Introducing: Corinne - Printable Version

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Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 9, 2024

15 || hufflepuff fifth year|| MCHB || rep of 9

Between her introversion, reserved natured, and slight resting bitch face unflinching honesty (when she chooses to share her mind), Cori has the makings of an "ice queen". Bitingly practical, she doesn’t indulge much in “what-ifs” and wishful thinking; she dislikes being idle and, if not in class or at club meetings, she can be found with her nose buried deep in her studies. She is unapologetically smart and knows it, which makes her come off as more than a touch arrogant when coupled with her inability to let mistakes (even those of others’) just pass by.

Past her frosty exterior, while there isn’t a heart of gold, Cori is softer than she’d care to admit. She is somewhat of a “mom friend” (to put it in modern terms) and, begrudgingly, has a soft spot for overly curious younger peers – especially those that have aspirations beyond their means. Like most Hufflepuffs, she’s devoutly loyal to those who she considers friends and believes more in hard-work and taking action rather than fanciful words and promises. She has a slight wariness of muggles due to her home situation and is very close to her brother – Nicodemus is on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and she definitely makes a point to support him by going to matches, even if she isn’t a big sports person in general.

(After loosing power and internet for over a week – ironically, just after Cori was accepted – I’m reestablishing my muse for my fifth year girl, so I appreciate everyone’s patience with me in advance <3 please feel free to check out my plotting area for thread preferences)

FRIENDS: While Cori does not sport a large friend group – both by choice and inadvertently – I don’t picture her as entirely a/antisocial; after all, this is a girl that understands her reputation is important and being considered unsociable would do her no favors in VE (with her plans for the future, she wants to maintain as good a reputation as she can for the time being). So I see her with a small-ish circle of friends, very likely several of whom have a larger friend circle themselves; age, gender, class or blood status don’t really matter to her, though likely all of her friendships have been forged in classes or largely initiated by the other party(ies) involved. It would be funny if this moderately dour-looking girl had some gregarious and amicable-natured friends – I am unabashedly a fan of the comedic trope “local extrovert adopts unsuspecting introvert” and all the hilarity that can ensue from such a dynamic.
ENEMIES/"RIVALS": It’s most certainly probable that Corinne has rubbed people the wrong way during her time at Hogwarts and I’d love for her to have some antagonistic relationships (and threads). She sees rivalries as beneath her – that she has nothing to prove to anyone but (mostly) herself – so those would likely be one-sided, but any negative or spiteful attention directed openly towards her will, unapologetically, be reciprocated; even if she thinks someone else hating her is their problem, she is not somebody that goes out of her way to try and make others like her. While she has learned to bite her tongue at home and tries not to be too unladylike in her mannerisms, it’s not in her nature to tolerate lies regarding her (or her family) or take abuse from others.
FELLOW CLUB MEMBERS: As soon as she was able, Cori joined the school’s Dueling Club as well as the one for Wizard Chess. I imagine, just due to exposure, she has opinions on most of the members of these clubs and, even if she keeps such things to herself unless asked, that the majority of her fellow duelists and chess players carry more than just the mantle of acquaintanceship in her life.
OTHER: That’s about it for the moment. Cori hasn’t, yet, shown interest in others romantically or otherwise and finds such topics… uncomfortable, in the same way she finds etiquette classes an impractical waste of time (the fact she does poorly in them is a sore spot). She, privately, struggles between being true to herself and not pushing the envelope too far for the moment, which could lead to trouble too. There are connections she could have via Nico, too, to consider... Altogether, I’m definitely open to other ideas!

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Henry Berkwood - October 9, 2024

Hiii. I have Charles Whymper who is... not unfriendly, but he is pretty intense about his academic goals so he is sometimes an acquired taste. XD

My other students are Lucy Tatting James Callum and Phineas Black II who are... all at varying levels of intensity in their own ways I have a type, I'm sorry

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Mason Skeeter - October 10, 2024

Hi there! Welcome!

I have Mason here, the herbology professor and Hufflpuff HoH and Fiona McCarthy is the Hufflepuff House matron. She's new this year and very intent on making sure her flock is happy and well-cared for. She has two daughters, one in her third year and Eilish McCarthy as a first year!

My only student is Ramona Pendergast who is a boisterous first year Gryffindor, so do with that what you will!

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Elias Grimstone - October 10, 2024

Hi Poe! Welcome to Charming!!

