Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. — — graphics by lady ❤ —
Head of the Department of International Magical Co-Operation
39 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 10 in.
❤ Married
Played by Kayte
332 Posts
What: Padmore Winter Fair Who: There is something for everyone! The dance is targeted at WC. Cost: Not to enter, though vendors and some events may have a cost attached Where: The newly re-opened Padmore Park Why:I finally remembered to re-open it New Year? When: January 1st & 2nd
Come celebrate the new year in Padmore Park! After hiccup after hiccup repairing the sinkhole damage—and ensuring such a thing would not happen again!—it was early December by the time things were properly shored up. At that point, Those In Charge decided they might as well wait until the new year, and even had a local architecture firm install a small (but delightful!) botanical garden where the sinkhole once loomed.
Activities include:
Guided tours of the new botanical garden. Each plant (none of which are dangerous, don't worry!) bears a plaque noting which botanist, herbologist, or organization donated it.
Ice skating on the pond. Skates are available to rent for 1k, though the magically inclined can simply spell blades to their boots.
Snow sculpture competitions! Enter the magical or non-magical competition. The winner of each will earn a gift basket with items from Hogsmeade merchants.
Explore the winter market. Booths have been set up with hot beverages, ice cream (in winter?!), and trinkets to appeal to those of all classes.
Dance the night away! A (heated) gazebo dancefloor will be erected for a working class dance the night of January 1st.
Administrative Director of Podmore Zoological Gardens
44 year old halfblood
5 ft. 9½ in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Bee
91 Posts
What: A celebration of the opening of the Podmore Zoo Who: Anyone! Cost: Donations welcome Where: Podmore Zoological Gardens Why: 10 year birthday celebration When: January 29th, 1895
Daytime: The zoo will offer free admission, though is asking for donations to those capable. There will be fair-like activities, food and stalls of games for all ages. Creatures from colder climates have been brought in especially for the outdoor weather. There will be enchanted snowmen, intermittent snow flurries and skating on the small pond in the middle.
Evening: There will be a small soiree for those who have played an integral part of keeping the zoo running either by donation or innovation. While not particularly select, it's not a huge guest list, but like I'm not picky either. It will be held inside one of the larger exhibition halls, where there will be creatures still residing in their homes. Dinner and refreshments will be served appropriately. Syd will be uncomfortable the whole time.
What: Evangeline Rowle's 30th Birthday Dinner Who: Friends of Evangeline, but also anyone she thinks would make for interesting drama and who would possibly accept an invitation from her. Cost: None, though a gift would be appropriate. Where: Wellingtonshire Why: It's Eva's birthday, and all she wants is to watch the world burn be an audience to other people's drama. When: January 12, 1895
Are you friends with Evangeline? Are you publicly (or semi-publicly) beefing with anyone? Are you an eccentric with strong views on politics, society, etc? Were you recently embroiled in a scandal? Evangeline wants you at her birthday. Guests can expect normal dinner party fare and after-dinner activities, and a seating arrangement designed to make the night as interesting as possible.
What: PowderPuff Bludger Dodge Who: Participants of the house Quidditch teams, Quidditch club, Quodpot club, Flying club; students who were invited by friends in one of those clubs Cost: no Where: Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch (but boundaries are not strictly enforced / not even slightly enforced so fliers may end up... everywhere) Why: Shake off the rust from the holiday break and have some fun When: Jan 18th
Each house has nominated four* students to serve as beaters for this unconventional scrimmage - the rest are dodging! Beaters are equipped with the traditional bats but the bludgers have been replaced with similarly sized balls covered in transfer powder. When a ball is hit by a beater, the ball's color changes to that house. When students are hit with a bludger, they're out! The vibe is that scene from Swan Princess where the prince is hunting with powder-headed arrows except Quidditchy.
10 house points to the house with the most 'hits' at the end of the match, and 10 house points to the last remaining flyer.
Starts around 10am after Coach Crouch explains the rules and goes as long as the students can keep up with it.
