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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

April 1890
April 1890

This month, the full moon will be on Sunday, April 5th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.

In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of April.
You can also check this out in calendar view!

Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!


graphics by mj ❤ —
What: A Wild Evening
Who: Hosted by @"Natsuko Mountbatton", invited are well heeled and monied UC/MC, as well as those employed at the Padmore Zoologial Gardens
Where: Hogsmeade Ballroom
Why: Raise funds for the Padmore Zoological Garden, and because Natsuko was almost killed by a Runespoor
When: 12th april
There will be a silent auction and general donations for the Zoological Gardens, and ticket costs will be donated to the gardens
It is costume/masquerade - dress as your favourite animal!

Contact Player(s): @"Benevolence Montague"


The following 1 user Likes Natsuko Foxwood's post:
   Ruby Urquart

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning


What: National Team Try Out Celebration
Who: Thom hosting for those who tried out, their friends/families, and folks in/adjacent to the Quidditch industry
Cost: N/A
Where: Puddlemere Stadium
Why: Quidditch parties are his thing.
When: Tuesday April 7th following try-outs

The Puddlemere pitch will be converted into a huge outdoor party mere minutes after the last chasers have landed, with large white tents housing food and drink, dining tables, a dance area, and a game tent complete with mini Quidditch and cards and things. Games won will award tickets not actual money.

Beneath the stands in that concession/ lobby area will be lifesize replicas of each player who tried out (think like cardboard cutouts but magical so they can smile and wave and stuff) each atop a pillar, the size of which is meant to represent their odds of making the team. Guests can exchange tickets to grow or shrink the pillars of a particular player.

Food is free and so are the first two drinks; additional drinks can be purchased with tickets or acquired from the VIP rooms, below.

Thom's private box and a few adjacent ones will be set aside for "VIPs," which generally includes sponsors and their guests so that genteel UC folks don't have to socialize too much with the rabble (though they may if they choose).

There are no planned activities in the stands themselves so people interested in getting into trouble may head that way, but be careful- most of the stands are visible from the pitch since that's, you know, the point of sitting there.

Contact Player(s): Lynn


The following 2 users Like Thom Pettigrew's post:
   Freya Selwyn, Ginevra Blackwood

What: A Holiday Dine-In
Who: Mrs. Daphnel to host; intimate (50ish guests) gathering of respectable UC/Upper MC folks
Where: The Daphnel Estate in Wellingtonshire
Why: Mrs. Daphnel's only daughter is set to debut this season but, as the rumor goes, has said no more than fifteen words to anyone during her entire Hogwarts school career. In an effort to introduce her more gently to both eligible gentleman and advantageous members of British society, Mrs. Daphnel orchestrated this party where her daughter will be more or less forced to socialize.
When: 4 April

A formal dinner will be followed by a game of cards. No dancing or anything like that because Miss Daphnel's nerves might not be able to handle so much excitement in one evening.

"It was a simple game, played against one opponent where each had their own deck of cards and the object was to get to the bottom as quickly as possible. In order to keep things interesting, the hosts had created a twist: after the game began, the tables magically rotated every few minutes to change the partners. Since that changed the cards in play as well, it was meant to make the game more difficult and prolong the match" (and therefore prolong Miss Daphnel's forcible exposure to her guests).

Contact Player(s): Lynn


The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Ruby Urquart
What: Boozy Picnic in the Park
Who: Everyone! And well-advertised for best turnout.
Where: Padmore Park
Why: Promoting Product~
When: Easter Sunday (April 5th)
As a play on the story of the Loaves and the Fishes, Jewell Distillery is serving free cheap food (crackers, fried potato wedges, etc) which will be transformed into something wonderfully flavorful after you try a sip of their new liquor, which is designed to delight your taste buds both while drinking and for hours afterwards by adjusting food to your particular pallet. The idea is that after a free sample of the liquor (available to anyone regardless of age because #VEalcoholism) you'll have a veritable feast. The liquor will also taste different to different people and should be pleasant for everyone.

Bottles of both the new liquor and their other product lines will be available for sale. Since the flavor-changing liquor is new, there's a small but not insignificant chance your character might have an adverse reaction to it, such as having everything taste terrible for the next forty-eight hours after drinking, losing their sense of taste entirely for some period of time, or having their tongue swell up to the point where speech is impaired.

Contact Player(s): Lynn or Hawke


The following 2 users Like Reuben Crouch's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Camilla Prewett

MJ made this <3
What: Festival of Fools themed boat party
Who: Ginevra Blackwood - is hosting it. Invited will be UC/MC AB rep 6 or better - and maybe anyone else that Ginny could be convinced is fun. (if in doubt pm me)
Cost: Does this have a cost? If so, explain. If not, leave as N/A.
Where: A Large magical Yacht on the Black Lake (bigger on the inside), it is an ornate galleon style ship festooned with multicoloured bunting, multicoloured sails and lights. There will be circus performers. acrobats. and silk dancers entertaining the crowds, and people on stilts serving drinks and such.
Why: April Foolks
When: 1st April -April Fools day
A Ball where the dancefloor has optical illusions on it, and the inside of the ship has floors on different levels like an M.C. Escher painting, any staircase will get you where you need to go, but when looking at it it will be trippy.
There will also circus/carnival games.

