Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Plottable Characters

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated June 3rd, 2024

In Which Greg Has Financial Difficulties & Makes Bad Decisions

TL;DR: I drafted a plot inspired by "The Smallest Man who Ever Lived" and rewatched 10 Things I Hate About You. I then, irresponsibly, made Greg to scratch both itches. Sue me >.>

[Image: 2Vfitjr.jpeg]
You had a fantastic track record managing investments for wealthy people who CBA to do it for themselves. Somehow, though, you found yourself in need of a lot of money in a hurry. Debts? Blackmail? Regardless of the cause, it's unlikely to matter to your client(s) who you stole from to make the problem go away. One client, who always lived quite frugally, you "borrowed" from a lot, not anticipating he would come calling so soon. Gregory Hart is not impressed. Face and ethnicity are both open; pictured is Dan Levy because it's a crime he is not in use.

Immediate Ties: Gregory Hart
Double Duty: Envy
Planting Seeds: Guilty as Sin

[Image: cyMYEts.jpg]
You have money. You have something against Idris Oakby for whatever reason. You—or someone close to you—overhear Greg bemoaning his financial situation to his best friend and plan your approach. He is handsome, single, and in need, and you have a woman to occupy/embarass/emotionally destroy (depending on the depth and cause of your dislike). This is certainly a match made somewhere. I am open to having an existing character fill this role!

Immediate Ties: Gregory Hart

Employment Opportunity
for Eugene Scamander

The Governess
[Openish PB]
24-28ish | MCAB | 7+ rep

With Theseus turning five this past February and his recent life shifts, Eugene is thinking he should employ a governess for his son to make the transition from their very loyal nanny, who is also getting up there in age. He currently has a small staff with a cook, housekeeper/maid and one valet for himself and the nanny at present. They have a modest little home and Theseus has a decent garden to run amok in.

NOW I would like this to be two-fold. I'm looking for a good sloooowwwww burn (& obviously complicated) romance for him!

Canonically, she will have to be white if she's going to wind up being Newt's mother, but obviously, I'm not on track with the canon stuff so, this is flex. This would be a great position for a middle class woman approaching spinsterhood or a second sister who isn't looking to marry. Somewhere in the 24-28ish age range probably.

I'm going to preface this with 1. I might be a little picky about this. 2. I'm not saying this is endgame anything; IC chemistry is my everything, so it will depend on how it goes! We can always give it a go and if it doesn't work out, can dissolve from there! Messy doesn't bother me! Ideally this could start soon; hopefully by the year's end. I've got a little time until hitting Newt's canon birthday becomes A Challenge.

Open for discussion, so hit me up via PM on Daffodil Grimstone only or direct message somehow! I strongly encourage doubling up and finding a family for her so I'm not the only thing keeping you going during my slow times of the year!

[Image: Eugene-Sig.png]

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated May 25th, 2024

You siad you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me...

TL;DR: I drafted a plot inspired by "Peter" and, like with Greg, decided I wanted it for myself. I am a weak, weak woman.

[Image: LV7PVhp.jpeg]
Peter was in the same year as Catalina at Hogwarts (class of '85), and as sixth years, they were paired with one another for a Herbology project. They became surprisingly fast friends and then, following a mistletoe kiss at Christmastime, developed into something more. The day after Lina's debut, Peter asked her father's permission to marry her and Juan Antonio said no. (Right outcome, wrong reasons.) "And so [Peter] left. He would go, he would make something of himself—if Catalina were willing to wait. Her heart said yes. She said yes. And then he was gone." They exchanged letters at first, but as Lina set out on her own, "correspondence with [Peter] dwindled to but three or four letters a year, but she didn’t mind. She had faith in the promise they made to one another."

Since 1890, Lina has been travelling fairly consistently, only coming home for a month or two at a time. Peter coud have been back in Britain during this time, though just not yet in a position to marry. He could also still be ~elsewhere. Catalina is back for the foreseeable future, so naturally, it's time to throw a spanner in the works! There are a couple of options for the shape that spanner takes:
  • Peter is back, but already married/engaged.
  • Peter is back, but fundamentally changed (vampire, werewolf)
  • Peter is back, but dead (ghost)

The 'right' option from the list above is really going to depend on the player! Face and ethnicity are both open; pictured is Victor Alli. Don't vibe with the name Peter? This is just a placeholder, and can absolutely be changed :)

Immediate Ties: Catalina Flores
Double Duty: Hugo Brierley


I'm stealing my own adoptable plot for Willa's background flavor. She has started letter correspondence with ~2-4 gentlemen over the past two years. From her history:
She does find herself flirting with a few gentlemen who are imminently departing for various places — a tour, a business trip, something or other she still doesn't understand in America — and starts some voracious (but secretive — she doesn't want Mama to get too excited when these gentlemen might never return) letter correspondences. Writing letters to suitors is easier than actually talking to them, in some ways — they are less disappointing than in-person suitors when she only hears from them every few months and only hears what they choose to share.

also if you start it she will totally send you VE sexting mail

These can be existing characters or combos with other ads. They need to be someone she could feasibly have met at season events (MC/UC, human-ish, etc) but do not need to be marriage material. She's mostly in it for the ~escapism and to give her something to fantasize about at night. What YOU are in it for is up to you!

