March 27, 2020 – 12:46 PM
Rufina Mulciber — Played by Kayte
April 1890
This month, the full moon will be on Sunday, April 5th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.
In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of April.
You can also check this out in calendar view!
Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!
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[b]What:[/b] What is your event? Just the name here, please! Any additional information should go below "When".
[b]Who:[/b] Who is it for/who is hosting it? Who is invited?
[b]Where:[/b] Where will it be taking place?
[b]Why:[/b] Self explanatory.
[b]When:[/b] IC Date
<dd>Put any extra details here!</dd>
[b]Contact Player(s):[/b] Who can members contact for more info? Tag the main account(s) in question!
Once it is posted, you may not be able to edit it.

— graphics by mj ❤ —
March 28, 2020 – 10:15 PM
Ophelia Devine — Played by Lynn
What: A Holiday Dine-In
Who: Mrs. Daphnel to host; intimate (50ish guests) gathering of respectable UC/Upper MC folks
Where: The Daphnel Estate in Wellingtonshire
Why: Mrs. Daphnel's only daughter is set to debut this season but, as the rumor goes, has said no more than fifteen words to anyone during her entire Hogwarts school career. In an effort to introduce her more gently to both eligible gentleman and advantageous members of British society, Mrs. Daphnel orchestrated this party where her daughter will be more or less forced to socialize.
When: 4 April
A formal dinner will be followed by a game of cards. No dancing or anything like that because Miss Daphnel's nerves might not be able to handle so much excitement in one evening.
"It was a simple game, played against one opponent where each had their own deck of cards and the object was to get to the bottom as quickly as possible. In order to keep things interesting, the hosts had created a twist: after the game began, the tables magically rotated every few minutes to change the partners. Since that changed the cards in play as well, it was meant to make the game more difficult and prolong the match" (and therefore prolong Miss Daphnel's forcible exposure to her guests).
Contact Player(s): Lynn
March 31, 2020 – 11:32 PM
Last modified: March 31, 2020 – 11:33 PM by Avery Wilkinson.
Avery Wilkinson — Played by David
What: The Museum of Magical Miscellany's Easter Ball
Who: Hosted by
Fortuna Bixby in the name of the Museum of Magical Miscellany and
Temperance Fairchild in the name of the Church of Magical Jesus. Invited are all UC/well-off MC wizards and witches, patrons of the museum and it's employees.
Where: The Museum of Magical Miscellany, London
Why: Rich people shenanigans, art, fundraising
When: April 15th, evening/nighttime
The Museum of Magical Miscellany is hosting an Easter Ball to commemorate the holiday. For this year's ball, we have teamed up with the Church of Magical Jesus and, next to a fundraiser gala (proceeds will go towards the museum), a new exhibition by the title of
The Church of Magical Jesus: A Retrospective of Wizarding Britain's Most Prominent Bridge to Christianity will be unveiled by Temperance Fairchild. While there will be bouncers at the museum's entrance to ensure nobody not fitting the bill doesn't make it inside the museum, that doesn't mean you couldn't possibly slip past in, say, an invisibility cloak or if you were an Animagus... But do so at your own peril, as we reserve the right to treat you as an intruder should you enter the museum without permission on that day and be discovered.
Contact Player(s): Avery Wilkinson
April 13, 2020 – 11:34 AM
Last modified: April 13, 2020 – 2:53 PM by Cecily Gallivan.
Cecily Gallivan — Played by Sofia
What: Surprise Birthday Party for
Theodore Gallivan (
sorry Theo)
Who: Hosted by a very eager Cee who wants to cheer her brother up. Invited are:
- All players of the Chuddley Cannons.
- Sponsors of other Quidditch teams, Quidditch players except for those who play for the Falmouth Falcons, and other Quidditch involved people that aren't known murderers.
- Theodore's old Ministry co-workers. (so aurors-in training etc)
- Anyone who's friends with Theo, Cee or their stepmother.
- Old classmates that the Gallivans were reasonably friendly with.
Where: Chuddley Cannons stadium.
Why: Because it's Theo's birthday!
When: April 28th
The Chuddley Cannons' stadium will be used as an open space to host a garden party of sorts. Think white tents with food and drinks, a podium serving as a dancefloor. Basically something like this.
Cee will have a fake letter arrive at the Gallivan home about the Cannons stadium having been destroyed by a fire. Cee will be all "omg Theo we must get there asap!!!1!", she'll side along aparate with him there and everyone will be waiting for them to surprise! him.
But surprise surprise, Cee will be splinched instead.
Contact Player(s): Ruby Urquart