Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Seven Exercise Tips and Tricks for the Socialite! A conflicted topic, exercise for genteel women is something that has been tossed back and forth for a while now with neither side coming out a clear winner. Hard, straining, physical labor is something to be left to the working class. Too much labor or labor that is too intense can leave a woman with deformed organs and can destroy her figure and color. However, in the appropriate amounts, exercise rather than labor, can increase flexibility and maintain a level of fitness required for not only producing healthy heirs but increasing the likelihood of good health in old age. Witch Weekly is here to provide you with seven tips and tricks for exercising properly and maintaining bodily health for both women and young girls.
A portray of Calisthenics from A Treatise on Calisthenic Exercises by Signor Voarino, 1827
How much should I exercise? For young girls, the level of exercise attainable is far higher and the best bet is simply to stop when the body is tired. However, due to the social nature of women prompting would likely be required to start a young girl to exercise. Once a girl reaches puberty, more care must be maintained in her exercise regiment and limited as too much could bring early aging.
What kind of exercise should I do? Young girls ought to be allowed to partake in any exercise or game that allows them to use both their arms and legs such as trundling a hoop, battledore, trapball - pardoning the more boyish sports of wrestling, cricket, quoits, and other sports termed athletic. Women, however, should retain themselves to things such as walking, dancing, horseback riding, and calisthenics.
Walking should be practiced daily pardoning days where the weather forbids, including on days when the rain is to a drizzle or shower.
Dancing can bring about gracefulness and disciplined management of the whole body. However, come complex moves should be left to professional dancers who have trained their wholes lives to be able to move as such or risk injury and lasting damage to the feet or ankles. Likewise, more rapid and violent dances - such as a Scotch reel - should be avoided for similar reasons.
Horseback riding increases the uses of many body muscles including those in the arms and thighs and increases the lungs functionality. Horseback riding is not suitable for young girls as the positions maintained may produce deformity in an undeveloped body.
Calisthenics build muscle strength and flexibility and can be started from a young age. Discrete enough that society woman may practice from the comfort of her own home.
What other forms of exercise are there? Tennis and bicycling have opened to women and may prove to be an excellent source of exercise however they tend to be not as well viewed by the masses of society and the others due to their more demanding nature and should be practiced with thought and caution.
What should I wear to exercise? Wearing full-dress to exercise would be perfectly acceptable except in forms that require special clothing such as horseback riding, cycling (depending on your form of cycling) and tennis. In the privacy of your own room, some exercises may prove easier with only the undergarments. A fitness corset with a stiff bust and elastic sides maybe be aquired for further ease of movement along with shoulder straps to hold the corset in place.
What can improve exercise? Along with exercise, women may wear a corset and kickers made from rubber. The rubber will cause an increase in sweating - increasing weight loss - but would also hold in fat more effectively.
What may be used in turn with exercise to control shape and weight? The average weight of an adult female is around 120 pounds. Along with exercise one may maintain a diet to either loose or maintain her weight - or if need to gain weight as there is some base to the ideas that a body weight too low contributes to hysteria.
What type of diets are there? Which should you use? The most popular diets include the tapeworm diet, diet pills and potions, and the vinegar diet.
The tapeworm diet would allow you to continue eating as you already do without the worry of gaining weight. How it works is you would acquire and take a pill that contains a beef tapeworm cysts and the tapeworm would mature in your intestines and absorb the extra food. Once at your desired weight, one would simply take an anti-parasitic pill to kill the worm.
Dieting pills or potions speed up the metabolism and are often called 'miracle cures'. This pills or potions contain ingredients such as arsenic.
The vinegar diet consists of drinking plenty of vinegar, along with a cup of tea and a raw egg. The combination causes you to vomit, losing weight and your appetite. The results will leave you both thin and pale.