Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I take some issue with the implication in your advertisement that one must be patient in order to win you away from your academic pursuits. It seems to me that an ideal companion (and certainly an ideal wife) would support rather than distract from your endeavors. I hope that if you found yourself in contact with such a woman you might reconsider your assertion that she be desperately patient. When two people are of one mind on a subject, after all, it seems silly to delay the inevitable.
Witch Weekly is pleased to inform you that your recent submission to our Lonely Hearts article has generated a response. Witch Weekly is devoted to providing help to all of our readers, no matter what their social disadvantages, and we are delighted to provide this service to the lovelorn in our magical community. We hope that you will be able to create a happy ending with our help, instead of being doomed to a tragically lonely life.
Please see the enclosed letter and advise us whether you will need your advertisement repeated in further issues of our magazine.
Transfiguration Professor & Ravenclaw Head of House
31 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 9¾ in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Fox
582 Posts
Basil was furious. In hand he held two identically packaged responses from Witch Weekly to an ‘ad’ he was supposed to have posted. Both had come attached to distinctly different notes with varying handwriting and obviously different tones. Who in their bloody right mind—!? Was this someone’s ridiculous idea of a joke or had a very, very erroneously meddlesome someone submitted something on his behalf? Atticus? Poppy? His mother? Eldritch even? Professor Foxwood couldn’t quite decide, even as he read the first of these responses over again.
His first thought was ‘how incredibly rude’ of the author to chastise someone they didn’t even know. He supposed hiding behind the post and what was, likely, a pseudonym made some brave… but it still showed poor breeding. Wrinkling his nose and feeling justified in his distaste for anything to do with the fairer sex socially, he crumbled up both responses and threw them into the bin. What a waste of time this was. He wasn’t in the least bit interested in this scheme and, by Merlin, when he found out who’d done this! “Ridiculous,” he muttered to himself and turned back to his work.