October 3, 2023 – 7:40 PM
Elias Grimstone — Played by MJ
Activity Check
The announcement's a little belated, but...
Another activity check come and gone! The list of inactive accounts has been compiled and deactivations and list maintenance are underway :) If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in
Maintenance starting
Wednesday, October 4th. If you have
no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately!
(If you lost a character
before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!)
Posting Wizard
Well done to September's winners, Athena (
Elisabeth Champagne) with 61 and Bree (
Flora Mulciber) with 52! This month sees a battle between Beanie, Kayte, Lady, Cherry, Kelly, Lynn and Steph! May the posting odds be ever in your favour~

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
October 3, 2023 – 9:24 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
Candidates for the Ballot
Our candidates in no particular order for the ballot:
Timoleon Maxime Lionel Lupin Sweetie Whitledge Ozymandias Dempsey Aldous Crouch Jude Wright.
As a reminder: all announced candidates are IC on the ballot! The reduction to 6 is to reduce administrative overload on our staff and members for voting after feedback we've received in previous elections. (So if anyone REALLY wants to vote for
Emerett Picardy, you can still post that they are in the voting thread.)
Re: voting processes and lists, please give me two days and they will be up!

MJ made this!
October 5, 2023 – 7:30 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
In-Character and
OOC ballots are up! Please check out the guidelines in the threads.

MJ made this!
October 8, 2023 – 2:33 PM
This is less of a "Bee Desperately Needs Buddies" and more of a "Hey! Buddy apps are always open, join me!" I like OPTIONS!
Especially if you have characters that are;-- student characters (2nd-5th-ish years especially!)
-- lower reputations
-- non-human characters
-- characters over 35
-- non-Hogsmeade residents
Not saying that you should shy away if you don't have any of those things, but they would be extra helpful!
PM this form to Daffy's account please!
[b]Main Account:[/b]
[b]Playable Time Zones:[/b] (Time zone that you can RP with. This can either be ones that are similar to your own, or others for those night owls/off hours members.)
[b]Playable Usergroups and Social Classes:[/b] (Which usergroups and social classes do you currently have)
[b]# of Requested Buddies:[/b] (How man buddies can you handle at one time? It is recommended that volunteers start off with one or two at a time and go from there due to the activity requirements.)
Current Buddies please check in the forum for an update!!
October 18, 2023 – 5:42 PM
Cassius Lestrange — Played by Beanie
a handful of election reminders
In-Character and
OOC ballots are due by 11:59 PM CST on 10/19. If you have votes you haven't cast yet, your main or character accounts were just tagged there.
Additionally, a reminder that it's not over until the
Daily Prophet article drops — there will be behind-the-scenes vote verification & the addition of our realism and IC participation votes, which means
the Ministerial reveal will drop before I go to bed on 10/19. If you nudge me while I am doing these processes I will be very sad, please let them happen without nudging.
Thanks, pals!

MJ made this!
October 26, 2023 – 5:23 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
Ch-ch-changes! After meaning to for
eons, we have refreshed our
reputation system—changes aren't nearly big enough to be an 'overhaul', don't worry! This DOES mean a bit of tedium on your part, I'm afraid, though:
all characters need to be updated or confirm they are good to go where they're at! This needs to be done no later than
Saturday, December 3rd to remain active following the December AC.
(This is also a great opportunity to update your character rep logs :P)
Note: We know the page on reputation (still) isn't optimized for dark skins! Content changes are pretty easy, but coding changes require more coordination—it is very much on our list!
And just a hint at what's to come in the next couple weeks: a doc on
mourning and the
next chapter in our SWP...
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
![[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/TrSGeWR.jpg)
— graphics by lady ❤ —
October 28, 2023 – 11:12 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
Well, we
almost made it a month without tragedy.
31st October during the Halloween Feast, Professor
Thomas Pembroke died in a Stair Accident. It was
kept quiet from the students, though those in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw might have lamented being forced to take the long way back to the common room after festivities (how odd!).
Students will not be allowed to wander the school after this transpires; they'll be kept in the Great Hall until the conclusion of the Feast and then moved back to their house spaces.
Classes are cancelled November 1st and students confined to their common rooms. "Picnic style" meals will be provided. House matrons will give the Official Story at lunch time that day—Professor Pembroke had a tragic fall down the stairs and lost his life as a result. Yes, the school is completely safe. We should all be mindful of where we put our feet. Classes will
resume November 2nd, with the thoroughly unqualified
Reuben Crouch 'subbing' Muggle Studies until the school finds a permanent replacement!
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
![[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/TrSGeWR.jpg)
— graphics by lady ❤ —
October 31, 2023 – 11:51 PM
Elias Grimstone — Played by MJ
AC Approaches
The next Activity Check will be in five days on
Sunday 5th November! Please ensure that:
- Your mini-profile is filled in
- All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on.
- Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once this month
- Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance (Did you get a "DIY" PM? You'll need to do this!)
- Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this may need doing!
November News...
Posting Wizard signups are open, and
Charming Nano 2k23 officially begins at
12am EST on 1st November! Make sure your spreadsheet is good to go... aaaaaand happy posting!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3