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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This Was Not The First Letter
3 July, 1890
— Jupiter —
Has everything been fine since my last letter? Where are you now? I try not to write too much, but then I worry that I do not write often enough. Saturn told me he misses you, though has mentioned that he hasn't written. I was utterly shocked. Did you two fight? He won't talk about it.

Everything is fine here. Mars seems to be handling the shop fine, and her summertime assistant has been handling her own job well. She told me she used to work at a factory, so I am not very surprised. Remind me to tell you about how we met. Or did I tell you already? Well, please send any exciting tales, and stay safe!
— Your Sister, Earth —

Jupiter Smith/Melody Crouch

MJ made magic
July 8th, 1890
Yes, everything has been well since we last wrote. I'm settling in well and enjoy working with my new team. The weather in Egypt is much different than I was accustomed to in Venezuela,
but tolerance for the dry air will come in time. Though, I will say having a thin coating of sand on my body at all hours is a nuisance.

While I'm glad to hear that Mars is doing well I struggle to believe it. The week leading up to my departure she was utterly distraught. Has she accepted more help with the babies? Have they settled into a routine? Please keep checking in on her, for I, obviously, cannot.

Saturn and I are fine. We'll exchange letters when we need to.

13 July, 1890
— Jupiter —
Egypt? Are you working with those cursed artifacts that were in Irvingly, or something new? I must confess that I know little about Egypt. Are there many things to be discovered?

Oh, well, I didn't really mention the babies in my last letter. Everyone has been visiting her to help out with her children. I'm there as often as I can be, though I think I'm too energetic for her at times. I worry how she will handle having the children constantly wishing to wander when they grow. Though time will tell. I pray for her on that matter particularly.

Please write to him when you can. He seems distant, and it worries me.
— Your Sister, Earth —

MJ made magic
July 20th, 1890
Yes, Egypt. I've only been talking about my upcoming job here since early May. There's a magical site hidden from the muggles about an hour outside Cairo that we're investigating. There's always curses in my line of work, but we're being careful and have cursebreakers nearby to assist us.

Hopefully she will hire a nanny or someone to assist her. It's obvious that she cannot juggle everything on her own.

I'll write to Saturn when I want to. Stay out of it.

24 July, 1890
— Jupiter —
I'm sorry Jupiter. My publisher has been nagging me for months about more pages. I don't want to worry any of you, but I must admit I am quite tired recently. In my defense, I had hardly seen you since our disagreement. I don't blame you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, if I had. I am sorry for that as well. Your mentions of your departure must have slipped my mind with each letter that my publisher has sent.

Honestly, I don't think mother minds how often she visits. Please don't tell Mars I said this, but I have a feeling that she wouldn't be able to afford a shop and a nanny. Though I may just be over thinking the matter. I don't read into her finances. I would offer to help pay for one, but I wouldn't want to insult her by doing so.
— Your Sister, Earth —

MJ made magic
August 3rd, 1890
How lovely it is to know where my work ranks with you. Heaven forbid someone interrupts you and your precious plants.

August 5th, 1890
I shan't disturb you with any further letters, then. I'd hate for you to grow more tired by remembering whereabouts in the world your sister is.

The very least you could do is look out for your widowed sister. Mars needs help, and I'm, obviously, ill equipped to provide it.


10 August, 1890
— Jupiter —
Are you kidding me? Why are you always so selfish? I will pray for your soul.
— Your Sister, Earth —


15 August, 1890
— Jupiter —
That is not what I meant in my last letter. It is not like you have memorized everything I have ever said. For goodness sakes, I can't remember when you were in India and when you were in America! I have been helping Mars. Many times. But I would never wish to insult her by suggesting she can't do certain things on her own. If she was to mention a nanny, I would gladly offer my help.

Is this what running away to Egypt is about? Feeling inadequate? I am sorry if this is how you feel. Please know that none of us see you that way. Raising children is hard. Especially when they are not yours. I don't have the same bond with my nephews and nieces than I do with my own children. I can't tell what they want in the same way. It's exhausting. I can't possibly imagine how you feel. None of us expect you to be perfect. All we have wanted is that you try. And you did try while you were here, and I acknowledge that.

A letter would be most welcome, though I do accept if you choose not to write one. Saturn says hello.
— Your Sister, Earth —

MJ made magic
August 22nd, 1890
Go fuck yoursel—

August 24th, 1890
I did not run away to Egypt. Much like your precious fucking* books, I have a job and responsibilities. How long was I expected to remain out of the field to assist Mars? Another six months? A year? Do you realize what I sacrificed to come home in the first place? The findings I missed out on, the experience I didn't gain? Not to mention my name, once again, won't be near any of the publications because I wasn't on site when the excavation ended. It has nothing to do with feeling inadequate, as you so kindly put it. Children drain your energy and feed on your soul, I have no trouble admitting I want no part of them.

Help Mars or don't, I don't care. When something happens to her or the kids don't say I didn't warn you.

P.S. Enough with your passive aggressive mentions of Saturn. He is an adult and fully capable of sending a letter if or when he chooses. I don't micromanage your relationships with our siblings, so, please mind your own fucking business.

*striked out so heavily it's eligible.

Various versions of this letter were written and discarded as Earth tried not to use curse words and insults.

30 August, 1890
— Jupiter —
I do not care that you are a grown adult, please mind your language.

How dare you imply that I do not help with Mars? Was I wearing an invisibility cloak as I came to help while you were there? Or do you forget that I have children as well and cannot move in with Mars to be a full time nanny? What do you possibly think the rest of us do here? Simply because we do not travel means that we do not work? Are you implying that each of us is simply lazy as you make your grand travels and avoid your own family?

By the grace of God, I will mention Saturn. He is my brother too. As much as I worry for you, I worry for him as well. He has seemed quite upset since you left, and of course I'm going to try to get you two to talk. If you think I have not asked him to write you than you don't know me at all. That is what family is for, to pester their stubborn siblings until the two talk things out and stop acting like spoiled children!

To be blunt, I care more about this family than about your name being in a research paper for the glory of it all. If you are so unhappy with the unbalanced and unfair nature of your work, find a more stable career. I can't control what your coworkers do, but I can say that the health, safety, and happiness of my family matters more to me than one career that whisks you away. I love you with all my heart, Jupiter. I just don't want you to miss out on everything that goes on in your own family. We love you and we miss you.
— Your Sister, Earth —

MJ made magic

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