The summer was busy. Then my anxiety was a douchebag.
Got my anxiety under control. Then my depression nearly killed me (well, nearly had me voluntarily committing myself, but close enough).
Upped the drugs. Huzzah! Now I have landlord woes.
It's safe to say I have been a MASSIVE TRASH HEAP the past few months. Please see above re: why but also I want Charming to be my happy place again (rather than a stressful obligation to be ignored when I am not at my best mental health wise). This means that a) from here we never discuss my garbage lifestyle again (don't spook the startled fawn or whatever) and b) I need you assistance to get back in gear!
I still have quite the list of characters. I have vacationed some already out of necessity. My P1 (top priority characters) are as follows:
- Aldous Crouch
- Bellona Zabini
- Blythe Fairchild
- Elinor Goyle
- Hamish Darrow
- Idunn Fraser
- Imogen Fox
P2 is "I want to keep them going but not at the expense of the above". These characters are...
- Abraxas Crabbe
- Balthazar Urquart
- Cyrus Westerman
- George Waterford
- Gervaise Ollivander
- Holliday Fudge
- Julius Scrimgeour
- Madeline Bell
- Roslyn Ross
- Tatiana Lestrange
P3 is "I love them as I do all my treasures but also wouldn't die if I had to vacation them for a bit b/c I need to get my life together". These characters are...
- Elijah Urquart
- Evelyn Abercrombie Shelved for now!
- Herbert Fudge
- Leopold Trelawney Shelved for now!
- Nikolai Sleptov
- Odira Keene Shelved for now!
- Rufina Mulciber
Please link with threads you'd be willing to continue, any pressing updates from the family, or any desires stronger than 'we should thread them!'. I will be replying/ceasing to suck in the order listed above. Existing threads > New Threads.
![[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]](
— graphics by lady ❤ —