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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

[Image: tumblr_pnylzuBmfQ1qb77hzo2_500.gifv]

The summer was busy. Then my anxiety was a douchebag.

Got my anxiety under control. Then my depression nearly killed me (well, nearly had me voluntarily committing myself, but close enough).

Upped the drugs. Huzzah! Now I have landlord woes.

It's safe to say I have been a MASSIVE TRASH HEAP the past few months. Please see above re: why but also I want Charming to be my happy place again (rather than a stressful obligation to be ignored when I am not at my best mental health wise). This means that a) from here we never discuss my garbage lifestyle again (don't spook the startled fawn or whatever) and b) I need you assistance to get back in gear!

I still have quite the list of characters. I have vacationed some already out of necessity. My P1 (top priority characters) are as follows:
  • Aldous Crouch
  • Bellona Zabini
  • Blythe Fairchild
  • Elinor Goyle
  • Hamish Darrow
  • Idunn Fraser
  • Imogen Fox
7 is 100% manageable for me.

P2 is "I want to keep them going but not at the expense of the above". These characters are...
  • Abraxas Crabbe
  • Balthazar Urquart
  • Cyrus Westerman
  • George Waterford
  • Gervaise Ollivander
  • Holliday Fudge
  • Julius Scrimgeour
  • Madeline Bell
  • Roslyn Ross
  • Tatiana Lestrange

P3 is "I love them as I do all my treasures but also wouldn't die if I had to vacation them for a bit b/c I need to get my life together". These characters are...
  • Elijah Urquart
  • Evelyn Abercrombie Shelved for now!
  • Herbert Fudge
  • Leopold Trelawney Shelved for now!
  • Nikolai Sleptov
  • Odira Keene Shelved for now!
  • Rufina Mulciber

Please link with threads you'd be willing to continue, any pressing updates from the family, or any desires stronger than 'we should thread them!'. I will be replying/ceasing to suck in the order listed above. Existing threads > New Threads.

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
So glad to hear you're feeling more in control! Look after yourself and for sure Charming should be a pleasure and not a pain! <3

Look after yourself and while ALL of your lovelies will be missed I'm looking forward to threading with you soon!

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Good to see you back! As you know I am experiencing some grim times myself so Charming will have to be the Official Happy Place for us both till it gets better all round Smile

So in reverse order, because I'm awkward like that:

  • I need to cut down on a few myself so if you're vacationing Evelyn I will do the same with Verity until she's needed for plotty goodness and/or we get a confused husband back in the midst.
  • I can put a pin in Leo for you if you like? I'm struggling with Cassie so might bench her for a bit too.
  • The only note I have is for Rufina and it's just that I mentioned her as a guest at Evalina Rosier's UCPB-only Halloween bash but obviously I can alter that if you don't approve?

  • Holliday should probably know by now that Trix is married, if she doesn't already. I'd love to continue their past thread in the owlery with Cora Smile
  • You know I want Tatty in some capacity but it does unfortunately fall into the category of me not having anything specific in mind Sad Yet. I do have some Elladora plotting coming up soon hopefully so I could definitely include Tatty in the list of suspects...

  • The last Lena post I did for Aldous was a relatively natural ending for that interaction so I archived and would be up for more laser-focused hurling if my uselessness hasn't put you off?
  • Bellona's thread with Enoch can stay dead unless you're especially fussed? I don't mind either way as I'll have plenty of her soon enough with Tig and Angel shenanigans :D
  • LOL, sorry Blythe, your aunt's not dead yet. We can wrap up the boat thread though if you'd like? I'm quite enjoying Temperance not being a terrible human to Blythe for once but I also don't mind if we leave it as it is a summer-based thread. In other useful Blythe info I have benched Ebba already in my bid to be better with the rest of the Lauren Bunch so I might leave her there till I'm back in the swing of things.
  • I am happy to honour what I said about making the Hound for the Fox fam but at the moment I really cannot make anyone new, so he'll have to be further down the line. If you want to pimp him in the meantime I totally understand Smile
  • Elinor has been in a state of shock over the Were thing since April - we both suck :P I WILL post in this thread and we can bring it to an end and have something current after Elinor's had time to assimilate it all? I would also be totally into hurling her with Kons Wink
  • Ailsa won the decorating part of the pumpkin boat race and has probably mentioned it about five billion times and bless her, she hopes Idunn is proud of her. I'd love to finish off their summer thread although I think it's to just be assumed that they went to Bruges and got lost :P I also have Helixa ready and waiting for whenever you want her.