I don't have a lot to offer at Hogwarts atm, but James Fletcher is a Gryffindor in her year and generally notorious as a troublemaker. He will find something to make fun of in anyone, so you are very at liberty to find him annoying. Or she can have patience for him and they can be unlikely friends! xD

Connor Sinnet is a bby first year, Slytherin, and doesn't really know how to interact with people. Likely spends a lot of time at the library, does not enjoy asking for help, and miiight be interested in joining the Wizard's Chess club!

Matilda Farris graduated in May, but was previously a Ravenclaw and a prefect (so maybe known decently well beyond her yearmates). She is a debutante now but also lives in Irvingly so could definitely run in with each other! She's definitely more gregarious so would stop and chat for sure!

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Millie Potts - October 10, 2024

Hey there, Millie Potts is my fellow 5th year girl and I swear these two are like mirrors of each other. Though where Cori dives into her academics, Millie dives into her fiction books. And where Cori likes to wag her tongue at others, Millie bites it, though she lets it free to gossip outside of their earshot. I would love to put these two together and see how the cracks appear, or perhaps they bond over their similarities instead.

They're both in dueling club as well as their core classes, so there's plenty of chances to build each other up, or ruffle feathers, what have you.

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Wren Burroughs - October 11, 2024

Wren is a year younger but in the same house, she is probably simultaneously scared and impressed with Corinne. Wren is very much a social butterfly, but it's possible she might consider Corinne off-limits because she's worried about an older student getting her in trouble for bothering them.

I also have Zackary Carter who is a first year who very much does not care about bothering people.

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 11, 2024

(October 9, 2024 – 5:11 PM)Henry Berkwood Wrote:  Hiii. I have Charles Whymper who is... not unfriendly, but he is pretty intense about his academic goals so he is sometimes an acquired taste. XD

My other students are Lucy Tatting James Callum and Phineas Black II who are... all at varying levels of intensity in their own ways I have a type, I'm sorry


I think Cori and Charles could definitely get along; they’ve likely crossed paths in the library, perhaps? She would certainly respect that type of academic drive in a peer, seeing his kind of intensity as more of boon than anything else. So perhaps they have a kind of… unspoken friendship? In the way more stand-offish types find comradery? Just a thought <3

Cori and Lucy are rather similar from what I gleaned from her profile, in a way where they’d either get along very well as strong-willed sorts with their futures in mind… or they’d be too alike as opinionated minds lol If he could get past that chilly outer shell, I think Phineas’ family situation would strike a cord with Cori (as much as she’d like to deny it) and she might… keep any eye out for the young Ravenclaw. As for your walking disaster, it would certainly be interesting for Cori end up stuck with the exuberant lad somehow xD

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 11, 2024

(October 10, 2024 – 1:26 AM)Mason Skeeter Wrote:  Hi there! Welcome!

I have Mason here, the herbology professor and Hufflpuff HoH and Fiona McCarthy is the Hufflepuff House matron. She's new this year and very intent on making sure her flock is happy and well-cared for. She has two daughters, one in her third year and Eilish McCarthy as a first year!

My only student is Ramona Pendergast who is a boisterous first year Gryffindor, so do with that what you will!

Thank you for the welcome <3

Cori is likely a “pleasure to have in class” kind of student, but she doesn’t go out of her way to be a teacher’s pet. Herbology is likely one of the classes she struggles with more, because living things like plants aren’t really as “by the book” as other subjects and she isn’t exactly gifted with a green thumb lol speaking off which, I have a lot of classes to catch up on x3 As for Mrs McCarthy - in truth, she probably makes Cori a touch uncomfortable: she’s never had anyone to fill the maternal spot in her life that was left by her parents’ death (as she’s always understood that her Uncle and Aunt aren't replacements), so I imagine that McCarthy’s disposition is a little much for Cori – but she is respectful because this is her house matron all the same. Maybe being an orphan does get more attention from the Hufflepuff matron, though?

I love all these first years that have the possibility to harass Cori that people are offering up xD I have a feeling by the time she reaches sixth year, her “secret” soft spot for younger students is gonna be a poorly kept one at that. I’d be happy to thread/brainstorm a thread for Cori and little boisterous Mona if you want!

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 11, 2024

(October 10, 2024 – 5:07 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote:  Hi Poe! Welcome to Charming!!

I don't have a lot to offer at Hogwarts atm, but James Fletcher is a Gryffindor in her year and generally notorious as a troublemaker. He will find something to make fun of in anyone, so you are very at liberty to find him annoying. Or she can have patience for him and they can be unlikely friends! xD

Connor Sinnet is a bby first year, Slytherin, and doesn't really know how to interact with people. Likely spends a lot of time at the library, does not enjoy asking for help, and miiight be interested in joining the Wizard's Chess club!

