Hey guys!
So I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times in CBox, but I just wanted to really get it down somewhere so other people can reference, and I wanted to broaden my question.
I know recently I've asked if patronuses (patroni?) could be things like, say, a dinosaur or any such creature. And, since animagus forms are typically linked to the patronus, what that means for a potential animagus.
Broadening that question, what are the actual limitations (at least, on site) for what a patronus could be? I know a really big and weird animagi probably wouldn't want to change forms too much, but this could effect them as well.
Can a patronus be a magical creature, or does it have to be mundane (having a dragon for a patronus certainly would be amusing, but probably not a practical animagi form if you live in London or Hogsmeade, or Irvingly for that matter)?
Can a patronus be an extinct species? While dinosaurs are really weird, they were an animal. I get why I'm pretty sure a staff member told me no for dino, cause it would be a bit out there.
That leads to my last question, does someone have to know what the animal is in order for it to be their animagus form? Or could someone who doesn't know what a hippopotamus is be totally freaked out by one appearing in front of them?
Thank you for coming to my meeting of 'Kelly Overthinks Everything'.
Magic by Elaine!

So I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times in CBox, but I just wanted to really get it down somewhere so other people can reference, and I wanted to broaden my question.
I know recently I've asked if patronuses (patroni?) could be things like, say, a dinosaur or any such creature. And, since animagus forms are typically linked to the patronus, what that means for a potential animagus.
Broadening that question, what are the actual limitations (at least, on site) for what a patronus could be? I know a really big and weird animagi probably wouldn't want to change forms too much, but this could effect them as well.
Can a patronus be a magical creature, or does it have to be mundane (having a dragon for a patronus certainly would be amusing, but probably not a practical animagi form if you live in London or Hogsmeade, or Irvingly for that matter)?
Can a patronus be an extinct species? While dinosaurs are really weird, they were an animal. I get why I'm pretty sure a staff member told me no for dino, cause it would be a bit out there.
That leads to my last question, does someone have to know what the animal is in order for it to be their animagus form? Or could someone who doesn't know what a hippopotamus is be totally freaked out by one appearing in front of them?
Thank you for coming to my meeting of 'Kelly Overthinks Everything'.