*IC there are four per house, OOC we're sticking with two in order to not have the game dominated by beaters xD
What: Voter Registration Ceremonial Opening Who: A small crowd of reporters and policy-makers (current Wizengamot, politicians, lobbyists, people who were on the reform committee) were invited but the atrium is an open space so anyone can be there. Including protesters, maybe? We shall see Cost: no Where: Ministry Atrium Why: suffrage When: 16 January, afternoon
The voting registration is officially open and citizens can now file to have their names added provided they meet certain qualifications.Thomasina Dempsey, wife of the Minister, will be signing her name onto a piece of parchment with a very large quill while she very publicly becomes the first woman registered to vote under her own merits. (The parchment is not the actual registry, this is like when charities give away 5' wide checks). Reporters will be encouraged to take photos. Oz will be there looking austere yet pleased. Thomasina will look like she Tolerates this but is not thrilled. There will not be an opportunity for questions.
Showman, Entrepreneur, Owner of the Diggory Imaginarium
32 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 11 in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Dante
14 Posts
What: An adult only magical extravaganza to welcome the New Year. The Midnight Faire combines the breathtaking performances of The Diggory Imaginarium with an enchanted market, live music, and immersive magical experiences, all beginning in a midnight show and celebration and culminating in a 6am fireworks show
Who: Anyone already out for the night - its somewhere to go after the proper parties wind down and you're not ready to stop the party! Cost: booths and sideshows are individually ticketed Where: On the sprawling, snow-covered grounds of Hogsmeade green. Enchanted pavilions will be raised, providing warmth and shelter, while glowing magical lanterns illuminate the entire site. Why: To celebrate the turning of the year with joy and unity while showcasing the finest magical artistry and entertainment. When: Starts at midnight and ends at 6am on Jan 1st
the Imaginarium’s star performers, including:
The Spellbound Acrobats: Gravity-defying stunts on enchanted broomsticks.
The Siren Ensemble: Operatic singers accompanied by bewitched instruments.
The Starlight Beastmaster: Commanding a menagerie of magical creatures under glowing starlight.
Sideshows and market stalls akin to a Christmas market is open.
What: Winter Tea Who: Ife invited mostly young UCPB debs of good repute + their mothers; a few UCHB women or ones with slightly lower rep might find their names on the guest list if they have other traits to recommend them. Adebayo women are obviously coming too.
A non-exhaustive list of invitees (by non-exhaustive I mean I just skimmed the CD and grabbed the first names that jumped out):
Cost: No Where: Skyfall, Cambridge Why: Not-so-secretly the purpose is to decide who she will introduce Kayode Gbadamosi to later When: Tues January 21st, 1895
Guests arrive in the early afternoon and have an hour or so to wander the gardens (which have been magically sheltered from any harsh weather but are still very much outdoors-in-winter temperature) and converse with each other before sitting down to a formal tea complete with several courses of finger sandwiches, cakes, confections, and light snacks. At some point the waitstaff will begin offering champagne cocktails in addition to tea so Ife has a chance to see if anyone gets sloppy and cross them off her list for later introductions :P
Invitations formally refer to the event as A Winter Tea hosted by Arábὶnrin Ife Aya Gbadamosi, because who needs English honorifics.
What: The Fairtree Farm annual bonfire night, with (belated)celebrations of Christmas and the New Year including wassail punch, fiddle music, mince pies, and talmouses. She's delayed this year because Beanie was very busy the Glynns were doing some replanting of a field that delayed the party. Who: Hosted by the Glynn family for Avalon Glen residents and anyone they would bring with them. (aka, you should be connected to a Glen resident to be there if you're not already there! also we are very far away from dragons — you can't access them from Fairtree) Cost: No Where: Fairtree Farm, Avalon Glen, Wales Why: Christmas When: January 3rd, night
What: New Year's Day Tea Who: Hosted by Thomasina Dempsey for wives of Ministry Important Folk and Ministry Important Women. Dempsey ladies and Ani Pomfrey are also expected. Cost: N/A Where: The tearoom of the Painted Lady (reserved) Why: Tradition When: January 4th, 1895
A typical afternoon tea, with vague vibes of celebrating suffrage.