15 || hufflepuff fifth year|| MCHB || rep of 9
Between her introversion, reserved natured, and
Past her frosty exterior, while there isn’t a heart of gold, Cori is softer than she’d care to admit. She is somewhat of a “mom friend” (to put it in modern terms) and, begrudgingly, has a soft spot for overly curious younger peers – especially those that have aspirations beyond their means. Like most Hufflepuffs, she’s devoutly loyal to those who she considers friends and believes more in hard-work and taking action rather than fanciful words and promises. She has a slight wariness of muggles due to her home situation and is very close to her brother – Nicodemus is on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and she definitely makes a point to support him by going to matches, even if she isn’t a big sports person in general.
(After loosing power and internet for over a week – ironically, just after Cori was accepted – I’m reestablishing my muse for my fifth year girl, so I appreciate everyone’s patience with me in advance <3 please feel free to check out my plotting area for thread preferences)
FRIENDS: While Cori does not sport a large friend group – both by choice and inadvertently – I don’t picture her as entirely a/antisocial; after all, this is a girl that understands her reputation is important and being considered unsociable would do her no favors in VE (with her plans for the future, she wants to maintain as good a reputation as she can for the time being). So I see her with a small-ish circle of friends, very likely several of whom have a larger friend circle themselves; age, gender, class or blood status don’t really matter to her, though likely all of her friendships have been forged in classes or largely initiated by the other party(ies) involved. It would be funny if this moderately dour-looking girl had some gregarious and amicable-natured friends – I am unabashedly a fan of the comedic trope “local extrovert adopts unsuspecting introvert” and all the hilarity that can ensue from such a dynamic.
ENEMIES/"RIVALS": It’s most certainly probable that Corinne has rubbed people the wrong way during her time at Hogwarts and I’d love for her to have some antagonistic relationships (and threads). She sees rivalries as beneath her – that she has nothing to prove to anyone but (mostly) herself – so those would likely be one-sided, but any negative or spiteful attention directed openly towards her will, unapologetically, be reciprocated; even if she thinks someone else hating her is their problem, she is not somebody that goes out of her way to try and make others like her. While she has learned to bite her tongue at home and tries not to be too unladylike in her mannerisms, it’s not in her nature to tolerate lies regarding her (or her family) or take abuse from others.
FELLOW CLUB MEMBERS: As soon as she was able, Cori joined the school’s Dueling Club as well as the one for Wizard Chess. I imagine, just due to exposure, she has opinions on most of the members of these clubs and, even if she keeps such things to herself unless asked, that the majority of her fellow duelists and chess players carry more than just the mantle of acquaintanceship in her life.
OTHER: That’s about it for the moment. Cori hasn’t, yet, shown interest in others romantically or otherwise and finds such topics… uncomfortable, in the same way she finds etiquette classes an impractical waste of time (the fact she does poorly in them is a sore spot). She, privately, struggles between being true to herself and not pushing the envelope too far