I think that's everything?

fabulous set by Lady <3
Kayte! Glad you're back <33333

Cue me trying not to bombard you, obviously take your time and take or leave anything that you want, I can be patient and I am happy for any Kaytethings I get <3

Starting from P1, threads I would love to continue...
Idunn & Dad
Imogen/Jay + any other Foxfam shenanigans tbh

Plus! At some point in future when you can manage 'em, would love Idunn/Nelson/Helixa etc weirdo friendship group threads.
And if Hamish needs things to do, can offer an awkward Darrow nephew and any of my Hogwarts-based folks.

In the P2 zone...
We basically finished that first Leila/Cyrus if you get caught up enough to want to do anything new with those two! He also had a Sarah thread but no pressure with that one.

For P3... Do what you've gotta do! I'm for sure keeping Titus forever and ever so even if you shelve Herbert for a bit he will be floundering about at the Sanditon without a care xD

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Glad you are back Kayte, you were missed! Let me know if you have anything you would like my peeps to participate with.

As for your peeps I think the Fudges are the ones that impact me. Honestly Somersby has been in the realm of young men with nothing to do, so if you are okay with it I can vacation him until you bring Holliday and Herbert back.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom

I'm glad you're turning a corner and starting to feel better! <3 Can haz mizzed u.

As to threads etc. etc. I would love to revive this one with Rufina and I'd say eh forget it if it weren't for impending deceasement. That said, if keeping her around puts added strain on you that you'd rather not have then I completely understand, I wouldn't enjoy it anyway if I thought you were regretting your life choices by seeing it through.

I'd love to have some Tatty/Tig stuff but I don't have any urgent ideas right now for a killer thread so if you put her on ice for a while I won't cry myself to sleep at night.

Tig/Gervaise in an ideal world there would be no dead threads but it's not an ideal world and I won't lose sleep over it.

Tig/Rufina I think it's not far from an end and I would prefer to see it to a conclusion but I'm hardly going to resent you if you're like nah.

Tig/Bellona see above. I'm going to get my ducks in a row and hopefully get the plot with the girls rolling very soon. Watch this space.

I think that's everything...

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
Do we even have any active threads? Any that have died but could reasonably be reactivated? I've sucked so hard that even I'm not sure anymore >.>

NEVERTHELESS, I give my thoughts.

  • We have nothing going on with these characters but we should have something between Blythe and Frida because (1) I miss them, and (2) Frida would have kept in contact because she feels #richguilt about Blythe dropping out of Hogwarts and also there's that stagnant "Frida joins The Church" plot :P
  • Obviously I love Rex and I want to play out his and Flora's friendship more, but I would not whine about his vacationing as long as he returns down the line <3
  • I will, however, cry about Maddy considering that Cammie is my NaNo character and I could offer you so many things if you were to keep her around for the time being :P
  • I love how you've been playing Julius and would not put him back up for adoption if you wanted to drop him for the time being? I can't be one to talk considering that I just vacationed Bella!
  • Concering Rufina: see Abraxas.

I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU CHOOSE, though, and I'm glad to see you around again <333

set by MJ!
YAAAASSS Glad you're back my love! <3 as usual, take all the time in the world, I'm not fussy ^_^

    Hamish Darrow: I'd love to have a thread with him and Andromeda Delacour at some point in the future, but that's just to put on your radar and not at ALL something that needs to happen now!
    Imogen Fox: she and Hestia have this thread that I'd love to continue if you're game!

    Holliday Fudge: echoing Lauren here that I'd love to continue Trixie/Cora/Holliday's thread in the owlery when you're game!
    Julius Scrimgeour: We have a thread with him and Diana where I'm the dolt who hasn't responded yet - if you're down to continue I am too, however, if you need to scrap a few threads Im ok to leave it!
    Tatiana Lestrange: No threads, but if you're specifically looking for plots for her, Id love to establish a relationship between her and Evalina Rosier seeing as she and Elladora have a history too. Otherwise, I'm up for whatever!

