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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

I. | Podmore Zoological Gardens (1885)
Podmore Zoological Gardens | Since 1885

Sorting Details
Business Name: Podmore Zoological Gardens

Current Owner: Sydney Podmore

Contact Player: Bee Daffodil Grimstone

Hiring: Yes! Scroll down the Irvingly list.

Threadable: Yes

Basic Information

Established: January 29th, 1885

Location: Irvingly, Hawthorne Hollow

Nature of Business:
A mixed magical and muggle zoo. Also available to host small events for charity.

Target Clientele:
Everyone. Nominal entrance fee.

Other Details

Description of Location:
The entryway boasts two elephants available for rides just inside. Front and center is the ticket booth and a large bronze lion for donations, a small shop and tearoom. The entire zoo is split down the middle; non-magical on the left, magical on the right. The pair of exhibition halls, one muggle, one magical, sit in the middle of the zoo opposite one another on their respective sides. The halls containing animals that need tanks or warmer climates, including reptiles and smaller exotic birds are beyond that moving outward. From the muggle hall, typical muggle zoo animals may be viewed behind reinforced fences and cages. From the magical hall, witches and wizards can access the right half of the zoo, which contains the magical enclosures and a large golden aviary, but this area is restricted to non-magical folks for safety reasons.

Other Notes: The current exhibitions are as follows; an * denotes the creatures are interactive, either for pets or riding. If the creature has been named IC, they are included in parentheses!

    Two Elephants *
    Three Camels *
    Five Marmosets *
    Four Lemurs *
    One Hippo (Gertrude)
    Two Zebra (Blanche and Noire)
    Small herd of Capybaras* who have free range of the zoo itself, one named Hazel, follows Syd around exclusively.
    Four Pygmy Goats *
    Two Cashmere Goats*
    One Llama*
    Two Miniature Horses *
    One emu (Stephen, he's dumb)

    Three Otters
    Two Sea Lions
    One Walrus (with an impressive mustache - Norbert)

    Four cages of various small exotic birds
    Four tanks of exotic fish
    Several snakes
    A Platypus. (Perry)

    Tank of Plimpies
    Selection of Puffskeins*
    Flying seahorses
    Firecrab (a solitary small one)

    Two Winged Horses
    A Blind Unicorn
    Nifflers (giant, very locked enclosure)
    Winged tiger
    Erumpent (Oscar)
    Mooncalf herd
    Thunderbird (Astra) & Hippogriff (Frannie) housed together
    Demiguises (Dmitri + family)

    Owls (several species for rehab and release)
    Augurey (2)

[Image: ZHdLbnk.png]
I wasn't sure it was possible, but he's even more yummy, by MJ ♥

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