11 February, 1892 — Padmore Park, Winter's End Celebration
Dot had started off determined to win the snow and ice sculpture competition, but her optimism had faded somewhat once she'd actually seen the competition. By the time she arrived that morning with a thermos of cocoa in her hand and several spare changes of gloves (they had said no magic and she was taking the stipulation very seriously, and planned to change gloves any time they were too wet to continue instead of drying them out with a charm), there were already several taking shape that looked quite impressive. Perhaps someone had misunderstood (or ignored) the direction about not using charmwork to create these. Perhaps she still had a chance. She certainly hoped so, anyway, because she wasn't planning on giving up now. She wasn't the sort of person who gave up on things.
Planting her thermos in the snow — some of which was probably natural but most of which had certainly been brought on with the help of a weather charm, she expected — she set to work. She had a scene in mind, which required several figures, so the first thing she did was roll a big ball of snow to serve as the base of one of her snowmen. She wondered whether they had any plans for magically replenishing the snow if it was all claimed and sculpted before tomorrow morning — not that that currently seemed likely, but it was still early and one never knew. She continued on, building three crude snowmen that she intended to continue whittling down to the proper shapes and sizes, then went for her first change of gloves and sip of cocoa for the day. While she was a bit removed from her scene, she caught someone walking by giving her (admittedly bizarre) work-in-progress a long, hard look.
"If you're so interested you can pitch in to help," she called cheerfully. "There's a prize for groups as well as individuals."
Planting her thermos in the snow — some of which was probably natural but most of which had certainly been brought on with the help of a weather charm, she expected — she set to work. She had a scene in mind, which required several figures, so the first thing she did was roll a big ball of snow to serve as the base of one of her snowmen. She wondered whether they had any plans for magically replenishing the snow if it was all claimed and sculpted before tomorrow morning — not that that currently seemed likely, but it was still early and one never knew. She continued on, building three crude snowmen that she intended to continue whittling down to the proper shapes and sizes, then went for her first change of gloves and sip of cocoa for the day. While she was a bit removed from her scene, she caught someone walking by giving her (admittedly bizarre) work-in-progress a long, hard look.
"If you're so interested you can pitch in to help," she called cheerfully. "There's a prize for groups as well as individuals."

Beautiful set by Kit!