Contact Player(s): Ginevra Blackwood


The following 1 user Likes Ginevra Blackwood's post:
   Ruby Urquart

[Image: 2SyywhH.jpg]
^  Look what Lady did  ^
What: The Museum of Magical Miscellany's Easter Ball
Who: Hosted by Fortuna Bixby in the name of the Museum of Magical Miscellany and Temperance Fairchild in the name of the Church of Magical Jesus. Invited are all UC/well-off MC wizards and witches, patrons of the museum and it's employees.
Where: The Museum of Magical Miscellany, London
Why: Rich people shenanigans, art, fundraising
When: April 15th, evening/nighttime

The Museum of Magical Miscellany is hosting an Easter Ball to commemorate the holiday. For this year's ball, we have teamed up with the Church of Magical Jesus and, next to a fundraiser gala (proceeds will go towards the museum), a new exhibition by the title of The Church of Magical Jesus: A Retrospective of Wizarding Britain's Most Prominent Bridge to Christianity will be unveiled by Temperance Fairchild. While there will be bouncers at the museum's entrance to ensure nobody not fitting the bill doesn't make it inside the museum, that doesn't mean you couldn't possibly slip past in, say, an invisibility cloak or if you were an Animagus... But do so at your own peril, as we reserve the right to treat you as an intruder should you enter the museum without permission on that day and be discovered.

Contact Player(s): Avery Wilkinson


The following 3 users Like Avery Wilkinson's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Camilla Prewett, Elladora Black
What: An Enchanted Easter Brunch: Croquet and Egg Hunt
Who: Hosted by Evalina Rosier for UC/MC folk with a rep of 7+! Kids and adults alike!
Cost: Donations
Where: Ravenwood Manor, London England
Why: For Easter
When: Easter Sunday (April 5th)
  • ARRIVAL: What are normally the iron gates of Ravenwood Manor have been replaced by a curtain of greenery and pastel flowers that part when guests arrive. The curtain goes all the way down the main drive and parts to let the carriages through. Guests may pluck various flowers from the greenery which then turn into tiny little eggs. The gifted eggs hatch as the afternoon comes to a close and reveal small trinkets such as rings, seeds to plant in the garden, pocket watches, etc.
  • ADULT'S FESTIVITIES: There are various lawn activities spread out over the grounds. Guests may participate in lawn tennis, croquet and archery. Upon participation, they may realize, however, that their equipment seems to have minds of their own! Croquet balls are transfigured to look like animals and scurry away from their owners (they are clearly made out of croquet ball material though so as to not make it seem like the hostess condones animal cruelty). The same for tennis balls and the tips of arrows, which are transfigured to look like bird's beaks. Think the croquet scene from Alice in Wonderland.
  • CHILDREN'S FESTIVITIES: There would not be an Easter party without an egg hunt! The catch? The eggs sprout legs once you spot them and run away! Whats more is once they run into a flower garden, the flowers will spray you and the eggs with puffs of colored (temporary) pigment! Guests can tell who's been in the enchanted flower garden by the bright pastel colors on their garments.
  • FOOD: A traditional Easter brunch will be served to tables scattered throughout the grounds.

Contact Player(s): Amelia Evans


The following 2 users Like Evalina Rosier's post:
   Camilla Prewett, Margaret Goyle

i refuse to break myself into bite sized pieces
i will stay whole, and you will

What: Swan Lake Ball on the Lake
Who: Hosted by Camilla Zabini Invited are:
- UCPBs rep 6+
- UCHBs rep 8+, or 7+ with at least one pureblood parent
- MCPBs rep 8+, and any relatives of Calliope, she guesses
- If you're not included here but are reasonably friendly with a Zabini child, you got an invite
Where: A magically floating pavilion on The Black Lake
Why: Camilla likes to spend her father's money and realized that an event that lets her dress entirely in white may make people think 'marriage.'
When: Evening of April 18th
- The music is Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake
- The edge of the pavilion is technically roped off, but, like, you could fall in
- Yes, Camilla rented swans for this
- There are 'Russian' cocktails available again, because Swan Lake, but think 'what English people think is Russian' vs. actual Russian

Contact Player(s): Cassius Lestrange


The following 5 users Like Camilla Prewett's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Amelia Evans, Elias Grimstone, Emma Flitwick, Roberto Devine
What: Afternoon Tea & "Fashion Show"
Who: Hosted by the HoL. Invited are ladies who can afford to shop at Lyttons, so UC with a rep of 7 and above, and well off MC, with a rep of 7 or above.
Where: The House of Lytton
Why: To show the newest designs for the future debutantes.
When: Afternoon, April 4th
The House of Lytton is hosting a fashion show of sorts, so returning and potential customers can see what he proposes for the new season. He's targeting seventh-year female students and any young ladies who are going to debut this season, as well as debutantes who want new clothes so they do better this season than they did the previous one. The event will take place in the first floor of the House of Lytton, there will be mannequins wearing Marcus' newest designs, as well as magazines with Marcus' designs for embroidery, flower decorations, hem and neckline decorations, etc.

