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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

October 1893
October 1893

This month, the full moon will be on Wednesday, October 25th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.

In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of October.
You can also check this out in calendar view!

Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!


— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

What: Crouch Campaign Gala
Who: Hosted by Gaius Malfoy and November Malfoy in honour of Aldous Crouch, invitations have been sent to all human members of the upper class, *as well as Middle Class Ministry department heads/assistant heads/committee members.
Where: Malfoy Hall, Imperial Square, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Why: Promote Aldous' Candidacy
When: Saturday, October 14th

How do you promote a candidate physically incapable of dancing? With a ball, of course!

A moment of silence will be observed at mightnight for those lost in the most recent tragedy, during which time the decor and all attire will be magically changed to black; beyond this, it is ball buisness as usual.

Contact Player(s): Aldous Crouch


mj makes pretty things
UC/MCAB| REP 7 | Fundraiser

What: Dragon Disaster Relief Fundraiser
Who: Rich folks who want to show they care
Cost: A 'donation' ticket amount, but buy tickets like someone is talking about how much you paid - because they are!
Where: A specially erected tent in Padmore Park
Why: Rich people showing off how much they care about people - but also to raise funds for the dispossessed poor.
When: 5th October

A specially erected tent, inside there are tables set out for dinner -and an area set out for dancing. There are items for silent auction. This is organised by Natsuko Foxwood and 2 or 3 other married ladies - if youd be one of these dm me! There will be a moments silence for those lost, followed by sedate dinner and some appropriate dancing. It's fnot a raucous event

Contact Player(s): Madeleine Backus


[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]

What: Campaign Supper
Who: Hosted by Jude Wright, open invitation but particularly aimed at Ministry employees and beyond that, general working men (MC/WC).
Where: Hogsmeade Hall
Why: Politics, and because everyone's overworked post-dragons~
When: 6th October, after the workday

There's a long table and an informal buffet supper, nothing impressively fancy but with more of a ~community feel. More sombre than a street party, but there'll be some time for card games and more socialising for a while after the meal.

Contact Player(s): MJ / Elias Grimstone



What: Campaign Gala
Who: Jude Wright hosting; invitations broadly sent but this time the event is moreso aimed at the UC/MC set, although Jude has additionally invited plenty of WC people as well.
Cost: Optional donations for those who can afford it will go to the London Social Relief Association for people's welfare and rebuilding efforts.
Where: Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom
Why: An attempt to host something that might appeal slightly more to ~Proper Society. For Votes.
When: Evening, 12th October

A fairly traditional ball, except the dance cards are charmed to magically randomise the partners for half the dances that evening like the Sanditon did once to promote social mobility and people mingling beyond their usual circles, because we are still here to push out the progressive boat, ha. Jude will partake in the dancing on Kieran's instructions to "talk to debutantes", and also to pretend he cares at all about fun. He'll give a speech at some point in the evening.

Contact Player(s): MJ / Elias Grimstone



What: Pop-Up Bazaar
Who: A one-day event where vendors set up in Padmore Park. Many of them are salespeople who typically run shops in London and have had their businesses temporarily closed due to dragon damage, but there are also some more exotic offerings.
Cost: Nope!
Where: Padmore Park
Why: To stage a plot
When: October 14th, 1893

A collection of stalls and tents will be erected in a corner of Padmore Park for one day only. Since it's an unseasonably warm day, people who attend can also avail themselves of the rowboats on the Black Lake or a picnic area (stocked picnic baskets are available for sale at the bazaar for those who did not bring their own). At some point an INCIDENT will occur (because Xavier Davies was using this as a cover to exchange cursed objects and it... didn't go to plan — not that your characters will know that) which will see anyone in a small area of the event trapped in a time loop until the Department of Magical Accidents and Catstrophes realizes what's going on and comes to get them out.

(If you want to participate in the time loop check the linked thread for details or to ask questions!)

Contact Player(s): Lynn / Fortitude Greengrass


Set by Lady!