This could become:
- you return and want to marry her and she's - shocked but flattered and maybe let's do it?
- you return and want to marry her and she's already ~involved with someone
- you return and don't want to marry her and she's not exactly heartbroken but she is a little offended, what the fuck?
- you use some salacious letters she's sent you in the past as blackmail
- something else entirely!

Gorgeous Set by Bee <3
For Love or Money
Ginevra Blackwood

____ Rosier

b. 40+ | UCPB | Slyther/Claw | Suggested PB: Tim Roth but open

On the surface, he is the epitome of a traditional pureblood member of the ton—reserved, formal, and seemingly rigid in his ways. His attire is always impeccably tailored, and he adheres to the highest standards of decorum. Vera considers him insufferably boring and stuffy, viewing his public adherence to tradition and propriety as a sign of a dull personality.

However, behind the scenes she couldn't be more wrong. In his youth he was a keen underground boxer. How he is the mysterious Viper (or some other pseudonym), that runs many of the better underground boxing events, as well as dog fighting and periodic dragon baiting events. If it's illegal and rich men like doing it - chances are he has a hand in it. He also deals in rare and sometimes illegal magical artefacts.

He has been married at least once before - and has children of varying ages, but no living sons. He needs an heir.

He is a friend of her parents, possibly more her mother than father. They each think the other is boring and 'typical'. Her mother at least see's Vera as a potential source of heirs for him. No specific endgame, but open to chat - but I would like them to be terrible influences on each other.

[Image: 2SyywhH.jpg]
^  Look what Lady did  ^
The noblest art is that of making others happy
Ephram Diggory

The very definition of a found family - the performers have a strong sense of solidarity born out of shared experiences of marginalisation and a desire for acceptance and dignity. While there are some who can 'pass', most have their own reason to not participate in what could be considered 'normal' society. For some it is a physical distinction that sets them apart, their history or personal circumstances, and for a few its as much as they just don't want to play by societies rules. They care for each other and protect each other from the outside world, even if relationships can be rocky within the show.

The Mermaid

b. 20+ | WCAB | Long Way From Home | Suggested PB: open

The Mermaid was never good in school, never wanted the drudgery her parents expected of her - service or a factory - neither suited. She performs in a large glass tank on the stage in a tail. She doesn't appear to use magic in her act, other than to accentuate the aesthetics of her act, which makes it all the more impressive.

The Desert Spider

b. 20+ | WCAB | Long Way From Home | Suggested PB: open

Running from who or Merlin knows what, the 'Spider' joined up with Ephram in the Asia. Her performance is Corde/Tissue lisse acrobatics. No one in the show knows much about her past. She rarely uses magic in her act.

The Bat

b. 20+ | WCAB | Long Way From Home | Suggested PB: open

A man whose past is less than salubrious, where he learned his skills is the subject of lots of stories - he tells everyone a different version - so its hard to know whats right - if any of them are. He keeps to himself, doesn't share a great deal.

His act has its basis in traditional trapeze but augmented by magic that he performs wandlessly while doing the show - perhaps the most impressive part of his performance.

The Tamer

b. 30+ | WCAB | Born to be wild | Suggested PB: open

This act involves magical creature displays and trained performances - like traditional lion taming but with magical beasts. Where possible the creatures are made to display their most notable magical quality. It is a dangerous act and he is badly scared in places where the trick has gone wrong.

Married to 'The Rider', she assists him in some of his tricks, he is a self conscious and quiet man. Ephram likes him a great deal but he finds Ephram a bit much most of the time.

The Rider

b. 20+ | WCAB | The Mother | Suggested PB: open

In her act she performs tricks with magical equine, showing off their beauty and performing tricks while on horseback. She is married to The Tamer. They eloped together to escape the judgement of his family, who didn't think she was good enough for him.
She is kind and maternal, a bit of a mother to all the members of the show

The Clown

b. 20+ | WCAB | Saddest Clown | Suggested PB: open

He trained as a clown, legitimately trained, working in Varieté shows all across Europe. He has a more extensive magical education than his role would imply. His act involves using harmless jinxes and hexes to entertain the audience and using transfiguration magic for comedic effect, changing their appearances or props in surprising ways.