Matilda Farris graduated in May, but was previously a Ravenclaw and a prefect (so maybe known decently well beyond her yearmates). She is a debutante now but also lives in Irvingly so could definitely run in with each other! She's definitely more gregarious so would stop and chat for sure!


*insert “why not both” meme here*
After looking at his profile, I think it would have hilarious potential if Cori and James were unlikely friends – he’s an annoyance, yes, but Cori somehow finds it within her to not strangle him when he pushes all her buttons (which is a miracle in patience in and of itself, right? She thinks so lol) I, personally, would pay to see James pester Cori for the hell of it

Connor looks like a delight x3 the library is also a common place to find Cori, so she likely is aware of Connor; she likes to read up on books regarding both her clubs when she has the free time, anything strategy-wise and occasionally historical, so all in all I imagine he probably knows she’s in the Wizard Chess club. If you’re looking for someone to give him a nudge one way or the other about joining the club when he can, I’d be down to thread the two regarding the subject <3 (he might also enjoy her frankness if he isn't great at socializing)

Cori and Matilda could definitely run into each other as MC ladies in Irvingly! I feel like Cori more knows of her than actually knew the former prefect well, but the two would be interesting to toss together (maybe pre-school year thread? or something during winter/summer break?)

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Elias Grimstone - October 11, 2024

(October 11, 2024 – 3:43 PM)Corinne Dursley Wrote:  Hi!

*insert “why not both” meme here*
After looking at his profile, I think it would have hilarious potential if Cori and James were unlikely friends – he’s an annoyance, yes, but Cori somehow finds it within her to not strangle him when he pushes all her buttons (which is a miracle in patience in and of itself, right? She thinks so lol) I, personally, would pay to see James pester Cori for the hell of it

Connor looks like a delight x3 the library is also a common place to find Cori, so she likely is aware of Connor; she likes to read up on books regarding both her clubs when she has the free time, anything strategy-wise and occasionally historical, so all in all I imagine he probably knows she’s in the Wizard Chess club. If you’re looking for someone to give him a nudge one way or the other about joining the club when he can, I’d be down to thread the two regarding the subject <3 (he might also enjoy her frankness if he isn't great at socializing)

Cori and Matilda could definitely run into each other as MC ladies in Irvingly! I feel like Cori more knows of her than actually knew the former prefect well, but the two would be interesting to toss together (maybe pre-school year thread? or something during winter/summer break?)

Oooh I love the sound of all of this!! If you let me know who you'd be most into threading with first, I can add a starter to my list and tag you in it later! Any of them have room for another thread~

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Daffodil Grimstone - October 11, 2024

(October 11, 2024 – 3:39 PM)Corinne Dursley Wrote:  
(October 10, 2024 – 1:26 AM)Mason Skeeter Wrote:  Hi there! Welcome!

I have Mason here, the herbology professor and Hufflpuff HoH and Fiona McCarthy is the Hufflepuff House matron. She's new this year and very intent on making sure her flock is happy and well-cared for. She has two daughters, one in her third year and Eilish McCarthy as a first year!

My only student is Ramona Pendergast who is a boisterous first year Gryffindor, so do with that what you will!

Thank you for the welcome <3

Cori is likely a “pleasure to have in class” kind of student, but she doesn’t go out of her way to be a teacher’s pet. Herbology is likely one of the classes she struggles with more, because living things like plants aren’t really as “by the book” as other subjects and she isn’t exactly gifted with a green thumb lol speaking off which, I have a lot of classes to catch up on x3 As for Mrs McCarthy - in truth, she probably makes Cori a touch uncomfortable: she’s never had anyone to fill the maternal spot in her life that was left by her parents’ death (as she’s always understood that her Uncle and Aunt aren't replacements), so I imagine that McCarthy’s disposition is a little much for Cori – but she is respectful because this is her house matron all the same. Maybe being an orphan does get more attention from the Hufflepuff matron, though?

I love all these first years that have the possibility to harass Cori that people are offering up xD I have a feeling by the time she reaches sixth year, her “secret” soft spot for younger students is gonna be a poorly kept one at that. I’d be happy to thread/brainstorm a thread for Cori and little boisterous Mona if you want!

Me again, just on the main account lol.

Fee would make it point not to be obnoxious and let Cori come to her? She's pretty good at reading people and getting a feel for how involved she should get. If she did know Cori was an orphan, she might be a little more protective.

I'd love to have a thread with Mo if you like! She's probably not the best student if it isn't hands on, which sounds like maybe Cori could help in one of those structured/lecture classes?