What: Halloween Masque
Who: NPC host for society types!
Cost: No
Where: Hogsmeade Ballroom
Why: I couldn't sleep at like 1am last night and had this idea and then I referenced it in a thread so now it's real I guess
When: 28 October, 1893

A masquerade with a twist: the costumes are provided for you! Upon arrival guests select a mask, which creates an illusory costume when don it. These are all artistically/stylistically similar so it creates a good aesthetic for the ball (as a style reference: peacock; focus on elegance first and being a good costume second). There is generally spooky decor with themed hors d'oeuvre and drinks.

There's some magical mischief at play, as you already knew there would be: masks come in pairs, and while you're wearing the mask you're subtly drawn towards the person wearing the matching mask. Depending on how susceptible you are to magic this could mean you just end up chatting with them more often than you otherwise might, or it might mean you end up agreeing to things you otherwise might not (within reason!) to make them happier. There's nothing overtly sexual/ romantic happening with the magic (but if your characters are overflowing with hormones or sexual tension you do you) and there's no direction on which mask to take, so pairs don't necessarily end up split on gender lines.

Contact Player(s): Lynn / Fortitude Greengrass


The following 3 users Like Fortitude Greengrass's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Jupiter Smith, Philomena Sprout

Set by Lady!
ACAB | REP Any | Staff Party

What: Staff Party for recent promotions
Who: Gus Lissington
Cost: N/A
Where: An enchanted classroom near the kitchens/ Hufflepuff common room
Why: mortifying Mason Gus is hosting a staff only dinner party to celebrate the promotion of Mason Skeeter to HOH but Basil Foxwood missed out last year, so him too. Only because it'll embarrass both of them and whoops, Gus likes to celebrate his friends. Hopefully Meserimus Valenduris will enjoy it, as they're also there to celebrate his promotion to Deputy Head Master. (Assume any other promotions I may not be aware of are also being celebrated lol).
When: 5 October 1893, after classes have ended for the day

All staff are welcome to attend. Select (trusted) students can attend to serve the staff for some extra HP. (Looking at you, Ravenclaw.) There's some food and dessert to snack on. No dance floor, but desks and chairs can be moved to make a makeshift one if one is so inclined. Banners are hung up around the room; some saying congratulations, while others are a mix of Hogwarts crests.

Near the end of the night, some harmless fireworks will pop behind the dessert table.

Contact Player(s): Gus Lissington


The following 4 users Like Gus Lissington's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Basil Foxwood, Ignatius Prince, Mason Skeeter

[Image: UkiVTG8.png]
Are you student? Learn how to earn house points!

Who: East Ridge Farm is hosting their annual Harvest Celebration. The event is open to anyone in the community but is mainly focused on the middle class and working class. Upper class is welcome if they wish to, but this is not a society focused event. All ages are also invited to attend all parts of the event.
Cost: It is free, however, vendors will be set up with stalls to sell treats, all proceeds will go to a Dragon Attack Relief Fund
Where: The Plunkett Farms on the east end of High Street. The farm is on the very edge of Hogsmeade.
Why: To celebrate fall and build community
When: Saturday, October 21 (For Fallin's sake of consistency: The day is a beautiful sunny autumn day)

During the day Plunkett Farms will open their grounds to their annual harvest festival. Festival activities will include:
  • a corn row maze with enchantments to entertain you as you go
  • a giant pumpkin carving station
  • apple bobbing - with a magical twist - bob for them in air as they float around you
  • toy broomstick making
  • live music
  • a visit from the Headless Hunt
  • classes on drying herbs&flowers/storing seeds/and collecting wild herbs (some will be geared toward children and some toward members of the community who may need a refresher from their school days or did not complete much schooling)
  • guided nature walks
  • a comedy play by local actors
  • pony rides for the children
  • wreath making
  • fortune telling
  • making pine cone poppets and posies
  • small critter racing (watch enchanted animals race through a maze of gourds, place bets as you will)
  • a petting zoo (including sheep, cows, llamas, chickens, scottish cattle)
  • hayrides across the farm grounds
  • candle making classes

