Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

Read Only
August 2023
Activity Check Incoming
Hello, the next Activity Check is five days away, and will take place on Sunday, August 6th. Please make sure that...
  • Your mini-profile is filled in
  • All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on. 
  • Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once this month
  • Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance (Did you get a "DIY" PM? You'll need to do this!)
  • Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this may need doing!

Contests & Events
— The August Writing Challenge is live! Time to see what a second meeting sparks...
Posting Wizard signups are open!
— Submit your autumn banners now!
Apply for Hogwarts Student Staff!
Do you want to run for Minister?
— Don't forget: it's Camp Season! That's right, Camp Charming is underway! (Sidenote: if any members would like to host movie nights, games or social hangout calls this month, please feel free to – if it's open to everyone, we'll count it for CC participation!)

The following 1 user Likes Elias Grimstone's post:
   Aldous Crouch

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Activity Check
Another activity check come and gone!The list of inactive accounts has been compiled and deactivations and list maintenance are underway :) If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in Maintenance starting Wednesday, August 9th. If you have no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately!

(If you lost a character before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!)

Posting Wizard
After a tight PW competition, our winners are Kit (Tycho Dodonus) with 57 posts & Kayte (Aldous Crouch) with 60 posts!
Camp Charming
It's Camp Season!

& the next Charming Weekend will take place from 11th - 13th August!

The following 1 user Likes Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Aldous Crouch

MJ made this!
Student Updates 2023
Roll up, roll up, all Hogwarts students, incoming first years and faculty members — you must post in this thread prior to the next AC to avoid deactivation.

>> Student Updates 2023 <<

The following 1 user Likes Elias Grimstone's post:
   Philomena Sprout

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
A Staff Announcement
You might have noticed the Staff team was down to one moderator, which put us in a strange unbalanced 4:1 ratio of admins to mods. Well, we've solved that!!! Forget mods – our loveliest Lady has stepped up to become an admin! <333

This means all staff members will now be able to help with all of your maintenance needs, app acceptances et al, so congratulations to Lady, congratulations to us, and congratulations all round!

[Image: giphy.webp]

Also to celebrate, Lady is changing her main account from Faustus Prewett to the adorable Philomena Sprout. Useful to note for tagging purposes ;)

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Hogwarts Quidditch Tryouts, Ahoy!
[Image: giphy-downsized.gif]

Time to get in some practice everyone, Hogwarts Quidditch Tryouts are right around the corner! Head on over to see which positions are open.

Don't have any candidates? There's an app for that ;)

O Captain, my Captain!
Although badges won't be distributed IC until the Sorting Feast, with quidditch tryout signups underway, we figured you might want to know who this year's captains are!

Kayte will contact captains with information about quidditch tryouts once she's home from her trip.

The following 2 users Like Philomena Sprout's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Robert Rowle
Ministerial Reminder
Hello! As a reminder any characters you want to run for Minister must be revived or accepted by August 25th in order to be active for one month as of the Sept. 25 deadline. Thank you all!

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Daffodil Grimstone

MJ made this!
100k, Oh My!


Listen it's been a long time since I hosted this, mistakes were made and learned from xDD My apologies to all you who had to wait for these results, but they are in!

Congratulations to all of us because 100k on this new board is quite some milestone!! Stars + stamps for everybodyyyy but especially Sofia, Dante, Adaliah, Kayte, Jordan, Ahtena, MJ, Cherry, Jen, Fallin, Fawkes, Steph and Amy who all sent in screenshots for the 100,000 Post Contest!

Congratulations are also in order to Kit, Emma, Kelly and Elaine who were speed racers and got their screenshots in on time, thus securing themselves an ATO prize!

<img src="https://charmingrp.com/images/stamps/100kposts.png" title="100,000 Posts Contest" />

Want Ad Cleanup
Kayte will be doing a want ad cleanup on Monday, September 4th. This will affect...

Please ensure that you check in on your reservations, store any fulfilled requests, and that all entries a posted or edited on or after July 1st, 2023. Anything else will be deleted in the cleanup.

Any questions or concerns? Pester Kayte using your preferred method <3

The following 3 users Like Philomena Sprout's post:
   Henry Berkwood, Siobhan Hanrahan, Sweetie Whitledge
AC Approaches
The Activity Check will be one week from today! Please ensure that:
  • Your mini-profile is filled in
  • All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on. 
  • Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once this month
  • Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance (Did you get a "DIY" PM? You'll need to do this!)
  • Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this may need doing!

MJ made this!
Student Staff 1893
Miraculously, all my scores came in on time, which means I can reveal our STUDENT STAFF for this year!

Isobel Valenduris has been retconned as Gryffindor Prefect (sixth year this year). Our new prefects this year are Lottie Whymper, Charles Whymper, and Hesper Gamp. Last but not remotely least, our Head Girl for the 93-94 school year is...

Please note that, with the exception of Miss Valenduris, these positions will not be made known IC until tomorrow's sorting feast.

The following 2 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
   Algernon Rowle, Philomena Sprout

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Sorting 1893
Hey folks - the sorting is up, and you can post your first years there any time between now and the end of September - as long as you've put them in student updates!

MJ made this!

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