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Henry Berkwood - October 11, 2024

(October 11, 2024 – 3:34 PM)Corinne Dursley Wrote:  
(October 9, 2024 – 5:11 PM)Henry Berkwood Wrote:  Hiii. I have Charles Whymper who is... not unfriendly, but he is pretty intense about his academic goals so he is sometimes an acquired taste. XD

My other students are Lucy Tatting James Callum and Phineas Black II who are... all at varying levels of intensity in their own ways I have a type, I'm sorry


I think Cori and Charles could definitely get along; they’ve likely crossed paths in the library, perhaps? She would certainly respect that type of academic drive in a peer, seeing his kind of intensity as more of boon than anything else. So perhaps they have a kind of… unspoken friendship? In the way more stand-offish types find comradery? Just a thought <3

Cori and Lucy are rather similar from what I gleaned from her profile, in a way where they’d either get along very well as strong-willed sorts with their futures in mind… or they’d be too alike as opinionated minds lol If he could get past that chilly outer shell, I think Phineas’ family situation would strike a cord with Cori (as much as she’d like to deny it) and she might… keep any eye out for the young Ravenclaw. As for your walking disaster, it would certainly be interesting for Cori end up stuck with the exuberant lad somehow xD

That all sounds good to me! I could start a thread for Charles/Corinne if you like?

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Violetta DeCroix - October 11, 2024

Hey, I too have a fifth year girl. Violetta DeCroix is i arithmancy with her. She sees magical numeracy as a good feather in her cap to run a household as a wife one day. She is a very friendly girl if sometimes a little self focused.

There is also Joseph Knotwood that teaches the class and I put up a class thread whilst you were away.

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 12, 2024

(October 10, 2024 – 8:16 PM)Millie Potts Wrote:  Hey there, Millie Potts is my fellow 5th year girl and I swear these two are like mirrors of each other. Though where Cori dives into her academics, Millie dives into her fiction books. And where Cori likes to wag her tongue at others, Millie bites it, though she lets it free to gossip outside of their earshot. I would love to put these two together and see how the cracks appear, or perhaps they bond over their similarities instead.

They're both in dueling club as well as their core classes, so there's plenty of chances to build each other up, or ruffle feathers, what have you.

I’d love to have a thread of Cori and Millie! I was thinking maybe some casting practice? Perhaps they both have a similar idea to practice for Dueling Club and run into one another? (I was considering the mock duel, but I’m not quite familiar enough with how that’d work here yet to feel comfortable doing so – but I’d definitely love to return to that idea for a later thread for the pair <3) also sorry I've been slow replying on discord

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 12, 2024

(October 11, 2024 – 2:33 AM)Wren Burroughs Wrote:  Wren is a year younger but in the same house, she is probably simultaneously scared and impressed with Corinne. Wren is very much a social butterfly, but it's possible she might consider Corinne off-limits because she's worried about an older student getting her in trouble for bothering them.

I also have Zackary Carter who is a first year who very much does not care about bothering people.

Cori unintentionally intimidating people as well as impressing them is wonderful lol being both in her house and year behind her (as well as sharing OWL Arithmancy), I think Cori is aware of Wren; she wouldn’t care too much if Wren avoided her, but I think that could be difficult since they share so many common spaces x3 – but a thread where they have to interact could be funny, and Wren could decide if Cori is truly off-limits (Cori would probably be more bemusedly offended that somebody thinks her the type to waste time getting someone else in trouble simply for bothering her, when she can very well handle such annoyances herself lol)

I know I said it earlier in another reply, but I really love all the first year Gryffindor’s being offered up xD Zackary is the kind of younger peer where Cori struggles between how annoyingly rash he is but also respects him just a touch, as someone who has also lost a parent (even if she doesn't recall much of her folks); since he's unlikely friends with troublemaker James Fletcher (now), she likely would begrudgingly humor him if he chose to bother her

RE: Introducing: Corinne - Corinne Dursley - October 12, 2024

(October 11, 2024 – 9:48 PM)Violetta DeCroix Wrote:  Hey, I too have a fifth year girl. Violetta DeCroix is i arithmancy with her. She sees magical numeracy as a good feather in her cap to run a household as a wife one day. She is a very friendly girl if sometimes a little self focused.

There is also Joseph Knotwood that teaches the class and I put up a class thread whilst you were away.

I’m hoping to get caught up on Cori posts for her class threads sometime today <3 Thank you for reminding me about the Arithmancy class one!

As for Violetta, maybe said class could be a good starting point for a thread? Cori would find her vanity ridiculous and likely think she talks too much, so the pair of them might butt heads more than anything xD but that'd likely be fun!