February 22, 2020 – 2:20 PM
Sisse Thompsett — Played by Fallin
Every time I read the title of the thread "Pumpkin Scream In the Dead of Night" I think it is the thread where Pumpkin Whitledge is murdered by a vampire. And every time I'm mildly disappointed when I open it to find that is not the case.
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
February 23, 2020 – 8:58 PM
Ophelia Devine — Played by Lynn
I had a dream one time where Kayte threw out "Aldi" in the Cbox as a ship name, and I was confused because it is also the name of a grocery store chain in some parts of the US.
I now casually ship
Aldous Crouch and @"Diana Fawley" despite knowing nearly nothing about the latter, because their ship name could be Aldi. :P
February 24, 2020 – 11:15 PM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
When I see this:
I think of this:
And it is big mood.
March 15, 2020 – 10:30 AM
Seneca Lestrange — Played by Sofia
I love it when people start threads for me without asking me, if they play characters that are in some way related to mine. It has an element of surprise and gives me an endorphin boost like any notification would in this digital day and age. So yes, unless it's a thread in which my character is violently murdered, do start threads for me if you feel like it!