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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Adoptables Storage List
The Lukeson Family
Ace is a werewolf as of July 12, 1889 and these siblings will be made aware of this.


b. 1873 | UCPB | Sixth Year ('89) | Suggested PB: Johnny Orlando
Medium Priority Character

Despite being the last son of the Lukeson family, King has always felt pressure to do great things with his life. Not that his parents ever made him feel like this. The pressure mainly comes from being named King, as if that automatically means that greatness is expected. It doesn't help that he and Jolie witnessed the deaths of their uncle and brother. He tends to look up to Ace, as well as having an urge to look out for Sybille since she has been the youngest sibling until Rosie came along last year. He is either a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

❧ Immediate Ties: Guinevere Lukeson, Ace Lukeson, @"Avril Nott", Sybille Lukeson, Edgar Rey II, Fleur Rey, Hope Weston, Percival Weston, Charles Operine
❧ Potential Ties: Frida Lestrange, Darling Whitledge, @"Jemima Farley", Clementine Rookwood, Holliday Fudge, @"Beatrix Borgin", Citrine Weasley


b. 1875 | UCPB | Fourth Year ('89) | Suggested PB: Delaney Rose Stein
High Priority Character

Third of last daughter to the family does not mean that she wasn't spoiled dearly by her parents. This might have gone to her head a bit, but she is still a very sweet girl. Tending to follow Ace around like a puppy, they have a nice sibling bond, and she looks up to him a lot.

Though her house is open, she was not sorted into Ravenclaw, which greatly upset her. Possibly the most effected by the deaths that have happened around her (including also being a witness to the horrible deaths of her uncle and brother), this has shaken her greatly. She gets along with most of her siblings, though finding Sybille a bit odd and preferring to avoid her, but she is very close to her cousin Bellerose Rey. Her name is pronounced zho-LEE.

❧ Immediate Ties: Guinevere Lukeson, Ace Lukeson, @"Avril Nott", King Lukeson, Sybille Lukeson, Edgar Rey II, Fleur Rey, Hope Weston, Percival Weston, Charles Operine
❧ Potential Ties: Cameron Gillenwater, Hestia Fairchild, Elijah Urquart, Honey Whitledge


b. 1856 | MCHB | Employed in the Werewolf Capture Unit | Suggested PB: Dan Stevens
High Priority Character

The first born, he has always felt a certain level of responsibility for his siblings and to be a bit of a guide to his father into the magical world. He’s not as sure about this so called ‘Church of Magical Jesus’ as Earth is, but does allow her to drag him to services. He was a Slytherin while at school.

❧ Immediate Ties: Earth Beck, Mars Asteroid, Moon Smith
❧ Bonus Ties: Aaron Asteroid
❧ Potential Ties: Morwenna Skeeter, Clinton Podmore, and other Ministry employees


b. 1876 | MCHB | Second Year (‘89) | Suggested PB: Mia Hays
Medium Priority Character

A bubbly and energetic girl, Moon is delighted to mess with her siblings or simply hang out with them. Her goals in life are to either become the 'most awesome auror' or a werewolf expert. The latter option is one that tends to get on Sun's nerves. Due to these interests, she loves to learn about the auror program as well as anything that she can find on werewolves. This may or may not include bugging known family members of werewolves if she gets the chance. Her house is Gryffindor.

❧ Immediate Ties: Sun Smith, Earth Beck, Mars Asteroid
❧ Potential Ties: Claire Bénet


b. Pre-September, 1874 | MCHB | Fifth Year ('89) | Suggested PB: Ryan Newman
Medium Priority Character

Her family is one of tragedy. Loosing a father and then both brothers, it changed the girl forever. Sadness has followed her following these losses, especially for her 'twin'. Though this is only known to her and her mother, her twin was never actually her twin. Born to their aunt out of wedlock, the woman died and the family covered the unmarried birth up and claimed that Artemis and Apollo were twins in order to save face. This story fit due to their days apart in age and the fact that their family was away on holiday for the pregnancies and births.

A proud Ravenclaw, this was a trait that she and Apollo had shared. She had found out the truth of their blood relation during the summer of '87 and hadn't come to terms with it until the death of Apollo on New Years of '88. For more detail, see old!Artemis.

