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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Incorrect Charming Quotes

Aldous @ Ben


Quote:Ben: You know, I'm still a more than a little peeved at you for keeping all this from me.

Ari: I'm sorry, Ben, but you know eventually we're gonna both get married. There's gonna be certain things we can't share with each other.

Ben: I'm trying not to think about that.......we're still gonna live next door to each other, right?

Ari: Hell yeah, with a pool going across both of our yards.

Ben: I've got dibs on the diving board.

Ari: Yeah, okay.

Quote:Ben: I don’t lose things. I place things in locations which later elude me.

Quote:Baxter: You're acting like a child, Ben.


Quote:King: Come on, let's hug it out.

Kieran: I would rather learn to play the harp.

Quote:Jude: How much blood was it exactly, Kieran?

Kieran: It was just a small stream. It wasn't like the end of Carrie or the beginning of Carrie.

Quote:Ben: I'm just getting started, you giant cockroach. You know what? That was out of line. I apologize to cockroaches everywhere, especially Jiminy Cricket, although for the first time in thirty years, it occurs to me... he might be a cricket.

Quote:Ben: I'm Benedict and this is my associate, M. C. Clap Your Handz.

Baxter: With a Z.

Quote:Baxter: Holy crap, are you checking your email?

Ari: I get productive when I'm nervous.

The following 5 users Like Benedict Sterling's post:
   Cassia Fawley, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone, Elsie Kirke, Roberto Devine

[Image: WEY2zhj.jpeg]
Esteban Zavala: I sort of did something and I need your advice but I don't want any judgement or critism.

Monty Morales: You can tell me what’s bothering you. You know, I think that beneath this rugged exterior is a sensitive soul.
Kieran Abernathy: No, there isn’t.
Monty: No, there isn’t, but tell me anyway.

Ishmael: I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have a heart and the capacity to feel.
Monty: You take that back!

Monty: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Jude Wright: But this wall only has your portraits...
Monty: Exactly.

Jude: This idea is crazy
Esteban: Has it stopped us before?
Kingsley Wells: I really wish it did.

Monty: You can trust me.
Kieran: I don’t even trust the way you just said I could trust you.

Monty: Okay yes I may be evil and morally corrupt but I’m also incredibly stylish and I think that makes up for it honestly

Narcissus Laurent: Why do boys call other boys "pretty boy" as an insult? That’s probably the most flattering thing anyone could ever say to me? Call me pretty boy. Tell me I’m the prettiest boy you've ever seen.

The following 3 users Like Roberto Devine's post:
   Cassius Lestrange, Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean}, Elias Grimstone
You're the Worst edition
Quote:Kieran to Ishmael: Well, as my grandma used to say, it's only a walk of shame if you're capable of feeling shame. See you later. Thanks for doing all the sex stuff on me.
Quote:Kieran: Sitting is definitely in my top 5 favorite activities.
Jude Wright : What are the others?
Kieran: Eating things. Shutting stupid people down verbally. Bubble baths. Masturbating.
Quote:Eileen Buchanan: Day drinking's the best.
Kieran: Day drinking is the best! Aren't we lucky we're both in professions where we can day drink?
Eileen: Are you in a profession where you can day drink?
Kieran: They all are if you want it bad enough.

The following 3 users Like Kieran Abernathy's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Elsie Kirke, Margaret Goyle

[Image: 3dn7vak.png]
set by MJ!
Quote:[Skipping stones on a lake]
Belle, smiling: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Finnian: Take that you fucking lake.

Quote:Connie: You’re smiling, did something good happen?
Holly: Can’t I just smile because I want to?
Seneca: Meta tripped and fell down the stairs.

Quote:Calla: I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a heart and the capacity to feel and love.
Holly: You take that back right now!

Quote:Frida: Ah yes, my train of thought
Frida: Or as I like to call it, Anxiety Express

Quote:Evander: What are you eating?
Charity: A family sized bag of chips.
Evander: But that's a normal bag of chips.
Charity: Everything's family sized when you're an orphan

set by MJ <3
Charity Lloyd: Is Uncle Evander still in there making that judgy face?
J. Alfred Darrow: Charity, you’ve known him for years, just call it his face.

The following 4 users Like Evander Darrow's post:
   Amelia Evans, Cassius Lestrange, Holly Scrimgeour, J. Alfred Darrow

King : How much have you had to drink?
Kieran Abernathy: More than a little and less than enough

The following 1 user Likes Kingsley Wells's post:
   Cassius Lestrange

[Image: rWk2LX.png]
Gloriousness by MJ! <3
Zelda: My dad loves us. He just doesn’t care about our General happiness or self esteem.

The following 1 user Likes Zelda Darrow's post:
   Seneca Lestrange

[Image: xXXD462.png]
Ellory: And are you totally in sync with your father?
Cash: Oh yeah, 'cause he always wanted a gay son who played Quidditch, so, totally delivered on that one.

