This month, the full moon will be on Saturday, April 24th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.
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MJ made this!
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.Where will you fall?
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
This month, the full moon will be on Saturday, April 24th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.
What: Theodore Gallivan’s Birthday Party
Who: hosted by Cecily (and Veronica, but mostly Cee)
Invited are:
What: Minister's Masquerade
Who: Hosted by the Rosses, for:
Feel the warm summer breeze and literally smell the roses from 8 o'clock until 9 o'clock
It's basically the aesthetic from the live action Aladdin from 9 o'clock until 10 o'clock
~Exotic floral arrangements, Chinese acrobats, and other trappings adorn this period-appropriate racism from 10 o'clock until 11 o'clock
Twinkling orb 'stars' form constellations on a dancefloor largely obscured by darkness from 11 o'clock until midnight.
A traditional aesthetic brought in just as we remove our masks at midnight! Will remain until all attendees depart.
What: The Roses of Brittany theatrical debut
Who: Anyone who buys a ticket is welcome!
Cost: Affordable for MC & UC; general WC could afford tickets to the preview nights April 14-15 instead or a regular ticket if they're Pennyworth WC & want to treat themselves
Where: De Montfault Theater, High Street, Hogsmeade
Why: To be perfectly honest this exists because I needed another paragraph for my Witch Weekly article from January
When: performances April 16th - 25th (no performance on Monday April 19th); previews April 14-15
What: The Life of Zeus - Episode 1
Who: hosted by a rich guy who is known, in the right circles, for his eclectic tastes and sex parties.
Invited will be people who are known to be into this sort of thing and who can be trusted for their discretion. People who come for the first time will be obliviated before they leave, until they earn the host’s trust.
Cost: none, but you’re encouraged to donate to the arts if you’re rich
Where: A London apartment, probably like an Airbnb known for its discretion at hosting such events.
Why: So Emrys can catch a break after Elmer and Ben’s fighting. Lol, actually, for art sex party purposes.
When: April 3rd
Some rich eccentric guy is hosting a live action porn play followed by a party. At the beginning, they will watch a scene from Zeus’ life. This time, the guests will see “Leda and the swan” aka that time Zeus turned into a swan to seduce Leda. It will be all very artsy with nice costumes and glitter, but the actors will actually have sex.
Afterwards, a party will ensue. Party Potions, making out, fun stuff.
Contact Player(s): Ellory Lestrange
What: Grace Greengrass' Coming Out Ball
Who: Have you ever threadded with any of the Greengrasses? You are invited! Are you a man who might be on the marriage market? You are invited! Are you a socialite with unmarried sons or brothers? You are invited!
Cost: too damn much on the hosting side Nope!
Where: Hogsmeade Ballroom
Why: Because Grace needs to get married like, yesterday.
When: 24 April
What: Festival of Fools Ball
Who: Hosted by the Ginevra Blackwood - bankrolled by Daddykins
Invited are the usual upperMC and UC great and good - anyone on the cusp might be invited for their interest
Cost: Nope
Where: Blackwood London Home
Why: It's April Fools day - and that deserves a carnival esq
When: 1st April
What: Showcase of Living History
Who: Hosted by the History of Magic students for their families, peers, and the school staff.
Cost: N/A
Where: Various locations at Hogwarts, though nowhere with restricted entry.
Why: Learning?
When: April 9th, 1891
What: Vigil for the Cruise Ship Santa Antonina
Who: Open to any character who wishes to participate regardless of religious beliefs, though largely intended for family/friends of passengers.
Cost: N/A
Where: Church of St. Fergus, Irvingly
Why: Becasue chaos.
When: Saturday, April 10th. Evening.
What: Marcus Lytton’s Funeral
Who: The Lytton family.
Cost: —
Where: Funeral as in burying him and shit in Ashpodel Cemetery. Then people will floo to the Lytton home in London.
Why: To honour Marcus’ death.
When: April 19th
What: Henrietta Cartwright's Debut
Who: Mrs. Cartwright presents her daughter to society notables (mostly UCAB with good rep, select MCAB with good rep - like if you're friends with one of the Cartwrights)
Cost: No, but it's customary for friends and family to send a bouquet beforehand!
Where: Cartwright Home, London
Why: to hopefully get Henrietta married?
When: 17 April
What: Jewell Distillery Flash Sale & Street Party
Who: Ben Crouch organizing, open to anyone who might wander through Padmore Park
Cost: No cost to attend to taste samplers. Single drinks are for sale as well as bottles (ranging from middling quality stuff that would be accessible for WC types to splurge, up to top-shelf stuff that would only really be comfortable for UC). If you sign a contract today for a bulk order (like to supply an upcoming party) you also get a discount on your order.
Where: Padmore Park
Why: Jameson Jewell's turning 31 and Ben's celebrating with a surprise sale :P
When: 23 April 1891