Except it's not murder. Or maybe it is. Nobody knows. Not even me, yet.
THE PREMISE: An event is being held in magical London, intended to attract a certain ~type of character. At first, everything looks completely normal and routine and legal—until it's revealed that the event is being used as a cover for some really shady shit. Or embarrassing shit. Or socially unacceptable shit. Whatever it is, all the characters realize that they never should have come.
THE CONFLICT: Someone dies. Maybe it's related to the nature of the event (i.e. the event is hosting something dangerous that ends up killing someone) or maybe someone does commit murder. Either way, the characters decide that they cannot afford to be caught in the middle of the mess.
THE RESOLUTION: The characters agree that none of them will talk to anyone about where they were or what they witnessed. They'll go about their daily lives as if nothing ever happened, and in the event that one of them is suspected of involvement they will do whatever is necessary to shift the blame. Maybe an unbreakable vow is made. Maybe they begin to wish an unbreakable vow had been made.
THE POINT OF THIS ALL: It's a fun way to get characters of different ages, social classes, and life circumstances together to see how they'll handle trauma. Also I get to write Daily Prophet articles, but that's more of a Bree!bonus.
HOW FAR WILL THIS GO?: Probably not a major plot, but something that could be recurring over the next few months. After the initial incident the characters can go back to their lives, so it won't hold up any other plots they have going on. Their reaction to and involvement with the incident after that is up to the player. Nobody will get arrested IC or suffer any consequences unless the player wants them to. I'm more interested in building unlikely character relationships than solving a huge mystery, if you get what I mean.
— a bougie rich person, maybe a debutante or some rich man who wasn't built for this
— someone who works in the Ministry and is worried about losing their job
— someone whose secret is caught by the other people and decides to blackmail everyone into keeping it
— the person who was with the person who died
— someone who decides that other people have more to lose than them and tries to extort everyone for money
— the person who dies (a played character? An NPC with an active IC family?)
— a student type who doesn't have anyone to confide in
— two characters who decide they're going to take matters into their own hands

— set by MJ <3 —