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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Margaret Howell
Full Name: Margaret Guinevere Howell
Nicknames: Maisie
Birthdate: August 4th, 1881
Current Age: 10 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: None (Hogwarts Hopeful)
Reputation: 9 - A bit too inquisitive for her own good, but otherwise a good kid.
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
The Howell family has lived in the South Wales Valleys for centuries. Their wealth was built from a wizarding shipping company based in the market city of Neath. The family would often boast of their blood status and (alleged) distant relation to the ancient Hufflepuff family of the same region, but were not unusual for a prejudicial pureblood family. Since Tobias Howell became the head of the household, the pureblood mania has turned fanatical. Members of the Howell family, including Margaret’s parents, married their cousins of varying closeness to ensure that the family’s wealth and bloodline remained concentrated and undiluted. Those members of the Howell family who did not subscribe to Tobias’s view of how things should be would find themselves disowned and banished from the Howell Estate in the Vale of Neath.
  • Paternal Grandfather: Tobias Joshua Howell (b. 1799) - UCPB - Shipping company owner
  • Paternal Grandmother: Molly Howell nee Crowther (b. 1840) - UCPB (Tobias’s 3rd Wife and 2nd Cousin twice removed)
  • Father: Gideon Amos Howell (b. 1862) - UCPB - Warehouse manager for family shipping company
  • Mother: Anna Shiloh Howell (b. 1864) - UCPB
  • Maternal Aunt: Mabel Olga King nee Howell (b. 1869) - UCPB - Chaperone
  • Maternal Uncle: Horace King (b. 1868) - UCHB - Ministry of Magic Departmental Employee
  • Cousin: - Charlie King (b. 1888) - UCHB
Appearance: Margaret is short for her age at 4’1”. She has dark hazel eyes and an oval, slightly asymmetrical face. Her hair is a light blonde and kept long, although her governess insists on her wearing it up properly. She is right-handed. She dresses (or is dressed) well, her clothing no less expensive than that of her cousin. When she isn’t ill, she has a slight rosy tint to her skin.
  • 1881: Margaret was born at the Howell Estate, secluded away in the Vale of Neath. She was given few chances to interact with the outside world. Trips into town not for essential business were rare.
  • 1883: Margaret’s first visit to St. Mungo’s. She was accidentally poisoned eating some strange berries that one of her uncles grew in the gardens for use in potion-making. Her lips and right cheek took on a metallic texture, slowly turning to copper. The poisoning was reversed, but the incident does little to dissuade the young witch’s curiosity.
  • 1885: Gideon witnessed frogs in a garden fountain hop and march around unnaturally while Margaret watched. When questioned about it she suggested she was teaching the frogs to dance. This was taken as her first sign of underage magic, but she was never able to repeat it when prompted. Also in this year, Margaret’s aunt Mabel is disowned by Tobias after being caught with a halfblood seventh year named Horace at Hogwarts.
  • 1886: Tobias went to more and more dangerous methods to test if one of his grandsons wass a squib or if he could force signs of magic from him. Anna and Gideon, pushed too far by Tobias’s increasing instability and fanaticism, send Margaret to live with Anna’s sister Mabel. After being disowned, Mabel had married Horace, who secured a job at the Ministry. Margaret took some time adjusting to the move but came to find the bustling town of Hogsmeade much more interesting than being cooped up in the Howell country home.
  • 1887: Margaret spent two months mostly in bed with a stubborn case of mumblemumps that refused to fully go away.
  • 1888: The Kings welcomed a healthy baby boy, Charlie, to their family. Margaret did not care for the news at first, but eventually came around. She was assigned a new governess, but frequently tried to slip away from her supervision.
  • 1892: The Kings found out that they were expecting a second child. Margaret also expects her Hogwarts letter. After years of seeing the mysterious castle across the lake from Hogsmeade she was eager to see the magical school for herself and learn to control her magical talents.
Personality: Curious (to a fault) - Outgoing - Slightly Awkward
Margaret is a bit too curious for her own good. Magical objects and spells are especially intriguing. Whenever she encounters something that behaves abnormally she’ll play around with it and try to figure out how it works. She’s fairly outgoing but still has some catching up to do in terms of socialization. For half her life, her cousins were the only children her age around.
Other: Two generations of marriages between cousins have already started taking their toll. In today’s terms, Margaret would be considered immunocompromised. She has proven more susceptible to both wizarding and muggle diseases. Her system also has a harder time coping with abnormal magical damage from poisons, potions and spells. This has resulted in more than one close call.
Name: Robin
Age: 23
Contact: PM
Other Characters: Theodosia Bartlett John Griffiths Ambrose Chambers
How did you hear about us?: Current Member

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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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