❧ Immediate Ties: Hestia Fairchild
❧ Potential Ties: George Waterford, Cane Backus, Thomas Montgomery, Nelson Higgs, Agnes Mercier
❧ Double Up: Check in with Kayte and see if Artemis can double up as 'THE DIVINER'.


b. 1872 | MCHB | Sixth/Seventh Year ('89) | Suggested PB: Alissa Skovbye
High Priority Character

The girls have always been close, but sisters will be sisters and they do tend to argue every now and then. Unlike Luce, Stella is a bit more of a wild card when it comes to what is expected of a woman. While Luce has considered finding a respectable lady-like occupation, Stella has set her eyes on more adventurous lines of work. She is either in Slytherin or Gryffindor. She may or may not be a bit bitter that their father clearly has a favorite.

❧ Immediate Ties: Luce Fay-De Loncrey
❧ Potential Ties: Royal Pyrites, Archelaus Abney, Sage Macnair, Chrysanta Ruskin, Tyr Fraser, Sweetie Whitledge, Eldin Bones, October Lynch

The Asteroid Family


b. Post-September 1867 | MCHB | Co-Owner of Heavenly Antiques | Suggested PB: Daniel Radcliffe
Medium Priority Character

He and his wife have been best friends since their first year. Both sorted into Slytherin, it was easy to spend time together and truly bond. It helps that Aaron has a weird and spacy last name and Mars has a weird and spacy first name.

Near the end of their years at Hogwarts, Aaron found out that Mars was a lesbian. Rather than rejecting her and their friendship, he is quite supportive. This eventually lead to them deciding to get married in 1887, about a year after they graduated. They later opened their antique store. Mars has yet to have a child, leading to questions regarding their marriage.

He is less reluctant than his wife to attend church, but does so more out of curiosity than believing. Not that he would say that to his in-laws.

❧ Immediate Ties: Mars Asteroid, Sun Smith, Earth Beck, Moon Smith
❧ Potential Ties: Temperance Fairchild, Blythe Fairchild, Other fellow church members

