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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Hogwarts COB: What's Happening?
Hi folks!

I'm taking the annual WW article covering the Hogwarts COB, which is scheduled for May 30th.

Played debs who are using the Hogwarts COB as their official/only Coming Out
Played debs who are staging a private Coming Out later (& relevant details of when/how if you know them)
Played graduates who are not doing the debutante thing and what they're doing instead (PSYR? Working? Going abroad?)
— MISHAPS OR CATASTROPHES occurring during the Hogwarts ball. You can tell me what they are or you can just lmk you're open to one and I can invent it for you Wink
— Gossip or speculation based on COB activities — people seen taking more than one dance together, talking to each other for longer periods of time — maybe even slipping off to the patio together? *le gasp*
— Noteworthy or unusual attendees (but, like, tell me why they're noteworthy or unusual or what they're doing because I am not going to go read your whole character profile trying to figure out what's interesting about them).

Also, feel free to use this thread to coordinate your COB shenanigans Wink

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Melody Crouch
Ophelia is going to be there and I'd love to thread her with some 5th-7th year girl. Depending on how this goes and whether they get along, she could end up supporting or 'sponsoring' a MC deb or WC-but-respectable girl who wants to work, or maybe she'll think you're the worst and set her sights on foiling your coming out, or maybe she can not-sponsor-but-sort-of-adopt an UC deb by introducing her to people this season. Anyway, get at me if you're interested.

Other characters of mine who will attend but won't be doing anything particularly interesting unless someone wants a thread with them:
Thom Pettigrew
Emrys Selwyn
Tiberius Lestrange

Acacia will only be coming out at Hogwarts. Will likely part-time deb, but will be attempting to intern at the Hogsmeade Hospital, so wish the half-vampire some good luck. She might be seen with Ignatius Quirrell repeatedly, do with that as you will. Be on the look out for a thread on the matter.

Dorothy Finch (aka sister of the scandalous Melody) will likely have a seperate coming out, though her father might be searching for an arranged marriage for her, so bring on any speculation on the matter.

Gerald Abbott will likely be there on the wife hunt, so he may encounter a female or two that might bring interest. (come at me with the hurling my peeps).

@"Liliana Selwyn" will definitely be having a seperate coming out. See Gwendolyn Vane-Tempest (aka sponsor of the bastard) for more info.

Sweetie Whitledge will be coming out at school with obvious disinterest and it will certainly be noticeable. Might have someone pester her enough that she turns into a cat, but that a maybe. WW can feel free to say that it definitely happened whether or not I do it, as she's a known animagus and I find that funny. perhaps she supposedly 'startled' someone and they bumped into something/someone, idk

Feel free to throw them under a bus, cause that's fun.

Magic by Elaine!

My debs are decidedly not going because aging but you can do what you like with Holliday Fudge Smile

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
If anybody needs to be caught getting up to no good then Connie is here for you!

[Image: jGi0wPk.png]
MJ made me beautiful
Samuel will be there

Meserimus and his wifey will be there.

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Eldin Bones will be there awkwardly being himself, because he wants to support his class but just graduated himself.

@"Helga Scamander" will be there, trying to catch the eye of more eligible suitors. Lyre Carrow will be there, being awkward and generally uncomfortable.

Frida Lestrange will also be there (but not coming out!) to support her friends Smile

set by MJ <3
Deanna Benwick will likely send someone so she can hear ALL the gossip, or she'll miraculously be well enough to go. I'm on the fence. I also imagine, there's a girl she's sponsoring who is probably attending. She needs someone else to concentrate on while her daughter is kidnapped by that man. If you want to be the student or deb she's sponsoring, let me know!

Clementine Rookwood will be attending, but not coming out. She'll probably be very confused and ogling other girls, I imagine.

The following 1 user Likes Billie Farrow's post:
   Freya Selwyn

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
Freya Selwyn & Daniel Selwyn will be in attendance as they are every year (Freya thinks of it as an anniversary thing). She will likely be spotted eyeing Lilana and Gwen warily and making quiet comments to Daniel.

William Abbott will be there. He and @'Diana Fawley'are engaged as of 5/22 so he's a recently snagged bachelor.

The following 1 user Likes Freya Selwyn's post:
   Amelia Evans
(May 11, 2020 – 11:16 PM)Freya Selwyn Wrote:  William Abbott will be there. He and @'Diana Fawley'are engaged as of 5/22 so he's a recently snagged bachelor.

if you listen closely, you can hear gerald grumbling in the distance

Magic by Elaine!

Andromeda Delacour will be there chaperoning along with Connie XD

None of my students are coming out, but @"Adrienne Selwyn" will be there to support her family! Cordelia Fawley is going as well to see if she can scope out someone or try and make connections.

Faustus Prewett is going, most likely forced by Harriet Prewett? Lauren can confirm or deny that haha

Aaaannndnddd like Emma said, Diana's going as well, but newly engaged >D

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
(May 11, 2020 – 11:35 PM)Amelia Evans Wrote:  None of my students are coming out, but @"Adrienne Selwyn" will be there to support her family!

Legit, kinda sad that Adrienne isn't debuting because I would have loved to see Liliana get all mad about that. The competing Selwyn ladies and all. XD

The following 1 user Likes Acacia Darlington's post:
   Amelia Evans

Magic by Elaine!

While not particularly noteworthy, Charlotte will be there! More for nostalgia's sake than anything else. xD

Veronica Gallivan will be there if Cecily Gallivan's going?

[Image: Sz4O4dC.png]
avatar & signature created by the talented mj
Cee will be there because I imagine she has a friend or two coming out. I don't mind her having shenanigans. Is Warwick Nott coming? xD

Seneca will go because I see that family is going. Is Enoch Rosier going so they can have a brief convo and WW blows it out of proportion? xD

Marcus will be there to look proudly at some of his designs. There can be a mention about a deb wearing one of his dresses or something?

Ruby will go since I see that Holliday is going and she's dying to attend balls. Her being her is sensational enough?

MJ, I would love a @"Jemima Farley" thread with Jack Humphrey-Mavis who danced at last years Coming Out Ball and had flirty banter~ if WW wishes to make speculations.

I would love to do some pre-hurling with Darling Whitledge who will be there but not coming out. UCAB, 19+.

Royal Pyrites is graduating so will be there.

My large stable of mc/uc as well as fifth to seventh years will also likely be there should anyone want a thread with anyone in particular!

(May 12, 2020 – 8:15 AM)Roberto Devine Wrote:  MJ, I would love a @"Jemima Farley" thread with Jack Humphrey-Mavis who danced at last years Coming Out Ball and had flirty banter~ if WW wishes to make speculations.

/again she's a sixth year so not coming out! ... I don't think I have anyone particularly useful, but all are free for shenanigans!

Rosamund Bones is there bc her brother is graduating and to hang out with friends and be generally awkward-at-parties.

Elias and Evander will be there because wife-hunting in various degrees of awkwardness.

Calliope will probably go to judge all the new debs. Kristoffer might do as well.

If she remembers Thomas is a fifth year and could be there, Ester Montgomery might wander in to get a look at him/probably throw off some poor respectable gentleman for giggles.

On the whole I am very open for threads, yell at me if you want something!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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