    All activities are free. There will also be vendors set up to sell their goods, anyone who sells at markets in any of the three shopping areas in the community (Hogsmeade, Irvingly, and London) have been invited to set up a stall and sell their wears. The farm will have set up a stall from their store that will sell their farm made goods (honey, wool, yarn, potions, cheese). They have also set up a stall to sell warm apple cider and will be selling pumpkin soup for dinner. Notable vendors will be listed here

    Guests are invited to have a picnic lunch. At dinner tables and benches will be brought out for guests to enjoy dinner if they chose to buy or bring it. As the evening falls a bonfire will be lit and enchanted candles will hover over the tables.

    Around 8 pm the barn doors will open and guests will be invited inside for a dance. The barn will be decorated (in collaboration with Potts Florist) in fall blooms with enchanted lights above the dance floor. It will smell of apples, hay, and and fall air. The doors will stay open to allow the dancing to spill out into the yard where the supper tables will have been moved away, with the bonfire still playing. Food and drink vendors will still be open but activities will cease when the dance begins. Children are invited to join in the festivities. There is a place set aside with blankets and pillows for those children who are too tired to keep playing and several grandmothers and elderly members of the community will take turns watching the children. It should be noted that the barn is very clean and does not seem as if it is regularly used. If you didn't know better you'd never know that animals are regularly housed there. They have been set to the pastures for the evenings though so no worries about running into them while you are dancing.

Contact Player(s): Sisse Thompsett


The following 5 users Like Fred Plunkett's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Charley Goode, Daffodil Grimstone, Elisabeth Champagne, Gus Lissington

What: "The Cursed Pirate Ship" Halloween Party
Who: Hosted by Philip & Alexandra Rowle - Invited are the usual society types, mostly UC people but also prominent MC people
Cost: --
Where: A ship docked in Falmouth
Why: To celebrate Halloween.
When: October 31st

To make their son feel better about having to wear an eyepatch after the dragon attacks, the Rowles have rented a ship which they have made to look like a cursed pirate ship. Upon arrival, guests are pretty much forced to don a pirate accessory -- an eyepatch, a wooden leg, or a hook hand. Magically, of course.

There's a children's section of the party, though the kids will be escorted home by their governesses at a certain time.

As for the adults, they'll enjoy the ship's ballroom, decorated to look spooky but also elegant. They can also be on the deck, from which you can also hear some faint music. They have also employed some ghosts to add in to the aesthetic. For those who like exploration and privacy, there's access to the rest of the ship compartments, though remember, there's ghosts floating around that could catch you in a compromising situation.

At a certain point, Philip Rowle is going to announce something to the guests.

Contact Player(s): Seneca Lestrange & Elias Grimstone



What: Hogwarts Pumpkin Fete
Who: Ostensibly organized by the Hogwarts Matrons who will also be supervising. All students & staff are welcome, but not required, to attend.
Where: Hogwarts Grounds
Why: Talk of student Halloween events; got briefly inspired <3
When: October 28th-29th

Pumpkin Regatta: [Sunday Afternoon] After some wily fourth years made it into the pumpkin patch unattended, the pumpkins managed to grow to thrice their anticipated size (which was already large!). Ranging in size from a standard trunk to a full-on carriage, those not needed in the kitchens have been "donated" evenly amongst the houses, where hosuemates in pairs or up to a group of four (depending on the pumpkin size) can make them seaworthy (lakeworthy?) for a no-magic pumpkin regatta on the lake (there will be a thread with more details).

Bonfire: [Saturday Night] A large bonfire in one of the courtyards with mulled cider, pumpkin pasties, and perhaps a story or two. Curfew for tonight has been extended to midnight to accomodate this, but woe befall anyone who lingers outside the common rooms past the tolling of the bells at that time.

Ghost Tour: [Each Evening] the Hogwarts ghosts (the cooeprative ones, at least) have been enlisted to lead actual walking tours throughought the castle and grounds to teach of the school's history etc.