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

Messages In This Thread
Adoptables Storage List - by Charming - January 28, 2018 – 4:29 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - March 28, 2018 – 11:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - April 6, 2018 – 4:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - April 14, 2018 – 6:16 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - April 30, 2018 – 10:16 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - May 9, 2018 – 1:41 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - May 16, 2018 – 12:50 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - May 16, 2018 – 6:58 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - May 22, 2018 – 11:43 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - May 22, 2018 – 2:10 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - May 31, 2018 – 2:40 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - June 3, 2018 – 10:06 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - June 3, 2018 – 10:07 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 5, 2018 – 8:56 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 7, 2018 – 6:30 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - June 8, 2018 – 5:18 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - June 9, 2018 – 2:12 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 13, 2018 – 11:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - June 19, 2018 – 12:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 22, 2018 – 5:22 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - June 26, 2018 – 5:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 12, 2018 – 1:23 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - July 12, 2018 – 1:32 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - July 16, 2018 – 5:05 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - July 16, 2018 – 5:06 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 19, 2018 – 6:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - July 23, 2018 – 9:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - August 5, 2018 – 12:21 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - August 12, 2018 – 10:06 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - August 15, 2018 – 1:30 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - August 16, 2018 – 6:36 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - August 20, 2018 – 9:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - September 2, 2018 – 1:38 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - September 5, 2018 – 7:13 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - September 21, 2018 – 11:15 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - September 24, 2018 – 4:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - October 3, 2018 – 8:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - October 8, 2018 – 6:01 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - October 11, 2018 – 12:36 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - October 14, 2018 – 2:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - November 21, 2018 – 2:49 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 7, 2019 – 8:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - January 12, 2019 – 12:39 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 12, 2019 – 2:50 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - January 13, 2019 – 5:51 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - February 8, 2019 – 11:21 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - April 22, 2019 – 7:02 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 21, 2019 – 10:31 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 6, 2019 – 10:41 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 16, 2019 – 8:24 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - July 28, 2019 – 12:49 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - August 21, 2019 – 7:32 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 3, 2019 – 4:08 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - September 10, 2019 – 5:56 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 11, 2019 – 4:03 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 18, 2019 – 2:39 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - September 18, 2019 – 11:01 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - September 19, 2019 – 7:39 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - September 19, 2019 – 7:40 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 23, 2019 – 6:31 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 23, 2019 – 6:32 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - December 30, 2019 – 9:00 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - January 27, 2020 – 3:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - January 27, 2020 – 4:54 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - February 9, 2020 – 10:59 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - February 10, 2020 – 2:04 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - March 4, 2020 – 7:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - March 12, 2020 – 4:19 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - March 25, 2020 – 12:47 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - March 27, 2020 – 4:32 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - April 3, 2020 – 2:39 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - April 7, 2020 – 9:49 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - April 8, 2020 – 6:20 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - April 13, 2020 – 2:10 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - April 13, 2020 – 2:10 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - April 14, 2020 – 11:39 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - April 19, 2020 – 4:41 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - April 26, 2020 – 7:52 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - April 27, 2020 – 6:19 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - May 7, 2020 – 4:34 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Ursula Black - June 9, 2020 – 3:16 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - June 12, 2020 – 10:20 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - June 16, 2020 – 12:42 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 22, 2020 – 1:48 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 25, 2020 – 10:09 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 1, 2020 – 9:15 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - July 9, 2020 – 12:58 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 10, 2020 – 5:22 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 10, 2020 – 5:24 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 10, 2020 – 5:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - July 10, 2020 – 8:07 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 11, 2020 – 11:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - July 25, 2020 – 5:36 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - August 3, 2020 – 7:37 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - August 6, 2020 – 5:10 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - August 11, 2020 – 1:01 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - September 7, 2020 – 9:47 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - September 22, 2020 – 11:22 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - October 15, 2020 – 6:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - December 1, 2020 – 12:45 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - December 22, 2020 – 6:32 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Ursula Black - January 4, 2021 – 7:52 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 7, 2021 – 11:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 27, 2021 – 4:17 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - January 27, 2021 – 4:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - January 30, 2021 – 4:15 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - January 31, 2021 – 2:23 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - February 11, 2021 – 2:47 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - March 5, 2021 – 10:37 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - March 11, 2021 – 4:19 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - March 11, 2021 – 4:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - March 22, 2021 – 10:37 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - April 15, 2021 – 4:17 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Amelia Evans - April 27, 2021 – 10:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 12, 2021 – 4:28 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 15, 2021 – 6:25 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elladora Black - June 15, 2021 – 6:30 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 7, 2021 – 2:44 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - August 7, 2021 – 11:19 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Marlena Scamander - October 2, 2021 – 7:35 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Marlena Scamander - October 25, 2021 – 6:08 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 3, 2022 – 12:42 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - January 3, 2022 – 9:24 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - January 12, 2022 – 4:37 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Tilda MacFusty - January 21, 2022 – 12:48 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - January 30, 2022 – 10:16 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - February 6, 2022 – 5:42 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Marlena Scamander - April 3, 2022 – 10:36 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - June 4, 2022 – 10:09 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - June 10, 2022 – 5:40 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - June 18, 2022 – 3:44 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - June 30, 2022 – 6:39 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elsie Kirke - July 25, 2022 – 1:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - October 31, 2022 – 1:41 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Faustus Prewett - November 12, 2022 – 7:34 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - November 16, 2022 – 2:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - November 16, 2022 – 2:28 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Faustus Prewett - January 21, 2023 – 5:49 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - February 10, 2023 – 1:10 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - April 24, 2023 – 8:32 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 19, 2023 – 11:55 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - July 25, 2023 – 1:14 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - July 25, 2023 – 12:20 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Faustus Prewett - July 29, 2023 – 4:58 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Faustus Prewett - July 29, 2023 – 4:59 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Faustus Prewett - July 29, 2023 – 4:59 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - August 2, 2023 – 11:16 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 24, 2023 – 4:06 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 24, 2023 – 4:06 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 25, 2023 – 4:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 25, 2023 – 4:28 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 28, 2023 – 2:28 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - August 31, 2023 – 2:06 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - September 4, 2023 – 3:13 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - September 15, 2023 – 1:20 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - September 17, 2023 – 6:26 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - September 20, 2023 – 2:49 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - October 4, 2023 – 8:37 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - October 21, 2023 – 5:50 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - December 3, 2023 – 10:08 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - April 3, 2024 – 7:10 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - April 3, 2024 – 7:10 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - April 29, 2024 – 1:43 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - May 15, 2024 – 4:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - May 15, 2024 – 4:33 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - May 24, 2024 – 10:45 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - May 25, 2024 – 12:08 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - May 26, 2024 – 11:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - May 27, 2024 – 4:27 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 4, 2024 – 12:18 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - June 6, 2024 – 8:24 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Elias Grimstone - June 8, 2024 – 11:11 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Cassius Lestrange - June 11, 2024 – 12:46 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - June 16, 2024 – 11:32 AM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Philomena Sprout - June 19, 2024 – 8:58 PM
RE: Adoptables Storage List - by Aldous Crouch - June 20, 2024 – 4:40 PM
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