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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This is: Dot!
This is Dot!

Dot is a 20yo MCPB woman who runs a "consulting" service. You've got problems? She's got solutions. String of bad luck? Let Dot identify which of your belongings is cursed and cleanse it for you. Big decision up ahead? Come get a tarot reading and some advice.

Customers | She advertises in the paper! Let her solve your problems! (Note: ~80% of her clients don't actually have magical problems and most of her solutions are placebos, but you don't need to know that!) Anyone of any background is welcome if you can pay a modest fee for the service. These can mostly be one-offs but I want a handful of recurring clients who are very superstitious and a little over-reliant on her services. I'd also love for her to get mixed up in something ~dramatic because of one of her clients. She's only been working with magical clients for the past 8 months or so.

Friends | She's very bubbly (maybe verging on toxic positivity in some cases) so if you have a personality that is agreeable to that and are generally in the late teens/early twenties age range, hit me up. Friendships would have to be established in the past three years, unless anyone wants to have a childhood friendship kept alive via letter since she was ten xD Anyway; male/female, any class if she could reasonably run into them, respectable.

Family | I have ads but they're very fluid. Come join me <3 If you do you get read in to the secrets. Did I tell you there were secrets? Well there are.

Friends of Family | Since Dot didn't attend Hogwarts I imagine many of her general society connections come from friends-of-her-siblings who have been stopping by the house periodically over the last three years. Respectable MC types in their 20s-early 30s could fit here. This is basically an in for anyone you think it would be fun to thread with Dot but wouldn't be one of her customers.

Miscellaneous Hogsmeade Run-Ins | She lives in Bartonburg South and I would love to find another family in that area to be neighbors! Also up for various interactions around town.

Hurls | She never technically debuted so she isn't "society" but goes to things like art exhibits, garden parties, etc where you don't necessarily need to be out. She doesn't think she wants to marry but is mildly interested in someday seducing some rich, hot guy (married or not). I'm open to hurls of any variety just to see what happens xD I don't actually know her sexuality yet because that desire to seduce a rich hot guy is more a "to prove I can" thing, so let's see.

Beautiful set by Kit!
I wish I had more for Dot with my one-char roster but will hit you up as that expands <3

In the meantime Ida has a lot of silly excuses to be running around Hogsmeade on the basis of her family's business. They have a booming spice/ingredients trade from the East thing going on and maybe Dot's put in some special requests for her consultancy services? Wink If this happens then in the last 3 years they very well may have run into each other. Ida does menial tasks like quick special deliveries + posting up flyers or ads and up until this year was really aggressively trying to prove her dad that she can run part of the business. Maybe Dot got a funny sales pitch as a result xD Could be funny if that made Dot want to barter services with Ida but Ida is, uh, the Dana Scully to your Fox Mulder when it comes to superstitions. Smile

I can throw Gus Lissington at her as a potential friend lol. He has a small box that he can't open despite being a curse breaker for a decadeish (I want to say it holds nothing of importance, but he doesn't know that lol), but also has a love of cursed things and breaking them. He also grew up in Bartonburg South, so they could be neighbors too. He has a younger sister, albeit about 27, so still older, but that doesn't mean their parents couldn't have been friends. Either way, I think they'd hit it off.

If you want a rich guy hurl, have Atticus Foxwood lolll.

Effie Faraday is also very upbeat so I feel like they could be pals!

Noble Greengrass is a small business type?? I feel like a weird run-in could occur here?

But: hear me out, Elliot Carmichael comes to get his tarot cards read to figure out if she's a seer or not.

MJ made this!
Wow these things are all FIRE.

Ida Chang Dot did some of her growing up in that part of the world so I could definitely see her buying spices from them. She also had to fight her dad to be able to have her business so if Ida tried to salespitch her Dot might just adopt her as a protégé which I'm REALLY into because it sounds hilarious. Maybe we can do letters, or they could grab tea together on a Hogsmeade weekend?

Gus Lissington Yes yes yes, we can assume they're neighbors and maybe their siblings were friends first and that's how they became acquainted? (Dot has older siblings) They could have a friendly catch-up and geek out about cursed objects or he could get her opinions on the box, whichever you prefer Smile As for Atticus, where might one run into him other than society events? Eyes

Cassius Lestrange I was already thinking she and Effie would get along, I just hadn't brought it up yet xD I definitely think there's interest to be had with Noble- maybe we can establish that they've met before and save a thread for when she needs an inexplicably specific potion? Eyes because, uh, that will probably happen. And I am AGGRESSIVELY into the thing with Elliot. AGGRESSIVELY.

Beautiful set by Kit!
Yes, I am all for that idea! Gus would love to geek out about everything and anything cursed with her, and maybe once he trusts her/fed up with that box he'll be like SO THIS IS A THING. Hahah
And for Atticus, I can toss him almost anywhere lol. I promise he has hobbies outside of social events, plus I mean, man's gotta get clothing from somewhere for the season. And mama Foxwood can be demanding and send him when she's had enough of him for a bit xD

Ahhhhhh, I love herrrrrr! Sooo many things!

Poppy Dashwood - I feel like she and Poppy could be friends! They could meet through Ida, if that becomes a thing! I don't know how much Poppy would trust her/her services, but Poppy would gravitate towards her personality! And she'd love to hear about Dot's life experiences, because she feels stifled.

Olixander Blackwood - the complete opposite of Poppy, lol. He hella buys into these things and has his own philosophic ~thoughts about how the world works and different influences in it (tides, moons, etc). BASICALLY, in modern day, Oli would be one of those people with tons of crystals and things around his house and wicca books. I could see him coming to her as a client, just to see what the fuss is about. I think it would require a catalyst, and he'd be kindof a jerk while there? But it could be fun lol.

Hello everyone, I started a lot of things!

for Elliot

for Gus

for Ida or Poppy or both!

an open thread which could work for Atticus Foxwood, Olixander Blackwood, or Don Juan Dempsey (or none of the above, lol) - claim it if you like and otherwise holler at me and I'll start something else!

So still on my list for her are...
- a thing for Effie
- more Dot-meets-men open threads for whoever does not take the open above

Come throw me more things, folks <3

Beautiful set by Kit!

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