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Issue #246 - An Unmarried Lady's Guide to Making the Most of the Holiday Season

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ooc note: copious use of this potion will cause the character to become invisible though their clothes will remain visible like in "The Invisible Man". Face Blemish Removal Potion
2 Measures Standard Ingredient
2 Drops of Lemon Juice
4 Beetle Eyes
5 strands of Demiguise hair - for especially stubborn blemishes, you can add up to 3 more.

1. Fill a size 2 pewter cauldron half way with water.
2. Mix in the standard ingredient. Stir counterclockwise five times.
3. Put in the lemon juice. Stir clockwise three times. Potion should turn a very light yellow.
4. Put in the beetle eyes. Stir counterclockwise four times. Potion should become a golden color.
5. Throw in the demiguise hair. Stir clockwise twenty times. Potion should now be a shimmering gold.
6. Apply directly to affected areas, if mixed correctly the potion will simply disappear into your skin and work its magic!

Witch Weekly does not take any responsibility for side effects this potion may cause.

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Quiz: What You Should Ask For This Holiday Season
The holiday season is right around the corner. Are you too busy planning the perfect holiday event to know what to ask for this season? Try our survey for special ideas to make this season magical!

1. What is your marital status?
A) Single, with no obvious marriage prospects as of yet.
B) Single, but with several respectable men who have shown an interest.
C) Married, of course.

2. What is your day to day like?
A) I am too busy with my career for much of a social life.
B) Party planning and attending are a major part of my day.
C) Mostly household activities, though I make sure to keep a healthy social life.
3. What is your most preferred hobby?
A) Perhaps hunting or archery? Something active.
B) Practicing my musical skills or my artwork.
C) Needlepoint or sewing, something with detail.

Mostly A's: A new pet would be a welcome present this year! Whether your new companion is a horse or a new house cat, having a friendly face with unconditional love is what you need to bring in the new year.
Mostly B's: The latest fashion accessory! Your lifestyle calls for the latest fashion to keep up with your social calendar. Be the talk of the social scene in the best of ways!
Mostly C's: Love letters are the most desirable for one in your position! No matter if it is a blossoming romance or one that has lasted for many happily married years, it never hurts to read of your beau's feelings for you!

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An Unmarried Lady's Guide to Making the Most of the Holiday Season
Most of us will agree: the holiday season is the worst time to be unmarried. There's nothing like holidays centered around family and togetherness to remind us of our own failures in courtship, especially when we're reaching an age where friends of our own are marrying and celebrating their children's first Christmases. While we cannot all have a Christmastime wedding, there are plenty of ways to make your holiday season more merry and magical.

Donn a special winter gown!

Fashion is one of the easiest ways to highlight your holiday spirit—and one of the easiest ways to catch a suitor's eyes! We recommend something jolly yet timeless; no need for wacky embellishments or too much fur. Something classy, elegant, and stylish (and perhaps in holiday colors) is guaranteed to turn heads at the numerous holiday parties that are bound to find their way onto our schedules.

If you are feeling especially adventurous.... charm your dress! While sparkling lights may be an overkill at some venues, there are more subtle charms that might elevate your fashion game. Try a charm that makes the red fabric of your dress turn white over the course of the hour by making it appear that snow is falling from the waistline. Sew bright red ribbons around the hemline and waist. Try bold holiday colors and patterns!

Make new friends — hand out holiday treats!

Few things scream holiday delight and femininity like handing out baked goods. Not only does it allow you to spread holiday cheer throughout your neighborhood, but it also gives you the opportunity to know your neighbors better. While we all hope that we are well-known and well-liked by our neighbors, ladies living in bustling areas like Hogsmeade or London might find themselves unfamiliar with the people living down the road. Whi knows—one basket of baked goods might see your calendar booked through January!
We often get so caught up on what we lack in life that we forget what we do have. Don't allow yourself to be weighed down by the woes of wintertime!

Give back to your community

The holiday season is one of the most popular time for fundraisers and charity events. Poor children wake up on Christmas morning without gifts, and without wives to knit them, elderly widowers need knitted blankets to keep them warm through the winter. While we often spend time focusing on what we can do to make ourselves happier, nothing fills the soul with joy like helping those in less fortunate positions. It helps remind us that we have plenty to be thankful for despite the shortcomings in our lives.

Plan a family dinner

It is not uncommon to have three, four, or sometimes five or more uncles and aunts, but has your family ever hosted all of them under the same roof? Some may call it chaos, while others may believe it to be an opportunity to make new memories. Organizing a dinner party may be done on your own or with the help of your mother or sisters. The holiday season is all about family; do not forget the ones who raised you, even if you long for one of your own.

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Stars Reveal Your Most Likely Method of Death
Capricorn You will be killed by an animal of some kind. Be especially wary of beasts with horns.
Aquarius Traditionally this portended being lost at sea, but in the modern era where fewer voyage it can equate to any transportation-related death, such as a carriage accident or broomstick crash.
Pisces Your method of death is uncertain, but your corpse is likely to be consumed by something. Solicit loved ones to regularly check on you to avoid being devoured by beetles, or plan for a closed casket funeral.
Aries You will be crushed. This may involve something falling on you, or you falling to your death, or could even be interpreted as death by smothering. Beware relatives wielding pillows; they may not be trying to comfort you.
Taurus Death by illness is most likely for you. Exercise to increase your longevity.
Gemini You will die of over-indulgence. What is your primary vice? Alcohol, food, opium? Surround yourself with friends who are unafraid to cut you off when needed.
Cancer You are likely to die from either an overabundance of water (drowning) or a lack of it (dehydration).
Leo Whatever method your death takes, it will be utterly fabulous. You are bound to make headlines.
Virgo You will be murdered, through no fault of your own. Someone may be trying to gain an inheritance, sabotage your business, or steal your love.
Libra You will be murdered, but unfortunately you do bear some fault in this scenario. To extend your life, try being nicer to those around you and avoid angering anyone who currently holds a deadly weapon.
Scorpio You will die when the building you are in succumbs to catastrophe. Fire, collapse, troll attack - any of these might be in your future. You may also languish painfully for hours before death, we are sorry to say.
Saggitarius You will die of old age. Lucky you!
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