He was a second son, who really couldn't cope with the 'spare' designation and basically noped out of his life! He has a wife and children - somewhere.

The Painting

b. 20+ | WCAB | Beauty is Pain | Suggested PB: open

Covered from head to toe in magical tattoos - the paintings act is predominantly posing showing off the tattoos to best effect. The images change and shift making it a fascinating display. They also do some sword swallowing, or similar, something else while they are showing off their tattoos

The Maldictus

b. 20+ | WCAB | Cursed | Suggested PB: open

Born a Maldictus - along with their whole family, each has a different form, but the audience delights to watch in horror in as these siblings transform into their cursed forms.

The Son

b. 20+ | WCAB | I used to be rich! | Suggested PB: open

An Eldest born son, or rather he thought he was, but his father revealed to him that he was his mothers bastard. As a boy/young teen he was mistreated by his father, and he decided that life on the run was preferable to his treatment. He joined the show as a fire breathing, performing tricks with real flame, augmented by magic.

The Squib

b. 20+ | WCAB | The Pretender | Suggested PB: open

A squib in a family that really didn't like that, there was a time when they thought they might actually be in danger if they stayed at their home. They are not a real seer, but instead pretends to be such, and pretends they are not a squib. Ephraim knows- or at least suspects that they are not real, but also doesn't care.

The Ghostly Brothers

b. Ageless | Spirit | Death Defying Performances | Suggested PB: open

The brothers had wanted to be performers in life but their families expectations hadn't allowed that. When they met an untimely end together, they decided to come up with an act together, making the most of their ghostly abilities in their performances.

The Giant

b. 20+ | WCAB | Questionable Lineage | Suggested PB: open

He claims to be a part giant but this isn't confirmed - Ephraim isn't even convinced he is a wizard. But he knew about Hogwarts so the story at least has enough plausible deniability to suit Ephram. The giants act is mostly marvelling people at his height - but he also has a strong man act that goes as part of it.

The Huntress

b. 20+ | WCAB | Targeted | Suggested PB: open

Another performers whose magical status is in question. She either has very little magic, or none at all - really no one has seen her use magic and her skills are more impressive as a result. Like the giant she knew enough to convince Ephraim he wasn't breaking any rules by having her join the show, but he didn't look too hard at it. She performs trick shots and other feats of accuracy.

The Dancer

b. 20+ | WCAB | Runaway| Suggested PB: open

She met Ephraim in the continent, she had already been on the run for a while before. She was one of the first to join the show- initially grateful for the protection - and Ephraims ability to negotiate better rates for her performances. Few of the performers know that she is one of the better paid members of the show - because she was in so early and was able to get a good percentage rate for her performances.

[Image: 1521221103-greatest-showman.gif]
These are just some suggestions, or acts/people mentioned in Ephrams posting. There is capacity and scope for other acts, even similar or related skills - No limits on blood or part humans, indeed the more unique the combination the better! It's also somewhere where criminals and those seeking to reform their lives could hide out, not be asked too many questions and have the rest of the show deny they've ever heard of you if the cops ask.

The Girl
Although technically Don Juan contributed to her conception, The Girl was raised entirely by her mother, a strong-willed woman living somewhere in the European continent, at least until the woman's death a few years ago. When her mother died her remaining relatives took her in and informed Don Juan of the situation, but he declined to involve himself. She has her mother's last name although her parents were technically married at the time of her birth. Play-by is open (and could be biracial!) but pictured is Lara Robinson. She was born around 1882-3 and has never met Don Juan previously. Obviously if played that would change.

The Woman
Don Juan's "Wife", to whom he was illegally married while still technically legally married to someone else. The Woman and Don Juan met somewhere in Europe around 1888-1892, had a whirlwind romance, "married" and moved in together. She was then surprised to meet his actual wife, and in the resulting fight threw him out. They have not spoken since. Direction here is very open! Is she out for vengeance? Still in love with him? Unsure if the crazy woman who showed up at her door was telling the truth or not and therefore seeking some sort of clarity over whether she is in fact married to him? Does she follow international news enough to know his brother is Minister of Magic now, did that change something in her mental calculus? Let's discuss!

Age, class, etc are open. PB is open; pictured is Georgina Campbell.


Mrs. Yaxley
Mrs. Yaxley (MCAB, b. ~1867-69) could have had the world — or at least she could have had things a good deal better than she currently does. She married young in/around 1888 to Mr. – Yaxley, and was nearly immediately seduced by Don Juan Dempsey. Being young (and in love?) she was not especially circumspect about their affair and was caught in the act by Rowan Yaxley, her husband's cousin and good friend, in 1889. Rowan confided it to him, and he went about seeing to the matter privately, in order to save both his own dignity and his family's reputation. Mrs. Yaxley was understandably shut out of his confidences, so was entirely caught off guard when her husband was arrested for planning an illegal duel. The whole story came out to law enforcement, then spread like wildfire, and she was ruined.

