September 5, 1889
Dearest friend,
You well know that impulsive is far from a word which would describe me. Quiet, reserved, daydreamer all would be better adjectives for me. Yet I have done something quite impulsive, under different circumstances I'd like to think my family might be proud of this change in my demeanor, however, given what I have directed my energies at I believe they might find themselves wishing this particular trait had manifested quite differently. At least I may rest assured that I have at least one friend who might understand and approve of such a venture. P indeed would be inclined to encourage me to such actions. Alas Benedict shall only see this as a further disgrace and my father shall be sorely tested to have placed his reluctant permission upon S.
Just what is this venture, you may be asking. S and I have embarked upon the high seas. I can hardly believe it myself though the waves slosh against the sides of the ship as I write this. Today, S took me to view his ship. I have always wished for more than just my small window of life and upon mentioning this S devised a plan to brighten more windows for me. He asked me to accompany him to Boston to meet his family. Surprising both of us I agreed and he set about making preparations immediately. At seven and twenty I shall see more of the world than I have in the first six and twenty years of my life.
I shall endeavor to record this venture truthfully and fully as we continue across the pond to America.
Dearest friend,
You well know that impulsive is far from a word which would describe me. Quiet, reserved, daydreamer all would be better adjectives for me. Yet I have done something quite impulsive, under different circumstances I'd like to think my family might be proud of this change in my demeanor, however, given what I have directed my energies at I believe they might find themselves wishing this particular trait had manifested quite differently. At least I may rest assured that I have at least one friend who might understand and approve of such a venture. P indeed would be inclined to encourage me to such actions. Alas Benedict shall only see this as a further disgrace and my father shall be sorely tested to have placed his reluctant permission upon S.
Just what is this venture, you may be asking. S and I have embarked upon the high seas. I can hardly believe it myself though the waves slosh against the sides of the ship as I write this. Today, S took me to view his ship. I have always wished for more than just my small window of life and upon mentioning this S devised a plan to brighten more windows for me. He asked me to accompany him to Boston to meet his family. Surprising both of us I agreed and he set about making preparations immediately. At seven and twenty I shall see more of the world than I have in the first six and twenty years of my life.
I shall endeavor to record this venture truthfully and fully as we continue across the pond to America.