Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
While no young lady of any breeding would refer to herself as 'excellence', I am neither scandalous, nor infamous, I am of a good family and with good reputation and graces. I am the sole child of my parents, an heiress of good social standing, I am fully finished and out in society and live only with my aunt.
As an orphan of some long years I am seeking not only a gentleman in want of a wife but a family in want of a daughter and should be most desirous of the opportunity to examine if there might be a place for me within your family. I'm not maudlin by nature but rather wish to make a clear declaration of both my current familial circumstances, and my preparedness to be enter the married state.
Witch Weekly is pleased to inform you that your recent submission to our Lonely Hearts article has generated a response. Witch Weekly is devoted to providing help to all of our readers, no matter what their social disadvantages, and we are delighted to provide this service to the lovelorn in our magical community. We hope that you will be able to create a happy ending with our help, instead of being doomed to a tragically lonely life.
Please see the enclosed letter and advise us whether you will need your advertisement repeated in further issues of our magazine.
Poppy was thrilled when she received a letter in the post that morning in response to the Witch Weekly ad she had placed on behalf of her cousin Atticus. After the whole New Years Eve debacle, what with that harlot chasing him down and his chivalrous rescue of her once again, Poppy figured it was finally time to pay back his kindness. It took some time to decide how, exactly, she wanted to do it but when Valentine’s Day had come around she decided that this was the best way. Atticus was in wont of a wife, that much was clear, and who better than Poppy herself - his favorite and closest relation - to vet potential suitors? Revisiting the response now, quill in hand, she penned a quick response.
Dear Ms. M,
How pleased I am to receive your inquiry!
You sound like an ideal candidate for a potential introduction, however, if you’ll please excuse the impertinence, I’d like to meet for tea to discuss the prospect of a match and better acquaint you with the gentleman’s situation.
I have no shame in admitting to you that I am very jealous of my cousin’s affections and only the loveliest of ladies will do, for his happiness is my only objective in this scheme.
I can arrange to meet in Hogsmeade some time in the coming weeks, schedule allowing. With the recent disappearances one can never be too careful.
Let us strike up an acquaintance and I will write to you when I am able to meet.
Respectfully yours,
P.S. Your penmanship is lovely.
Sealing the letter and pleased with her work, Poppy signed her name elegantly. She hoped Miss M. would turn out to be as splendidly lovely as she seemed and not at all dowdy. Perhaps in writing to her Poppy could discern something more of her personality too and see if it was suited to her cousin. She hadn’t yet told Atticus of her schemes, but if and when the time came to make an introduction, she might. If he seemed pleased with the lady, that was. If this all turned out to be a bit of a flop, well, then he needn't ever know.
How curious- not a mothers reply but a cousins. When she wrote she signed her own name - as the other woman was a reader of Witch Weekly, it would allow her to get the measure of her before considering her invitation.
Dear Miss Poppy,
I am pleased to hear from you and should be delighted to make your acquaintance over tea. I am in possession of my own home and should be delighted to host you here at your convenience, which may provide an opportunity for you to take my measure in my own habitat. Otherwise, we might meet for tea in either Hogsmeade or London as suits you.
If nothing else, I shall have made a new acquaintance.
Kind Regards,
Miss Natsuko Mountbatton
Gin made something stunning
February 16, 2022 – 6:01 PM
Last modified: February 16, 2022 – 9:01 PM by Poppy Dashwood.
As she reviewed the letter response to her inquiry, Poppy paused over the name. It rung familiar to her, though from where she couldn't quite recall. She'd have to ask Ida and June over supper that evening if they knew of any Miss Mountbatton and what her reputation might be.
Dear Ms. Mountbatton,
That sounds quite lovely, and I am nothing if not amenable. I do however have rather limited mobility at present and will likely not be able to escape my obligations until March at best. I realize it is a bit of a ways away, however I would be delighted to engage you at the earliest possible convenience.
Whereabouts is your residence? Do you live quite alone?
I maintain a house in London and in Hogsmeade - so I can meet you wherever you wish. I do, my aunt also lives in London, rather close at hand, but maintains her own household - even if she does stay with me more often than she stays in her own bed.
I can meet at your pleasure, with the season over and naught to do but wait until the weather and society improves I am always amenable to teas and afternoon diversions.
Kind Regards
Miss N. Mountbatton
Gin made something stunning
February 16, 2022 – 9:03 PM
Last modified: February 16, 2022 – 9:03 PM by Poppy Dashwood.
It is a plan then, when you know you are to be in Hogsmeade, send a card and I shall be all to happy to receive you at my Hogsmeade home, or at the tea shop, whichever suits.
My aunt was indeed married, but alas, my uncle died before I was born, and she cared for me greatly when my father passed - so I knew neither man especially well. Are your parents both living?
Gin made something stunning
February 18, 2022 – 4:01 AM
Last modified: February 18, 2022 – 4:02 AM by Poppy Dashwood.
Oh how terribly sorry I am! Yes, both my parents are still living. I have a number of siblings as well, but if I'm honest, I've only a real fondness for the youngest. Lincoln is such a darling.
Miss Dashwood,
I do not believe I have had the pleasure the of the acquaintance of your siblings, but I admit that I believe I know your mother, by name only. It is hard to be part of the bon ton and not know every notable society mother.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Miss N. Mountbatton