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Kaimana, Seneca Lestrange

MJ made this!
Quote:Eldin, reading a fortune cookie: "If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same."
Kristoffer, with his mouth full of takeout: Kill two.

Quote:Holly: Mr. Macnair, would you step outside for a moment?
Germander: Why?
Holly: Because you irritate me.

Quote:Helga: I’ve heard you have very high standards in men.
Marlena: I do.
Marlena: They just need to be girls.

Quote:Charity: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Evander: It's called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.

The following 3 users Like Holly Scrimgeour's post:
   Elias Grimstone, Kieran Abernathy, Melody Crouch

set by MJ <3
If these were modern times, this is how Thomas might respond to his mother's latest letter:

Ester: "Perhaps if you send me a picture of you I shall forgive you your merciless unkindness to your poor mother."
Thomas: [Image: EXmuvttUEAA3FXr.jpg]

The following 2 users Like Thomas Montgomery's post:
   Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone

[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3
Quote:(I don't even go here but it seemed fitting >.>)

Ellory: I'm going to destroy your happiness, whatever the cost!
Antigone: My happiness?!
Antigone [to Tib]: Am I happy?

Quote:Charity: Sometimes, I don’t even realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone’s staring at me weird.

Quote:Holly, angrily: Can I say a bad word?
Connie: Um…
Connie: I mean…
Holly, turning to Meta: YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH

Quote:Maeve: So how’d you guys get into a car accident?
Lorcan: Well Finnian was driving and he wasn’t paying attention. There was a deer in the road and I yelled, “Finnian, deer!” And do you want to tell her your response?
Finnian: "Yes, honey?”

Quote:Eloise: Don’t fear death, fear the state you will die in.
Rose, nodding, whispering fearfully: New York.

Quote:Cammie: 'Go hang a salami' backwards is 'I'm a lasagna hog'.
Sloane: How did either of those sentences occur naturally for you to discover this?

The following 4 users Like Rosalind Pendergast's post:
   Antigone Lestrange, Cassius Lestrange, Ellory Lestrange, Elsie Kirke

Beauties by MJ <3
Cash to Rosalind Pendergast: You've been disappointing our family for five minutes, I've been doing it our whole lives. Sit down.
Cash: Ellory and Claude are on their honeymoon, so there's not the usual balance between sane and others. Evelyn has mentally checked out since the wedding. It's a dangerous time. The 'coalition for reason' is extremely weak.
Claude: Hey, can I ask your advice on something?
Cash: Are you sure, dude? Isn’t there someone else better you could ask, like literally anyone else?

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Elsie Kirke, Rosalind Pendergast

MJ made this!
Quote:Date: You're not like other guys.
Freddie: I am the amalgamation of every single guy I've ever thought was cool.

Quote:Frida, drawing a pentagram on the floor: You told me to satanize the house.

Quote:Louisa: you can be very mature for your age sometimes.
Charity: thank you, it’s the trauma

The following 2 users Like Holly Scrimgeour's post:
   Cassius Lestrange, Isis Silverthorne

set by MJ <3
Quote:Eldin: What's your greatest fear?
Royal Pyrites: Last year I threw a boomerang and it never came back. I live in constant fear of its return...
Eldin: That's not what I meant-
Royal: It's my greatest fear.

Quote:Evander Darrow: Why would you give a wand to a child?!
J. Alfred Darrow: Charity felt unsafe.
Evander: Now I feel unsafe!
Alfred: I'm sorry.
Alfred: Would you like a wand?

Quote:*Finnybone on a date at the zoo*
Finnian: What are they in for?
Annabelle Bones: Finnian, this is not prison.
Finnian: So they can leave?
Belle: No, but-
Finnian, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one murdered someone.

Quote:Cameron: One day, I'm going to say "Fight me!" and someone really is just going to fucking deck me.
Sloane Bixby: Believe me, that day is closer than you think.

Quote:Meta Lestrange: Gretchen, there's a monster under my bed!
Gretchen Lestrange: It's the most hideous thing I've ever seen!
Frida, on the bottom bunk: Why are you like this?

The following 3 users Like Annie Moneypenny's post:
   Amelia Evans, Cassius Lestrange, Elsie Kirke

beautiful set by MJ <3
Moar Psych Quotes cause BF and I just started re-watching it xDD

Kieran Abernathy / Jude Wright: mmm, Meri you gotta order a piece of this apple pie.
Meri: I did....and you guys immediately ate it.

Jude: You think all round fruit are apples.
Key: No I don't.
Meri: What are these? (Cherries)
Key: Tiny apples
Esteban Zavala: And that? (Pumpkin)
Key: Halloween apples.

Ari Fisk: This is breaking and entering!
Benedict: [trying to pick a lock] No, no, no - only if we break something, and THEN enter something.

Baxter Keene: You guys do realize how insane this is, right?
Ari: Yes.
Ben: You call it insane, we call it Tuesday.
Baxter: It's Thursday.
Ben: Is it really?

The following 3 users Like Amelia Evans's post:
   Baxter Keene, Cassius Lestrange, Frida Lestrange

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