Your debutantes and society ladies will get to talk with Marcus and share their ideas and desires for their society wardrobe!

Contact Player(s): Marcus Lytton


The following 1 user Likes Marcus Lytton's post:
   Emma Flitwick

[Image: S4Z7kbh.jpg]
set by lady
What: Seventh Annual Hippocrates Ball
Who: Hosted by the London Society of the Healing Arts. See extras for attendees!
Where: Destiny Hotel, London
Why: $$$
When: April 30th
COME ONE, COME ALL! Each year, the London Society of the Healing Arts organizes a fundraiser—while the majority of the funds are issued to St Mungo's, a donation is also made to each of Hogsmeade Hospital and Irvingly Infirmary.

Tickets are 1G4s each, opening the guest list to:
  • MC individuals pay level four or better
  • Anyone MC with someone pay level three or better willing to purchase a ticket for them (usually a parent, sibling, or spouse).
  • Any member of the UC who isn't hanging on to that status by a thread
  • All medical staff (nurses, mediwizards, healers) at the aforementioned institutions will have a ticket comped for them, regardless of class
(All male guests should be 17+/not at Hogwarts, and all female guests should be "out")

This year's theme is Atlantis, and so there will be charmed, clockwork sea creatures floating about the room, seafood canapes, and your character will instinctively feel however they do when near the ocean. Instead of flutes, charmed bubbles will deliver champagne, punch, and brandy to the guests.

Contact Player(s): Aldous Crouch


The following 3 users Like Allegra Clearwater's post:
   Freya Selwyn, Ginevra Blackwood, Holly Scrimgeour

graphics by mj ❤ —
What: QWC Roster Celebration / Esteban Zavala's Captain Celebration Party
Who: Thom hosting. QWC players (first and second string*) are invited and can each invite 3 guests. Current Puddlemere players not on the roster are invited and can invite 1 guest. All guests should be human adults unless you've otherwise cleared it with Thom.

Other sponsors can come if you're reasonably friendly with Thom, but you get no guests unless you're married in which case your spouse gets to tag along.

*Including Art, he guesses.
Where: Puddlemere United clubhouse
Why: Zavala got Captain and he wants to celebrate and rub it in Art's face
When: 13 April, evening (after completion of normal games for that day)
Free food/booze and general Quidditch antics. Thom will probably pressure Esteban to make a speech at some point. A member of the press or two will be invited as well so they can put a dashing photo of Esteban in the sports section of the Prophet.

Contact Player(s): Lynn


The following 1 user Likes Thom Pettigrew's post:
   Desdemona Pettigrew
What: Surprise Birthday Party for Theodore Gallivan (sorry Theo)
Who: Hosted by a very eager Cee who wants to cheer her brother up. Invited are:
  • All players of the Chuddley Cannons.
  • Sponsors of other Quidditch teams, Quidditch players except for those who play for the Falmouth Falcons, and other Quidditch involved people that aren't known murderers.
  • Theodore's old Ministry co-workers. (so aurors-in training etc)
  • Anyone who's friends with Theo, Cee or their stepmother.
  • Old classmates that the Gallivans were reasonably friendly with.
Where: Chuddley Cannons stadium.
Why: Because it's Theo's birthday!
When: April 28th

The Chuddley Cannons' stadium will be used as an open space to host a garden party of sorts. Think white tents with food and drinks, a podium serving as a dancefloor. Basically something like this.

Cee will have a fake letter arrive at the Gallivan home about the Cannons stadium having been destroyed by a fire. Cee will be all "omg Theo we must get there asap!!!1!", she'll side along aparate with him there and everyone will be waiting for them to surprise! him.

But surprise surprise, Cee will be splinched instead.

Contact Player(s): Ruby Urquart


The following 1 user Likes Cecily Gallivan's post:
   Elias Grimstone
What: Auditions for 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'
Who: MC/UC people of all ages and genders (ie anyone not at Hogwarts)
Where: Hogsmeade ballroom
Why: Hogsmeade Witches Institute, as part of their summer fete celebrations will be putting on a production of a Midsummer Nights Dream
When: Auditions: 20th of april
The play will take place on midsummer night (June 24th) but casting starts 20th April, and rehearsals will start the following week. More info HERE
They will be looking for cast, and people to do other roles - sets, costumes, stage manage, music etc

Contact Player(s): @"Benevolence Montague"


[Image: ioaejGQ.gif]
What: Wizarding Horticultural Society Spring Symposium
Who: Anyone with a professional/academic interest in plants
Where: Sanditon Resort
Why: The Wizarding Horticultural society has 4 seasonal symposiums as well as the public show. 
When: 29th April 1890
This is the first of the seasonal symposiums.  Spring plants, plant breeding, and planning for the public show are all on the table.  There are academic talks, plant discussions, and of course some socialising because plant nerds need to get out of the greenhouse on a regular basis!

(Dante might be replacing the Royal Horticultural society events she cant go to in real life with ones in game)

Contact Player(s): @"Benevolence Montague"


[Image: wl0I79B.jpg]
Lady is a wonder
[Image: preg.png]

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