Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
My Romeo, you seem like quite the charmer, sir. The story you lay sounds like a dream to me. You see, I find myself secretly wishing to not just marry well to someone my parents would approve of but for love as well, and idea you seem to crave as well.
I will tell you a little about myself and you may decide if you wish to persue this friendship. I am young, as you requested, at only 18. As well, I am pure of blood and a member of the upper crust of society. I am quite a social butterfly and look for a life that would allow me such ability. I am not much of an academic, however I do have my passions.
When I sign this letter off, I thought to use the the moniker 'Juliet' however do not take my use of a different name to convey me less of a romantic but rather more of one. I choose a different name in hopes that our relationship might meet a more bright future than that of the ill fated, star crossed lovers.
Regretfully, I fear I may not be the intended recipient of this letter, or that you may have been misled — at the very least I appear to be missing a piece of the conversation? I am sorry to disappoint you, if this is not the letter you have been led to expect.
In truth, I think that marriage and I would probably be an ill-fated pair — but I do not wish to suggest that you would be the cause of any misfortune in it! No, all the trouble is in my stars. But that is not to say I think little of romantics; I am one myself, and I applaud your desires to marry for love. I do not think you should marry for less.
Would it be very presumptuous of me, after all this, to ask to know more about your passions? Perhaps your letter still fell into my hands for a reason!
Ahh, you see there was an advert posted under Witch Weekly's Lonely Hearts column that advertized a romantic pureblood man would was looking for a woman from a similar family to become friends with and potentially lead to relationship. I replied and Witch Weekly would direct my letter to the 'sender'. Someone you know much have placed the ad in your name I fear, if you have not done it yourself. Do not worry, for there are no hurt feelings on my part, kind sir.
Might I ask why you think marriage and yourself to be an 'ill-fated pair'? Marriage - even if treated as a business notion - is a commitment in which you gain a life long partner. Someone to stand by your side through everything that comes your way. Even if you do not marry for love, I imagine you end up feeling something very close if not love itself by the end. My own parents certainly seem fond of each other, and they were a match organized by their parents.
I wouldn't mind sharing at all. You may think me silly or vain but I enjoy the social season greatly. This is my first season out and I do not think I would ever grow bored. I have always loved talking to people and I cannot wait until I come to a circumstance in which I may host my own events. I love how it makes people happy. I like the connection you can form with others. I also really wish to find a charity work that I can associate with and volunteer my time with. I am not certain which yet, but I will hopefully find something soon.
If I had to choose something more academically inclined, I took astronomy throughout my years at Hogwarts and would love to find a way to use it now.
Ah, thank you! I suspect my mother to be behind it; there would be no one keener. She is well-meaning, I confess, but something of a meddler. I’m sure you know how parents can be with their opinions!
I very much like your meaning of marriage - things are always better when you have a partner, that much is true - and though like anyone else I enjoy the idea of being in love, I have other pursuits in my life that require much dedication, travel, and attention, and I would not want those to detract from a marriage. I am passionate about the future and the importance of foretelling it, both in order to help people face it, and because I think that is the best way to change it. Mostly by means of divination, but astronomy certainly has its place in divination too, if you are ever inclined to use the stars for such things!
At any rate, I do not blame you for enjoying the social season, and I hope the rest of your first season lives up to your hopes, and that all your next ones are still better and brighter. I confess I am a newcomer to the British season myself, and am enjoying it too. I spent the Saturday last at the ball at the Sanditon, which was very good fun.
With best wishes,
Not Quite Romeo
August 11, 2020 – 5:29 AM
Last modified: August 11, 2020 – 5:30 AM by Octavia Fawley.
Oh there is nothing to apologize for, as I know a mother's medling far to well to grow anger towards you.
I thought you might come around, Romeo. But, if you fear those to keep you from marriage, why instead do you not search for a woman who might want the same? Throughout my year in Hogwarts, I met quite a few women who would enjoy traveling - some even who also have a passion for divination. Surely if you find someone who shares your passions, they cannot fault you for the very things they hold dear as well? You say you work in future sight, but I see you trapping yourself in one path but refusing the possibilities? And what is the future if not an endless web of possibilities? You do not seem opposed to taking ahold of your own fate.
Oh, you were at the Sanditon Soiree? How small of a world we live in, that we both attended the same ball that night. I wonder if, by chance, we met that night, and actually know who the other is? Regardless, Romeo, while I might not be the most experienced, I hope you know I would be willing to assist in helping you adjust to the British season should you find yourself with any questions and no one to answer them.
You keep saying that I might find you silly or inexperienced but the truth is I would rather call you wise - you are very good at saying true things for someone who has only just begun thinking about marriage! I am not that much older than you, but I definitely was not so clever a few years ago.
Yes, I wonder if we did meet at the Sanditon! What did you make of the unusual dance cards? I found that - leaving myself in fate’s hands for once - good fun. I hope you were not disappointed in any of your partners!
And I would love to hear more about the British season, if you are so kind. If there are any forthcoming events that absolutely must be attended (or are better off missed) you must tell me, in case the tea leaves neglect to warn me! (I also wonder if you know anything about any renowned Seers in this country? I don’t know if there are any in society, but I would be glad to be introduced to them.)
Even if we may grow annoyed with them, they do only with the best for us. I can't stay angry for long. I wouldn't put it past my mother to do something like this for my brother if he was still unmarried as well.
I am glad you think so but I cannot bring myself to agree. Momma says I'm to much of a romantic and I think that is more likely that being wise. Maybe I've just read to many romance novels that have filled my head with dreams of wonderful fantasies. Besides, you are a man. Parents raise little girls to be prepared for marriage. Parents raise little boys to be educated or have careers. I'd be surprised if you thought much of marriage at all!
I think the dance format was quite novel though nothing will come of it. After all my first dance was with my sister's fiancé and another was with a boy from my year in school! I don't think I could ever think of marrying someone in my year. I can still see him as a first year all plump in the face after all!
I would love to be of assistance. Off the top of my head I do believe most of everything of some significance this upcoming month is themed around Quidditch - but that is a given with the Cup. Nothing planned that will make or break someone's social standing that is for sure. You'll have to write to me about any specific events or people (host or otherwise) you wish to know more about.
As far as seers, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint. I do know of a few however they aren't particularly society figures. There was a girl a year or so below me in school - she wouldn't have graduated yet - who has a bit of a reputation for seeing horrible things that are going to happen to people. I don't believe she's ever had any vision that wasn't negative. Beyond her, I've heard the new divination professor this year at Hogwarts is an actual seer. Shacklebolt is her name. There are a few other family names I can give you that have a reputation for that sort of thing but I cannot say one way or another if they are actual seers. Trelawney, Vablatsky, and Carmichael. There might be other's who just don't advertise it. If you find someone who is they might be able to direct you more than I. I quite liked divination in school but I am by no means a seer.
They may not be, but if your parents are anything like mine, they have rather high expectations of your future. And I am sorry to hear that nothing spectacular came of the dance card you got. Still, dances are just dances, and if I were you I would not be too disheartened. The best thing you can do, with what little I know of romance and of life, is keep your hopes up and your mind open. Something may be just around the corner, whether or not you are expecting it.
Are you fond of quidditch? I plan to go to the games here but I know little about the British team, and not being a countryman here, I have no stake in who wins. But thank you for your list of names connected to Divination, it is certainly a start! You have not disappointed at all, you’ve been very helpful.
And no doubt I will write to you for more information on any season’s events that arise once the quidditch is over. Perhaps we will even meet in person at one of them! (And maybe you will have the good fortune of meeting someone you could fall in love with. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.)