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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Nicodemus Dursley
49 Posts
Played by Kit
Seventh Year & Beater
17 year old Halfblood
Seventh Year & Beater
5 ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Nicodemus Benjamin Dursley

Nickname(s): Nico

Birthdate: February 17, 1877

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student; Beater

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: Irvingly

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Wand: 12", springy, dragon heartstring, spruce

Mordecai Dursley, 1847-1883, father, deceased
Maria Dursley, 1850-1883, mother, deceased
--- Dursley, b. 1879, sister
--- Dursley, b. 1882, brother

*the following marked with asterisks are age ranges, they are very much alive
--- Dursley, b. 1840-1845*, uncle & guardian
--- Dursley, b. 1847-1820*, aunt & guardian
--- Dursley, b. 1870-1872*, cousin
--- Dursley, b. 1872-1874*, cousin

General | Nico stands at five feet, six and a half inches and has some room to grow. He has a sort of athleticism to his build but one would not describe him as muscular. He has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. His hair is typically kept short and is wavy with a tendency to curl when it gets even the slightest bit too long. His skin is light brown owing to Puerto Rican descent that comes from his mothers side of the family.

Deportment | Tends to carry himself with a sort of relaxed confidence.

Fashion | Tends to wear more muted colors. Nothing that really stands out against other boys of his class. Fashion is not something that stays on the forefront of his mind.

Scent | A bit of a woody scent.

Distinguishing Characteristics | A sizeable beauty mark on the right side of his face.

Face Claim | Michael Cimino
Nicodemus was born to Mordecai and Maria Dursley. He is their first born.
Nicodemus has a rather average childhood. It is happy but nothing that anyone would find too notable. 1879 sees a sister being born and then a little brother in 1882. Life is good for the growing family.
Tragedy & Upheaval
Mordecai and Maria die abruptly. The kids are sent to live with their paternal uncle and his family. There is further upheaval when they all move to a place called Irvingly. Six year old Nicodemus can sense the resentment this causes in one of his cousins. Dealing with this along with grief is a bit much for the Dursley children all around, even if they don't fully comprehend what is happening.
First Signs
Nico does not exactly further endear himself to his new mother figure when his first signs of magic result in him causing the floral print on her newly purchased curtains to turn into actual flowers.
The next couple years pass in a sort of haze for Nicodemus. He makes neighborhood friends and spends most of his time outdoors. By now his grief has also become a sort of haze. He remembers his parents but not vividly and it remains that way to this day.
First Year
Nicodemus goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. He spends most of his first year making friends and getting to know his schoolmates. He tries out for the Quidditch team but does not make it. It is suggested that he join the Flying and Quidditch Club and try again the next year.
Second Year
Having developed a preference for the Beater position, he is mildly disappointed to find the positions filled. He tries for Chaser but doesn't get it as his skills are now more of an asset to being a Beater than being a Chaser.
Third Year
Beaters are banned in Hogwarts games which is incredibly frustrating in one Nicodemus Dursley's opinion. He complains about it constantly to one of his best friends.
Fourth Year
With the Beater position no longer banned, Nico takes it upon himself to try out again. It looks like all that practice in Quidditch and Flying club finally paid off because he secures the position. Convincing Uncle Dursley to let him buy a new broom is another behemoth of a task though. He does not succeed initially and has to play on borrowed brooms from the school supply.
Nicodemus's uncle finally agrees that Nico can buy himself a broom. The catch is that he has to earn the money himself through odd jobs and the like. Nico feels more than up to that task so he agrees.
Extrovert. Confident. Intelligent. Ambitious. Believes he is cautious but he is actually rather reckless and prone to being impulsive.
Has been in the flying, quidditch, leisure sports & potions clubs since first year. Joined dueling club in his second year.
Takes Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies & Divination as his electives.

set by Lady!