Pumpkin Hunt: [Full Week-End] Throughout the castle, dozens of tiny jack-o-lanterns have been placed. Each is charmed to tell a riddle. If your student gets the riddle correct, they will get a boiled sweet.

Contact Player(s): Aldous Crouch


The following 5 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Daffodil Grimstone, Gus Lissington, Philomena Sprout, Violetta DeCroix

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

What: Halloween Decoration Contest
Who: High Street Business Association in coordination with Merlin's gentleman's club.
Cost: No cost to enter your building; modest cash prizes available
Where: High Street + Bartonburg North
Why: Spooky Season
When: October 20-31st.

Business owners and residents of North Bartonburg are invited to participate in a Halloween decoration contest. Choose your own theme, drawing inspiration from Muggle Halloween traditions, wizarding legends, or actual magical creatures and beings. Those participating should register their address with the High Street Business Association. Those interested in walking through and seeing (and perhaps interacting with?) the decorations can retrieve a map of participants from any of the participating shops on High Street. Some businesses may also be giving out free cups of cocoa or spiced cider to visitors during evening walks.

The homes/businesses involved will be judged by a few community members on October 30th and modest cash prizes will be available for the winner in each of four categories: Best Residential Display [using magic]; Best Residential Display [muggle methods only]; Best Business Display [using magic]; Best Business Display [muggle methods only].

If you want to describe how your character's house/business is decorated so people can reference it in threads feel free to do so over here!

Contact Player(s): Lynn Fortitude Greengrass


Set by Lady!
UC/MCAB | REP 7+ | Halloween Event

[Image: giphy.gif]

What: Haunted Greenhouse Party
Who: For London Society hosted by the Sprout Family
Cost: By donation, with extra amenities inside
Where: Sprouts' Magical Evergardens, London
Why: It's Halloween, Witches >D
When: Oct 30 10pm to Oct 31 4am

Taking place on the Eve of All Hallows' Eve and seeping into the early morning of the Official Day, Evergardens is transforming into a Haunted Greenhouse for its guests. During the Daytime of Oct 30th, guests will be able to see the staff set up for the evening. Later in the evening, guests will be instructed to arrive at a nearby park where they'll be picked up by gigantic pumpkin carriages (a la Cinderella's Carriage) that are pulled by straw horses with flaming manes and tails. Once the carriage reaches the greenhouse, guests will be instructed to enter the greenhouse via a curtain of magical cobwebs, and then through a dark tunnel made of thorns and multi-colored glowing roses (anyone who may accidentally fall onto the branch thorns will remain unscathed).

Cobwebs will be strung up between the plants with fairy lights and golden orbs lighting the way. The cieling will be bewitched to look like the sky above (like the Hogwarts Great Hall). Plenty of stations with complementary refreshments that smoke and bubble like cauldrons and small bites to eat will be available throughout the entire greenhouse paths.

The creatures often seen around Evergardens (humming birds, butter flies, koi, quails and Phie's fox and kestrel) have also had illusions cast on them to show only their skeletal structure. The teleporting Quails will be allowed to roam freely and may accidentally perch in any elaborate costumed hats (again, mind the hummingbirds, it's not mating season but they're not immune to feeding off of the excitement from a large crowd).

At the center of the greenhouse, a massive ballroom floor has been built several feet in the air for attendees to dance on. It can be accessed by a staircase and depending on the angle, may seem completely invisible (we do hope you're not afraid of heights...). From further away, it appears as if the dancing couples are levitating in mid-air.

Once the clock strikes midnight, the entire greenhouse will darken and things may take a sinister turn...

See below for more details regarding the specific levels which have many different events hosted in them.

LEVEL ONE The Maze room is open for those who fancy a haunted maze that shifts whenever it may feel like it. Guests need only to send up red sparks from their wand to indicate their forfeit; a section of the hedges will collapse to reveal an exit. Those who make it through will win a prize.

LEVEL TWO — The Stone Garden is available for strolling through, featuring the stone statues that have donned costumes for the night and may tell you your fortune if you're polite to them...

