July 27th, 1888
I will continue to be a realist with just a hint of optimism. It is hard to imagine myself with anyone else at this point as well, for all he irks me sometimes, I'd be bored without someone who challenges me. Plus the magnetism between us is unreal sometimes.
If you ever thought me stubborn, he makes me look positively easygoing. So yes, he may take a long while to come around, if ever, unfortunately. He might also have no choice, as I don't know who else I would ask! Maybe he'll soften a little when he knows you've agreed to be my alibi so I can see him. (Thank you!)
I've already told mum I'm helping you with research and that I'd love to get to London to help in person when the fog is gone, so I've set myself up for escape. I would actually enjoy that too, I miss you!