? Even if he infuriates you all the same.

But now you've got me conflicted. While I'm tempted to find out what you mean for myself, I do long for something romantic all the same. I suppose that's where we differ most. I long for that fancy dress and all of that hopeless romantic stuff. It's strange, really, as I've always thought myself to be more intellectually based but.. I can't seem to help but want all of the fancy stuff. But I'm still curious. I don't know how he'd react should I ask him point blank..

And we haven't talked of it specifically..it's been alluded to. He worries that being a Quidditch player won't be enough though. I think it was the biggest issue of even getting to where we are now. But with my job, I'm sure we'd be just fine. Society might not think so but.. who really cares about them?


The following 1 user Likes Fortuna Bixby's post:
   February Umbridge

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 26th, 1888

I appreciate the sentiment. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself or if I've lost my mind. I suppose they go hand in hand where I'm concerned. I do agree happiness should trump everything else, but in most respects we'd be lucky if that was the case. Maybe we will both be lucky.

There's something to be said about waiting and for the first time to be special. There's something romantic about doing things the traditional way, especially if you love him. I can easily picture you in a pretty gown, making me wear one beside you and watching you walk down the aisle with flowers and all the bells and whistles. It's very you, it's not very me. We've talked about eloping, I can't wait. Honestly.

I don't envy the position you'd be in financially, Edric has that covered for us. I will point out, only for the sake of being the devil's advocate that your brother likely thought they'd be fine too. His wife worked until they had kids, then it became infinitely harder, I suspect. That said, I'm completely convinced you will make it work if you want it badly enough.

In the interest of full disclosure, once this damn expedition is over, would I perhaps be able to sometimes use visiting you at the museum as a cover to see Edric? Only every one in a while, I promise! I know it's terrible and it will not always be for that reason, but we need to wait for the stupid newspaper article to blow over before we can be seen in public together.

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Dionisia Fisk

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
July 27th, 1888


Consider me the optimist, but I believe we'll both be lucky. We've both clearly decided to take what we want and see it though despite the consequences. With that in mind, I don't see why we shouldn't have love and be lucky in that regard. I do know that should Rufus and I marry, it will be for love. I don't think I could be happy with anyone else after this point.

And though it isn't for me, eloping sounds like an adventure in itself. Very much you, Febs. I would gladly come as a witness but I have a feeling your Mr. Umbridge wouldn't be all that enthused of the idea. I imagine he's not my biggest fan.

I will certainly make things work. If I can progress as a curator and proof my worth of designing exhibits, I don't see why I couldn't do so with children. I may not be able to go into work physically all the time but I could surely send things in via owl. But.. that is all rather hypothetical. We can cross those bridges when we get to them. With my luck, I'll not be able to conceive or something.

Of course you can use me as a cover! Just make sure I have notice in advance so that I can be prepared. I wouldn't want to cause you any problems unknowingly. Though if you can't forewarn me, I'll know that if I'm asked to simply say you'd been by to see whatever my latest job focus was.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 27th, 1888

I will continue to be a realist with just a hint of optimism. It is hard to imagine myself with anyone else at this point as well, for all he irks me sometimes,  I'd be bored without someone who challenges me. Plus the magnetism between us is unreal sometimes.

If you ever thought me stubborn, he makes me look positively easygoing. So yes, he may take a long while to come around, if ever, unfortunately. He might also have no choice, as I don't know who else I would ask! Maybe he'll soften a little when he knows you've agreed to be my alibi so I can see him. (Thank you!)

I've already told mum I'm helping you with research and that I'd love to get to London to help in person when the fog is gone, so I've set myself up for escape. I would actually enjoy that too, I miss you!

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Edric Umbridge
July 28th, 1888


Well it would be a bit boring if it was all sweet and pleasant all the time, wouldn't it? You very much are a type that needs a challenge. I know I've already said it but.. I truly am happy for you. I'm glad he's made you happy.

And, regardless of if he ever comes around to liking me, I'm not going anywhere. He'll just have to learn to deal with me I suppose even if she proves to be a stubborn ass. I don't need him to like me, after all, so long as he likes you and is aware we'll still be friends. I do hope you wouldn't abandon me on his wishes though...

And I look forward to our research in London! I'm sure we'll enjoy it all the research we get done..


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
July 29th, 1888

Incredibly boring. You know me so well and I appreciate it. I would never abandon you! You were here first! He'll survive, I'm sure. It's not like you and I live together or anything, though I don't anticipate any dinner parties between the four of us in our future, ever. Something tells me that would not go over well.

I've sent you some more notes, one of these books is incredibly useful, it's taking me a while to get through it, there's so much! I've always enjoyed doing research, as odd as that sounds. This kind of research is going to be fascinating! I'll update you as soon as I can on everything.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]

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