What: Veni, Vidi, Vino - The Wines of Italy
Who: Hosted by Lorenzo Corvo (father of Angelica Vorona nee Corvo) and his shipping company, Rook and Raven.
Invited are mostly the upper classes or middle class with money to burn as well as possible investors/purchasers.
Also, anyone looking to "see or be seen"
The dress code is formal and guests are encouraged to dress to match the Roman theme or showcase a neoclassical alternative. While the sculpture and artwork are in the traditional styles, guests are expected to arrive (and to remain) fully clothed throughout the event. Guests unable to control themselves in the presence of art and alcohol will be removed.
Cost: Free, with the unspoken assumption that being there means you can afford to bid on expensive vintages.
Where: Palazzo Corvo, the Corvo's London residence is a smaller English replica of their Palladian villa in Veneto. Both the extensive gardens and family art gallery home will be on display.
Why: Reminding people you're rich and successful is fun! Showcasing the wealth of new wines and spirits imported by the Corvos as well as celebrating the artistic achievements of the Italian Masters (which is basically code for "we own amazing stuff, be jealous"). Oh, and all the Corvo children and their
When: Sunday, May 9
The main gardens will be fully lit and some of the finer statues have been moved outside to entertain the assembled guests. The ballroom and traditional etiquette will be observed and can be enjoyed indoors. The ballroom is open to the out of doors and music can be heard throughout. Various stations with different wines are available throughout the garden. Servants resemble the marble statues throughout and will serve a wide variety of traditional delicacies to match the wines as they are presented.
Keen observers of the Classics will recognize magic Canovas (Venus Italica, Terpsichore, The Three Graces) on prominent display. The prized jewel of the collection, Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, is featured prominently on a dais above the ballroom protected by a bevy of spells. A prudent senior member of Mr. Corvo's staff reminds guests that pointing out the Greek influences in Greco-Roman design would be best served to keep their opinions to themselves.
Contact Player(s): @"Angelica Vorona"