(June 1, 2022 – 1:05 AM)Paxton Fudge Wrote: Aleksei Nichols was one of his prefects before graduating and had quite a bit in common. They would have been very nice and tried their best to be supportive, especially since Aleksei was a prefect. They would have expressed that Florian is free to write them if he needed someone to vent to that isn't a journal.
Milo Nox is going to be a seventh year and would be friendly. He also tutors.
Paxton Fudge is going to be a fifth year and would also be very friendly.
Leander Hobday is Slytherin prefect who is going to be a sixth year. He would be friendly and try to have his back.
None of my current students are really bullying types so I have nothing there for ya. xD
I think it's lovely that you have so many characters who would rather show kindness!! And it'll be nice for Florian to work towards understanding that people do want to be his friend, he's just, perhaps, not letting them, or assuming that they're not serious and that's why he "doesn't have friends."
I know it wouldn't be known to Florian at all, but I think it's cool that Aleksei and Florian both seem to lean more feminine (though, I haven't decided on if it'll affect Ian's gender identity or not) and both are very much gay. I could see Ian asking him questions in letters regarding his conflicting feelings, but not being specific about it because he wouldn't know if he'd think him gross or not. But if he's been someone he can write to or talk to about other matters, it's possible he may feel comfortable with it even if he doesn't know anything about Aleksei's own feelings regarding those things.
Ian probably doesn't need tutoring in Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures, but Milo could help him in Charms! I haven't really decided how he is at that class one way or another, so perhaps he could need some help with it, for sure. <3 I adore Paxton's personality and I feel that will really make them be friends - just, Ian being quiet in his corner and Paxton like, "HELLO DO YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME" and giving him no choice. Just getting Ian to open up and be more social with him. All I'm seeing is all these sweet older boys are going to make Ian both have a gay panic but also give him plenty of people to show him he's in good company and he shouldn't feel so alone <3 I'm excited to thread with any of them.
(June 1, 2022 – 1:17 AM)Naeva Marshall Wrote: The only student connection I have is Seraphina Hall - a half-vampire a year behind him. Definitely someone who would align with him on the bullying circuit (see thread in the Great Hall titled "i'm only human, after all"). Other than that....all of my other students are leaving Hogwarts this year, but I have some people he could encounter in London over the summer.
Given Florian mostly grew up around Muggles, despite being half-blood, I don't think he'd really have anything against someone who is half-vampire? I assume that he wouldn't have grown up used to blood prejudice the way someone who was raised in the wizarding world would. Though, at the same time, he might have some 'inappropriate questions' about whether she will bite him or any of her classmates. Anyway, I think that they could possibly look out for each other, even if Ian is in the year above her, they could hang out sometimes. Ian is an only child so he wouldn't really know what it's like, but I weirdly get like, potential sibling vibes for them, like she's his little sister that he takes care of because he knows what it's like to be alone.
(June 1, 2022 – 1:33 AM)Juniper Edevane Wrote: Lol.
Let’s say Juniper Edevane was probably mean to him but she graduated, so what a lucky guy. If you ever want to thread past, a mean June is a very fun way to pass time xD
Gus Lissington will feel SO BAD if he panics in his class. It would be awful for both of them and I am very willing to explore this lol.
We talked about Gus already - still think that's absolutely hilarious that Ian freaks out his first day and Gus
is just like this meme.
June is so pretty - the same name as Florian's mama. Anyway, yes, I would completely be down for an antagonistic past thread if you'd like!
Icb she was really out here bullying 13-year-olds, that's so mean xD
(June 1, 2022 – 11:14 AM)Madeleine Backus Wrote: I have Yuri Podsnapper - he is a year below him - and an assumed bastard, who is 15 years older than his stated age because someone turned him into a stone statute for 15 years. He was a rough and tumble kid when he started but has gradually 'softened up' - he's still rough around the edges but is loyal to those he likes. He might feel sorry for Florian, or want to be his friend - maybe because he's another hufflepuff oddball.
Yuri is working class, so maybe Florian feels superior to him because he has a family.
I also have @'Emma Binns' - she is a gentle and kind Ravenclaw soon to be 5th year who is also obsessed with magical creatures. Her family recently ascended to the upper classes because her father is a social climber. She would bond with an orange tree if it shared her interests. Her uncle is the bookshop owner so she is an endless source of quiet contemplative bookish moments.
Cadawalader Selwyn - would likely think of subtle ways to trigger him without anyone noticing that he is doing it, and has probably given him a good few detentions, point deductions etc for small infractions.
Meserimus Valenduris - would try to be paternal and caring as a head of house and potions prof, he has dumbledore vibes.
I don't get the idea that Florian would feel superior to anyone, honestly, if anything he'd feel sad for Yuri and that he doesn't have a mom and dad as he does. But he'd also try and make him feel better like, at least you found someone to take you in! And you get to go to school! Ian is very soft, so I think it would provide an interesting contrast if he was friends with someone a little rougher. I think he might also ask him questions about being stone, which, probably isn't polite at all, but Florian has never been great at not being socially awkward.
Maybe Emma can recommend books on magical creatures to Ian! He probably is at the bookstore a fair amount because he reads a lot. I'm sure she might have seen him watching her magical creatures class before, since before he was able to take it himself, he would often sit on the grounds and watch the older students' classes from afar. Maybe she thinks it's weird, or maybe she offers to teach him some things about it when he's still in his first/second year.
Shoutout to Cad for officially being Florian's boggart lmao. He probably has started crying in front of him before.
Aww Dumbledore vibes are appreciated <3
Lovely Set by MJ!