It has been five years since the incident, and Mrs. Yaxley is still married to her husband — though their relationship is understandably not awesome, and she also has a frosty reception at best with the rest of the Yaxley family. Despite having no more public scandals, she is still something of a pariah — her maximum reputation is 6 (max for anyone who has lost more than 3 points at once).

She may or may not have children (one of them may or may not be Don Juan's :P). PB and ethnicity are open; pictured is Kara Hayward.

Kit's Plottables
❧ Please contact me before picking up one of my adoptables!
❧ I reserve the right to refuse adoption.
❧ I am lax when it comes to activity but if there are repeated losses in the AC and you don't talk to me about what is happening with it, I reserve the right to throw the wanted ad back up for someone else to take.
❧ Please let me know when you drop a character, whether it be temporarily or permanently. That way I know whether I should just wait or if I should put the ad back up.

Dionysus met his best friend in the 1877-1878 school year when he was a sixth year and a she a fourth year. A Peeves prank saw them stuck together until they each divulged a deep secret about themselves to one another. Eventually to get free, he told her he was homosexual. She then told him that she was as well, her own secret being that she was a lesbian. From here, a deep friendship began to grow.

In the Coming Out Ball of 1879 when Dionysus graduated the two made a promise. They would have to each marry someone they can't truly romantically or sexually feel anything for someday ... so they will marry one another when the young woman becomes a spinster.

In 1889, they began courting as BFF is now twenty six. In 1892, they got engaged. Now in 1894, they have begun planning their wedding but have yet to set a date. The plan here is absolutely for them to end up married, I would just love her to be in play before they do so so that there can be a threadable wedding event.


The Basics of Bee
» Reach out to me first please!
» In the event of a loss in an AC please reach out to let me know your intentions; repeated incidents and I'll put them back up.
» Please include a personality section!
» I am rarely married to play bys, as long as they fit the family dynamic! Happy to help hunt!
» Graphics included!

The Wildflowers
Aka a Girl Gang for Daffodil Grimstone. Please double up! This would be a newer development! All of these ladies are flexible, as are the PBs, I'm still just a little obsessed with the Buccaneers.

The Roommate
Delphine Hunniford
20-25ish | WC/MCAB human
unattached | rep 7+
open occupation

Open to a wide variety here! Daff has a two-bedroom flat above her shop that she wants to rent the second bedroom out for some additional income. It would be another female in the 17-25 range, who also works, probably in London. Must be good with pets, as Daffy has both a corgi named Winston and a large cat, Beatrix.  Somebody new to London; somebody Daff vaguely knew in school but not well; a friend of a friend; etc.  I imagine her being outgoing and maybe a little loud, witty and independent, but backstory is wide open!
Played by Nichole!

The Free Spirit
[Aubri Ibrag]
20-25ish| WC/MCAB human
unattached | 7+ rep
open occupation

With the new roommate comes a new friend group and Daff is ready for some girlfriends in her life! The Free Spirit could go a few ways, though I would almost like for her to be a seer and really play into it. Perhaps she does it for her occupation, does it at parties for show, but it has a dark side she tries to downplay. Or something, I'm so very open!
Reserved for Gin!

The Responsible One
[Alisha Boe]
23-25ish | WC/MCAB human
unattached | 7+ rep
Wildflower's Manager

With a flock of somewhat flighty of friends around her, the Responsible One has stepped in to be Daff's manager at the florist in wake of the wedding and taking on some of the business end of the shop. She's also taken over Daff's room upstairs in the apartment. She's got a better head for business than Daff does, so is likely to find some errors or impractical  practices that Daff is completely open to fix. Pretty open and flexible, so reach out if you have something that sorta fits!

The Sweetheart
[Francesca Corney]
20-23ish| WC/MCAB human
unattached | 7+ rep
open occupation

Nice to a fault, the Sweetheart is the optimist and likely the youngest of the group. She may be the only MC deb or pursues some sort of post-Hogwarts education, but she is a ray of sunshine and friendly to the point of flirtation. She's likely also a little gullible and naïve, but has a good heart and wants nothing more than to marry and start a family.

The Shop Assistant(s)

17-25 | WC/MCAB human | 7+ rep

With the opening of Wildflowers in late October 1892, Daffy quickly found the need for a shop assistant (or two!) to help her around the shop, with deliveries and Daff is fully prepared to train her employees in designing arrangements if they wish! She pays as well as she can, but this would suit a working class or lower middle class woman who is probably unmarried. Could also work for a youngish MC lass who wants to do something with her free time after marriage? I'm not super picky. Basic math and writing skills required for inventory and invoicing!

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]

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