    I adore all of these characters and wouldn't protest to threads with any of them, however have no specific threads/attachments atm! <3

[Image: gvM7opq.png]

You guys are all angels, even the handful who risked startling the fawn to reach out privately Wink Y'all are why I love Charming so much.

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Glad to see you back!!! I'm trying to determine which threads we have that are active, but I also have a few general thoughts.


I don't think I have anything active with any of your P1 characters, BUT! Eventually, we should thread Imogen and Eli. Or a thread with a bunch of Fox peeps.


-George and Thomas have two pumpkin threads. I'm cool if we want to pop those on a shelf, or if we want to continue them. Either way, I really love their friendship, so I hope we can thread them at some point in the future whatever you decide! Thread One & Thread Two

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
I too will get my shirt together, we can do this.

I have nobody in P1 that is important to me except Idunn so #whoops

I have need of Maddy to help facilitate Sloane's life, but I can easily manage around her until you want her back. I would love to continue their current pumpkin regatta thread if you keep her!
I will vaca Tala till Gervaise returns. #winwin

We have chatted about Bedazzle and I will probably vacation Syd for a while too as Ginny was not on the list anywhere and I failed so bad there, I feel like an arse... XD Yes.

love youuuuuuuu

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
(November 11, 2019 – 2:13 PM)Billie Farrow Wrote:  P2

-George and Thomas have two pumpkin threads.  I'm cool if we want to pop those on a shelf, or if we want to continue them.  Either way, I really love their friendship, so I hope we can thread them at some point in the future whatever you decide!  Thread One & Thread Two

Let's keep the pumpkin patch? I feel like that has more ~room to grow

The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
   Billie Farrow

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Hi Kayte, thanks very much for the lovely replies~ ^___^ I'm so glad you're feeling more in charge of brain things, I dislike brain things and appreciate so much how tricky and poopy such obstacles can be.

Would it be okay with you if responded to this Bertie/Arven/Somersby thread with a finisher / fade-out? :] I'd run by Fallin as well.

Thanks again for all the goodness, I just wish I could reply faster! I'm going to sit down and have a proper Charming day soon. ^_____________^

The following 1 user Likes Bragi Holm's post:
   Aldous Crouch

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
this group thread would love some Aldous in it. <3

Re: All others. If you want something to do for your P1/P2 characters, this is a good time for me to start things. I could feasibly do something with:

Blythe Fairchild (w/ Adam)
Hamish Darrow (w/ Alfred)
Imogen Fox (w/ Ophelia)
Balthazar Urquart (w/ Ernest)
Julius Scrimgeour (w/ Ben)
Roslyn Ross (w/ Awkward!Alfred)

And clearly we'd come up with something more interesting than 'just a random chitchat thread.' Only offering if you need stuff, though, don't feel obliged because I do not have firm ideas about any of the above yet. xD

P3/Rufina: If you vacay her I will put off crippling Ernest so lmk <3

MJ made this <3
(December 14, 2019 – 7:08 PM)Reuben Crouch Wrote:  this group thread would love some Aldous in it. <3

Re: All others. If you want something to do for your P1/P2 characters, this is a good time for me to start things. I could feasibly do something with:

    Blythe Fairchild (w/ Adam)
    Hamish Darrow (w/ Alfred)
    Imogen Fox (w/ Ophelia)
    Balthazar Urquart (w/ Ernest)
    Julius Scrimgeour (w/ Ben)
    Roslyn Ross (w/ Awkward!Alfred)

And clearly we'd come up with something more interesting than 'just a random chitchat thread.' Only offering if you need stuff, though, don't feel obliged because I do not have firm ideas about any of the above yet. xD

P3/Rufina: If you vacay her I will put off crippling Ernest so lmk <3

Would ADORE for Imogen/Balt/Blythe/Ros for sure! I mean the others generally but let's start there :D

Also if you are planning to cripple Ernest soon I will not vacay her so we can go either way here xD

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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