What: Christmas Eve Ball
Who: Ophelia hosting for typical society types. Guests must be UC or upper-middle with good connections. Ladies must be "out" to receive an invitation, gentlemen 21 or older. No known halfbreeds, people with recent scandals, or people who are generally considered odd/outside normal society. Invitations will be checked at the door so no party crashers.
Cost: N/A.
Where: Wellingtonshire
Why: Christmas!
When: 24 December
There will also be magic mistletoe which will appear if an appropriate couple lingers off the dance floor for too long together. Ophelialiterally made a list of approved couples beforehand, so for anyone in a known relationship it's your SO; for single guests Ophelia picked 3-4 other guests based on who she thinks would make a good couple (feel free to decide these yourselves but if in doubt ask me).
Contact Player(s): Lynn Ophelia Devine