LEVEL THREE — is strictly closed off...
Contact Player(s): Philomena Sprout


The following 3 users Like Philomena Sprout's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Daffodil Grimstone, Gus Lissington

What: St Mungo's Hospital Fundraiser
Who: Dempseys (Oz & Sina) hosting; UC folks and anyone attached to either hospital are invited.
Cost: No but you're expected to either donate or buy something at the auction - funds support St Mungo's
Where: The ballroom of the Destiny Hotel, London
Why: Because Oz promised Sina he would
When: 17 October 1893

Technically this is a campaign event but the political stuff is incredibly toned down after the event was rescheduled last month due to dragon stuff - the only reason you'd still know it's a campaign event was because everyone who was invited this time already had an invitation to the prior event which was much more obviously political. Upon arrival guests can mingle with cocktails. There are items in the foyer for silent auction and a table at one end of the room to collect donations. A formal dinner will be served during which a few hospital department heads and/or significant members of the community who tend to donate a lot of money will give short speeches (notably neither Oz nor Sina are included in this list). Following dinner the tables are cleared and the dance floor is open for the remainder of the night.

Contact Player(s): Lynn / Oz Dempsey


MJ is the light of my life <3
Mc/UCAB| REP 7 | Halloween Masque

What: A Haunted Halloween Masqurade
Who: Mrs Lewisham
Where: The London home of Mrs Lewisham, but the house will feel like it's very isolated
Why: Get yer spooks on
When: 31 October

Almost a sterotypical halloween event. The ballroom has been transformed to look like a crumbling ruin on top of the heath, the ceiling is enchanted to look like a stormy night sky. Parts of the floor are transformed to look like you're walking out over a sea top cliff Gargoyles and 'moving statues' are serving the drinks and food - they are actually staff dressed in elaborate charmed costumes. All guests will be picked up by coach driven by a headless horseman. You MUST have a costume to enter, and if you don't you'll be magically assigned one and it won't be cute. There are 'ghost zones' peppered around the house, they are meant to give people the opportunity to perform invisible 'tricks' on other guests, but what you choose to do with it is up to you. There is also a 'treat' table which is just laden with very lavish food stuffs.

Contact Player(s): Dante - Madeleine Backus


[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
UCAB | REP 1+ | To Satisfy Curiosity

What: Gilbert's birthday feast Lord and Lady Westenra's* Hallowed Masque
Who: UC ton from England and all of Europe. Any blood, doesn’t matter. A big presence of German/former Prussian/Austrian ton specifically~ (It’s a good opportunity for ladies who haven’t done well in the English season to potentially snag a rich foreigner.) Additionally, anyone peripheral to the UC but that might have dealings underground with Gil probably got an invite and a suit/dress sent to them, as needed. Other vamps he knows did not necessarily get an invite but can absolutely crash as well~
Cost: none - invitations and portkeys sent
Where: "Nachzehrer-Nachlass" (Gil's private estate that he very rarely opens to the public. If one wanders just too far, they might come across any number of bizzare things he's collected over the centuries.)
Why: Gilbert’s special birthday, Friday Oct 13. He celebrates really only every 7 years when this particular date comes around, and very rarely throws a shindig but this time, since he's been re-united with Az, he's feeling flashy. (Also, I needed an excuse to hurl him with business partners.)
When: Friday, October 13, 1893

Really it's just your old run of the mil masquerade in a creepy refined, gothic, dangerous locale~ Here's the house inspo board and here's the estate and gardens bit.

*For obvious reasons, this event is not being advertised as hosted by vampires lol. Gil does however employ human staff and they took care of most of the prep, with whatever whims Az decided to throw on top. Gilbert just finds infinite amusement being surrounded by a giant buffet as a gift to himself, plus yanno - the sentimental part of him likes the fact that he's back in his home... region, so to say.

**Expect no biting or other vampire shenanigans unless pre-established and certainly no scenes.

Contact Player(s): Azazel and Gilbert Prusseneit


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